Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998 - 01.11.1999, Blaðsíða 32

Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998 - 01.11.1999, Blaðsíða 32
Talla 2.2 Tekju-, gjalda- og fjárstreymisreikningar hins opinbera árin 1988-1998. General govemment receipts, outlays and finance accounts 1988-1998. Milljónir króna: 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Million krónur: Rekstrartekjur 96.103 115.474 131.049 147.802 149973 147.140 153.281 162.439 177 849 193.394 219.321 Current revenue Eignatekjur 6.134 8.596 8.831 10.514 11.049 10.614 11.610 12.112 11.633 12.302 12.313 Property income - Frá opinberum fyrirtækjum 757 1.415 2.633 2.748 3 665 3 379 4.105 4.827 4.371 5.260 4 296 - From public enterprises • Vaxtatekjur 5.083 6 727 5.728 7.324 6.827 6.794 7.014 6 803 6784 6.556 7.479 - Interest income - Arður og leiga 294 455 470 442 557 441 491 481 479 487 537 - Other property income Skatttekjur 89 728 106.628 121.936 136883 138.449 136.124 141.211 150.010 165.801 180.670 206 296 Tax revenue - Óbeinir skattar 61.324 72.152 78.971 83.731 83.337 76.541 78.522 81.924 89,436 94.667 107.744 - Indirect taxcs • Beinir skattar 28.404 34.475 42.966 53.151 55.112 59.584 62.690 68.085 76.365 86.003 98.552 - Direct taxes Aðrar tekjur 242 250 281 405 476 402 459 318 414 421 711 Other nontax revenue Rekstrarútgjöld 85.422 105.462 121.316 133.670 138.035 142.936 149.020 158.093 165425 173.945 191.698 Current cxpenditure Samneysla 50.537 60.341 68.823 76.612 78.584 82.876 87.468 92.406 98.630 105.445 120.166 Government final consumption - Laun og tengd gjöld 32.627 37.823 42.256 47.682 48.977 51.665 54.589 58.045 63.522 69.610 82.864 - W'agcs - Afskriftir 1.357 1.680 2.924 3.323 3.575 3.801 4.068 4.369 4.634 4.904 5.217 - Consumption af fixed capital - Kaup á vöru & þjónustu 16.552 20.838 23.643 25.607 26.032 27.410 28.812 29.992 30.474 30.930 32.085 - Purchases of goods & services, net (+)Kaup 22.571 28.252 33.525 36.831 39.039 40.774 44.093 46.150 48.589 49.317 54.117 (+) Purchases (-) Sala 6.019 7.414 9.882 11.224 13.007 13.364 15 281 16.158 18.115 18.386 22.033 (-) Sales Vaxtagjöld 8.289 11.207 13.775 15.719 15.609 16.536 18.007 19.955 19.541 19,613 21.204 Interest payments Framleiðslustyrkir 9 107 12.835 12.953 12 319 13 225 10.504 9 607 9492 10.054 10.127 10222 Subsidies Tekjutilfærslur 17 490 21.080 25.765 29019 30.617 33 020 33 938 36.241 37 200 38.761 40 106 Current transfers - Til opinberra aðila - Other levels of government - Til heimila 15.219 17.809 22.334 24.908 26.787 28.963 29.551 31.483 32.238 33.758 26.457 - Households < Frá almannatryggingum 10.162 12.406 14.445 16.182 17.824 19.204 19.922 21.312 21.102 22.208 23.522 < Social security benefits < Aðrar tekjutilfærslur 5.057 5.403 7.889 8.726 8.963 9.759 9.629 10.172 11.137 11.550 2.935 < Other income transfers - Til félagasamtaka 2.176 3.118 3.114 3.712 3.473 3.685 3.982 4.309 4.506 4.441 13.106 - Nonprofit institutions • Til útlanda 95 153 317 399 357 372 405 448 455 562 544 - Transfers abroad HREINN SPARNADUR 10.681 10.011 9.733 14.132 11.939 4.204 4.261 4 346 12.423 19.448 27.622 CURRENT BALANCE Fastafjárútgjöld 15.894 24.043 21.839 25.756 23.159 22.643 24.897 17.742 20.152 19.556 24.795 Capital balance Verg tjámiunamyndun 10.348 12.630 15.265 17.361 17.081 18.925 18.668 15.045 16566 17.168 21.960 Gross capital formation Afskriftir (-) 1.357 1 680 2.924 3.323 3.575 3.801 4 068 4.369 4.634 4.904 5.217 Consumption of fixed capital (-) Fjármagnstilfærslur. hreinar 6.903 13.093 9498 II 719 9.653 7.519 10 296 7 066 8.220 7.292 8.052 Capital transfers, net - Veittar fjármagnstilfærslur 7.420 13 603 10.015 12.430 10.272 8.198 11 044 7.833 9066 8 158 9.450 - Capital transfers paid < Til opinbcrra aðila < Other levels of governmcnt < Til annarra aðila 7.420 13.603 10.015 12.430 10.272 8.198 11.044 7.833 9.066 8.158 9.450 < Other rcsident sector • Fengnar Qármagnstilfærslur 517 510 517 711 619 679 748 767 845 866 1.398 - Capital transfers received < Frá opinberum aðilum < Other levels of government < Frá öðrum aðilum 517 510 517 711 619 679 748 767 845 866 1.398 < Other resident sector TEKJUA FGANGUR/HALLI -5.212 -14.032 -12.106 -11.624 -11.221 -18.439 -20.636 -13.396 -7.729 -107 2.828 FINANCIAL BALANCE Kröfu- og hlutafjárútgjöld 4.661 863 439 5.982 -1.425 -1.894 1.709 6.476 2.976 483 4.400 Net increase in claims Veitt lán, nettó 1.637 -1.505 -661 2.378 4.008 2.198 8.535 9.984 -417 2.407 -3.660 Lending minus repayments - Veitt lán 4.555 6.150 6.801 7.782 7.319 9.205 19.011 18.764 14.545 11.681 11.207 - Total lcnding - Afborganir 2.918 7.655 7.462 5.404 3.311 7.007 10.476 8.779 14.961 9.274 14.866 - Total repayments Eiginfjárframlög 111 -631 275 254 -837 3.321 1.209 156 324 -2.033 -6.011 Change in equity holdings Skammtima kröfur og viðsk. 2914 2.999 825 3 351 -4.596 -7 412 -8036 -3 664 3.069 109 15.987 Othcr claims HREIN LÁNSFJÁRÞÖRF 9.873 14.895 12.545 17 606 9 796 16545 22.345 19.872 10 705 590 1.572 NET BORROn'ING REQUIREMENT Tekin lán, nettó 5.966 12.510 15.218 11.808 18.020 17.762 22.809 20.983 11.468 -54 -4.359 Net borrowing - Tekin lán 12.996 24.358 25.215 22.954 31.215 43.537 48.905 39.711 57.906 28.838 37.396 - Total borrowing - Afborganir 7.030 11.848 9.997 11 146 13.196 25.775 26.096 18.727 46438 28.893 41.756 - Total repayments Lækkun sjóös & bankareikn. 3.907 2.385 -2.673 5.798 -8.223 -1.217 -464 -1.111 -764 645 7.848 Decrease in cash and bank deposits Lífeyrissjóösskuldbindingar rikissjóðs eru meðtaldar frá 1980 / Imputed central govemment contributions to unfunded govemment pension for future payments to govemment employees are included from 1980. 30
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998

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