Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Blaðsíða 8
Iceland | For Dummies Anyone with a favourite pet knows how hard it is to be apart when travelling. One man who tried to enter Iceland with three Madagas- car hissing cockroaches can attest to this. Despite his professed love for the creatures, customs authorities in- formed him that Icelandic law prohibits bringing pets to Iceland—even pets as adorable as greasy, hissing, crawling cockroaches the size of your thumb. Speaking of pets, an Akureyri man recently found himself on the wrong end of the law for burying his beloved, deceased pet chihuahua, Prins, in his backyard. This is apparent- ly illegal, as health authorities phoned him, demanding he disinter the body and bury it somewhere else. He told reporters that he has no intention of doing this. And good on him for that. We saw ‘Pet Sematary’. We know what happens. Remember that smarmy bellend with the orange Range Rover who was double-parking across disabled spaces, and how he bragged that he pays less in fines than he would for legal parking? Well, Mr. Range Rover’s bragging days are over, if the City of Reykjavík has anything to say about it. They recently doubled fines for park- ing illegally. Now leaving your car in a disabled space could run you 20,000 ISK. That’s like, two weeks of groceries right there. Think about it! It is possible that we may soon have a court decision on the le- gal definition of a Facebook “Like.” The defence team for former Minis- ter of the Interior assistant Gísli Freyr Valdórsson has argued that the prose- cution of their client is prejudicially mo- tivated, on the evidence of the fact that said prosecutor “Liked” a less-than- BY PAUL FONTAINE 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16 — 2014 NEWS IN BRIEF CONTINUES OPEN 7-21 BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER T EMPL AR A SUND 3 , 101 RE Y K JAV ÍK , T EL : 5711822, W W W.BERGSSON. IS On Monday, Sep-tember 29, the Icelandic Foreign Minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson gave a speech to the United Nations General Assem- bly. In between talking about things that few present cared what Iceland thinks about, he mentioned that the governments of Iceland and Suri- name had decided to plan a confer- ence on gender equality only open to male political leaders. Because what is needed to achieve gender equality is men with political power telling oth- ers what to do? It is hard to do justice to what he said without quoting his speech in full: "Iceland and Suriname will convene a 'Barbershop' confer- ence in January 2015 where men will discuss gender equality with other men, with a special focus on address- ing violence against women. This will be a unique conference as it will be the first time at the United Nations that we bring together only men lead- ers to discuss gender equality. It will be an exceptional contribution to the Beijing+20 and HeForShe cam- paigns." Is HeForShe that thing that Emma Watson spoke about and then got threatened with having nude pho- tos of her posted on the internet? Yes, neatly proving her point that the world needs more feminists of all genders. The threat turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by a group of in- ternet pranksters pretending to be a marketing company pretending to be another group of internet pranksters. That the pictures were not real did not make it any nicer for Watson to receive threats of public humiliation. Watson is the spokeswoman of the HeForShe campaign to get men and boys to work for gender equality. It is run by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empower- ment of Women, also known as sim- ply UN Women. And what's Beijing+20? Besides be- ing the very wrong answer I gave on my final exam in math. It is a programme by UN Women to highlight progress made in gender equality since the UN's Beijing Dec- laration in 1995 to advance gender equality and acknowledge women's voices and experience. And also to highlight where progress has been disappointingly slow. There will be many events in the coming year sponsored and hosted by various UN organizations. However, the confer- ence announced by the Icelandic For- eign Minister is not a UN-sponsored event, though UN Women will pro- vide technical and organizing sup- port. Male politicians talk about things while UN Women do all the work. Is this a conference or satiric per- formance art? The announcement by the Ice- landic Foreign Minister was greeted with criticism. Professor Dyan Ma- zurana, a major contributor to the 2002 Women, Peace and Security report for the UN Security Council, said when interviewed by Al-Jazeera that women "don't want to be spoken for, we'd like to speak for ourselves." She also noted that the UN "has a long and disgraceful history of men-only meetings on issues that are founda- tional to the rights of women." I guess this conference will be unique in bringing only men lead- ers together to do something else than laughing at gender equality. It is not entirely unique, as the UN already maintains the Network of Men Leaders dedicated to speaking out against violence against women, though this group includes artists and other public figures, as well as politi- cians. When asked by Al-Jazeera, member of said network, Gary Barker, who works for Promundo, a Brazilian organization that focuses on getting men and boys to stop violence against women, criticized the proposed conference as reinforcing the idea that men "sit in a dark room, smoke cigars and hold on to power." I guess it's unique in being called a "barbershop" con- ference. Outside of conventions for barbershop quartets, of course. The idea behind the conference is to create a safe space for male political lead- ers to talk about how to reduce violence against women. This is not an en- tirely insane idea, as some studies have shown that men are more likely to change their attitudes to violence against women during all- male discussions than in mixed-gen- der ones. The analogy to barbershops is that they are places where men dis- cuss the issues of the day in private. I guess at least barbershops are usually bright so that the barber doesn't cut anybody. And it is difficult to smoke a cigar while being shaved. After receiving criticism, the organizers of the con- ference said that women would take part in some sessions, but would be excluded in others. While the hearts of the organizers are surely in the right place, perhaps listening to what women have to say about gender equality and violence against women would be the best place to start. And as shown by too many conferences of political leaders every year, there is nothing particularly unique about a male-only conference. So What's This Men's Only UN Gender Conference I Keep Hearing About? Words by Kári Tulinius @Kattullus Illustration by Inga María Brynjarsdóttir
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