The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 21.11.1980, Blaðsíða 11

The White Falcon - 21.11.1980, Blaðsíða 11
November 21, 1980 White Falcon 11 SHORT SHOTS Football Officials of the Independence Bowl game in Shreveport, Louisiana, have named Southern Mississippi as the visiting team for the December 13th event. The host team will be either McNeese State or South- western Louisiana. Meanwhile, organizers of the Peach Bowl in Atlanta say Stanford and Indiana are tv>o teams under consideration to take on Virginia Tech in the game on January 2. and. . . here are the results of Sunday's NFL games. Pittsburgh just slipped past Cleveland, 16-13; Los Angeles shutdown the Patriots, 17-14; Buf- falo shutout Cincinnati, 14-0; At- lanta helped New Orleans to remain winless, 31-13; Philadelphia stop- ped Washington, 24-0; Baltimore edged Detroit, 10-9; the New York Giants surprised Green Bay, 27-21; Dallas beat St. Louis, 31-21; Min- nesota handed Tampa Bay a 31-23 iloss; Chicago gave Houston a hard lime, but lost 10-6; Denver out- cored New York Jets, 31-24; San Diego bested Kaifsas City, 20-7; Miami won over San Francisco, 17-13; and on Monday night, the Oakland Raiders were victotious over the Seattle Seahawks, 19-17. Boxing Sugar Ray Leonard's older brother is denying charges that he was trying to spy on welterweight champion Roberto Duran's training camp. Duran stopped his training on Saturday when he saw Roger Leon- ard standing among the spectators. But Roger Leonard says he just hap- pened to be at the training center and stopped by to watch the workout and he says his brother doesn't even want to hear anything about Duran. Basketball Former NBA player Marvin Barnes has been released from custody in Trieste, Italy, where he was held for four days on charges of giving false testimony. He had been questioned in connection with an alleged cocaine party he attended two weeks ago. He was not charged with possession of drugs. Marathon England's Joyce Smith won the second Tokyo International Women's Marathon Sunday in two-hours, 30- minutes and 27-seconds...more than seven minutes faster than her vic- NFL standings AMERICAN CONFERNCF. EAST W Buffalo 8 New England 7 Baltimore 6 Miami 6 N.Y. Jets 2 L T PF PA 3 0 238 175 4 0 302 238 5 0 231 220 5 0 175 204 9 0 200 274 CENTRAL W Houston 8 Cleveland 7 Pittsburgh 7 Cincinnati 3 WEST W Oakland 8 San Diego 7 Denver 6 Kansas City .5 Seattle 4 L T PF PA 3 0 205 184 4 0 242 223 40 278 227 8 0 142 201 L T PF PA 3 0 259 219 4 0 305 211 5 0 211 222 6 0 207 240 7 0 195 229 NATIONAL CONFERENCE EAST W Philadelphia 10 Dallas 8 N.Y. Giants 3 St. Louis 3 Washington 3 L T PF PA 1 0 292 135 3 0 321 216 8 0 185 320 8 0 229 251 8 0 158 232 Soccer A 1-1 tie between Mexico and Canada Sunday eliminated the United States from the 1982 World Cup Soc- cer series. —hi Bowling T.inda Tackett and Doug Larson are the Oueen and King of the Hill, having retained their titles Sunday t the Arctic Bowl. Tackett defeated Cathy Malone ■bile Larson downed Chuck Parker. CENTRAL W L T PF PA Detroit 6 5 0 219 193 MLnnesota 6 5 0 216 210 Green Bay 4 6 1 176 231 Tamoa Bay 4 6 1 204 238 Chicago 4 7 0 175 182 WERT W L T PF PA Atlanta 8 3 0 295 2Q2 Los Angeles 7 4 0 294 22.8 Ran Francisco 3 8 0 226 310 tory in the race last year. Canadian Jacqueline Gareau, the top finisher in the 1980 Boston Marathon, finished second, 34 seconds behind Smith. Forty eight runners competed. Auto racing World Motor Racing Champion Allan Jones won the 45th Australian Grand Prix Formula-One race near Melbourne Sunday. Jones, who owns a farm near Mel- bourne, achieved a lifetime dream by winning the race his father had won 21 years ago. They said it Tony Dungy, former NFL defensive back, asked if he felt biorhythms influenced the outcome of games: "I think your biorhythms are going to be better against San Fransisco than they are against Pittsburgh." Dan McCann, Duquesne Football Coach, after being beaten 30-28, on a field goal by Georgetown junior Jim Corcoran, who had also beaten the Dukes with a field goal in 1978 and a punt-return touchdown in 1979: "I plan to attend his graduation." Local sports happenings There will be a meeting for women interested in volleyball on Monday at 5:30 p.m. at the gym. A meeting for women interested in basketball will be held Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the gym. Rosters are due for men's basketball on Monday. The league begins with a pre-season tourney on Dec. 1. There will be a mandatory clinic for basketball coaches next week. The specific date and time will be announced. All teams must be represented or they will not enter the league. The gym is sponsoring a class on Body Building/Weight Training for men and women. The Class begins Monday. A Judo class is also of- fered, but on a monthly basis. You can register at the gym for both of these classes. The gym will be open on Thanks- giving Day from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.


The White Falcon

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