
Akureyri - 08.05.2014, Blaðsíða 22

Akureyri - 08.05.2014, Blaðsíða 22
22 17. tölublað 4. árgangur 8. maí 2014 Eurovision This is about the first time since Iceland started to take part in Eurovision that no-one is actually expecting them to win. The very first entry, Gleðibankinn, or Bank of Fun, was quite a catchy number back in 1986, and during the competition the streets were as bare as Cherno- byl. Hysteria broke out as the shoulder-padded Icy Trio jigged onto the glitt- ering stage. We were con- vinced, yet terrified, that they would win. Landing in 16th. position there foll- owed weeks of national mourning. Still, it was just as well we didn’t, as at that time there was no way we could have managed to host the competition without going bankrupt as a nation, years before we actually did. There was nothing much wrong with the song, but it was the lyrics that made it fly and we were the only nation in the world that could understand the message. It was actually about putting you deposits in the Bank of Life, rather than Landsbankinn, something that as a nation we might have taken more notice of at the time and avoided the national disa- ster of Icesave. Since then Iceland has sent a variety of numbers, and with the changing rules it is no longer necessary to stick to singing in your native language. That as least means that the lyrics can actually be meaningful. Some have actually done very well, and as the beer advert says “vee nearly vonn!.” Funny thing about lyrics. Some people get confused between lyrics and melody and many melodies have become adopted into Icelandic music from far and wide and given new life so that many believe they are actually Icelandic songs. There is nothing new about that. How many Americans know that their beloved national ant- hem with “its bombs bursting in air” is actually a bawdy drinking song from England? This year we seem to have got completely lost with our entry. The lads who sing are nice enough, and the sentiments are about as good as it gets these days, but let’s face it- -there is really no real melody at all, and it is a Song Contest. And this is the first year since Gleðibankinn that no-one anywhere in the world has given us a hope in hell. In fact it looks like we may end up right down at the bottom. It is a shame for a nation that despite having a tiny population has internationally acclaimed sin- gers and bands. They however, have gained their popularity mostly abroad, by producing pretty good music. Still, let’s wish the boys luck. You never know with Eurovision! THE ENGLISH CORNER WITH MICHAEL CLARKE MICHAEL CLARKE MATARGATIÐ FLEIRI UPPSKRIFTIR Á WWW.ALLSKONAR.IS Helga Kvam allskonar.is The lads who sing are nice enough, and the sentiments are about as good as it gets these days, but let’s face it- there is really no real melody at all, and it is a Song Contest Góðkaup A 2.490.- Miðstærð pizza með 3 áleggjum +Brauðstangir eða franskar eða hvítlauksbrauð +2L gos Góðkaup B 2.890.- Stór pizza með 3 áleggjum +Brauðstangir eða franskar eða hvítlauksbrauð +2L gos Góðkaup C 3.990.- 2x stór pönnupizza með 3 áleggjum +Brauðstangir eða franskar eða hvítlauksbrauð +2L gos. Góðkaup D 3.990.- 2x stór pizza með 3 áleggjum +Brauðstangir eða franskar eða hvítlauksbrauð +2L gos. Sparkaup A 1.290.- Miðstærð pizza með 2 áleggjum. Sparkaup B 1.690.- Stór pizza með 2 áleggjum. Sparkaup C 1.690.- Stór pönnupizza með 2 áleggjum. Sparkaup D 2.090.- 2x miðstærð pizza með 2 áleggjum. Pantaðu með APPinu og fáðu 30% afslátt Afsláttarkóðinn er APP01 Sækja APP Þriðjudagar eru APPsláttardagar Pantaðu með APPi, á greifinn.is eða í síma 460 1600 G r e i f i n n V e i t i n g a h ú s | G l e r á r g ö t u 2 0 | 6 0 0 A k u r e y r i | w w w . g r e i f i n n . i s Góðkaup Samsett tilboð:Pizza, meðlæti og gos, sótt eða heimseint (+ 700 kr) Sparkaup - Sótt Pizzu tilboð:Stök pizza tvö álegg, aðeins sótt. Ofnbakað Rótargrænmeti Þú getur notað hvaða rótargræn- meti sem er, það verður dísætt og dásamlegt ef það er bakað inni í ofni. Frábært meðlæti með fiski og kjöti. OFNBAKAÐ RÓTARGRÆNMETI » 1 fennell » 2 rauðrófur » 1 sellerírót » 1 steinseljurót » 4 skallottulaukar » 4 hvítlauksrif » 2 msk þurrkaðar kryddjurtir (timian, rósmarín) » 2 msk rauðvínsedik » 2 msk olía » salt og pipar Undirbúningstími: 10 mínútur Eldunartími: 40 mínútur Hitaðu ofninn í 180°C. Þvoðu grænmetið eins vel og þú getur, flysjaðu það sem ekki er hægt að þvo nægilega vel. Skerðu í frekar stór stykki; fennel, steinseljurót og rauðrófur í 4 bita, sellerírót í 8-10 bita, flysjaðu skallottulaukana og hvítlauksrifin og settu heil út í eldfast mót ásamt öllu rótargrænmetinu. Blandaðu saman í skál ediki, olíu, smá salti og kryddjurtunum og helltu yfir. Notaðu hendurnar til að velta grænmetinu vel upp úr olíu- blöndunni. Bakaðu í 30-40 mínútur.



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