Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998 - 01.11.1999, Blaðsíða 39
Tafla 3.1
Tekjur hins opinbera 1988-1998.
General govemment revenue 1988-1998
Milljónir króna, innbyrðis skipting og hlutfall af VLF
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Heildartekjur 96.103 115.474 131.049 147.802 149.974 147.140 153.283 162.439 177.849 193.394 219.321 Totul revenue
Eignatekjur og sektir 6.376 8.846 9.113 10.919 11.525 11.016 12.071 12.429 12.048 12.723 13.024 Property ancl nontax revenue
Heildarskattar 89.728 106.628 121.936 136.883 138.449 136.124 141.211 150.010 165.801 180.670 206.296 Tux revenue
- Skattar rikissjóös 71.855 85.052 98.647 110.589 111.112 109.399 114.112 120.582 134.057 140.212 159.055 - Tíixes of central governm.
- Skattar sveitarfélaga 17.873 21.576 23.289 26.294 27.337 26.725 27.100 29.427 31.744 40.458 47.241 - Tílxcs of local governments
- Beinir skattar 28.404 34.475 42.966 53.151 55.112 59.583 62.690 68.040 76.312 85.956 98.552 - Direct taxes
- Óbeinir skattar 61.324 72.152 78.970 83.731 83.337 76.541 78.522 81.969 89.489 94.714 107.744 - Indirect tnxes
Hlutfall skatta ríkissjóös Central government's taxes
afheildarsköttum 80,1 79,8 80,9 80,8 80,3 80,4 80,8 80,4 80,9 77,6 77,1 as perc. of total taxes
Hlutfall skatta sveitarfélaga Local government's taxes
afheildarsköttum 19,9 20,2 19,1 19,2 19,7 19,6 19,2 19,6 19,1 22,4 22,9 as perc. of total taxes
Hlutfall beinna skatta Direct tíLxes
af heildarsköttum 31,7 32,3 35,2 38,8 39,8 43,8 44,4 45,4 46,0 47,6 47,8 as perc. of total taxes
Hlutfall óbeinna skatta Indirect ttLxes
af heildarsköttum 68,3 67,7 64,8 61,2 60,2 56,2 55,6 54,6 54,0 52,4 52,2 as perc. of total tiuxes
Verg landsframleiðsla 256.645 308.192 364.402 396.984 397.632 411.421 435.028 451.547 486.454 529.949 586.572 Gross domestic production
Hlutfall tekna af vergri Total revenue as perc. of
landsframleiöslu 37,4 37,5 36,0 37,2 37,7 35,8 35,2 36,0 36,6 36,5 37,4 gross domestic production
Hlutfall heildarskatta af Total taxes as perc. of
vergri landsframleiðslu 35,0 34,6 33,5 34,5 34,8 33,1 32,5 33,2 34,1 34,1 35,2 gross domestic production
Hlutfall heildarskatta af Total taxes as precentage
heildartekjum 93,4 92,3 93,0 92,6 92,3 92,5 92,1 92,3 93,2 93,4 94,1 of total revenue