Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1951, Blaðsíða 39

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1951, Blaðsíða 39
2 Verzlunarskýrslur 1949 Tafla II. Innfluttar og útfluttar Imports and Exports Vöruflokkar 1. Lifaudi dýr til manneldis ........................ 2. Kjöt og kjötvörur ................................ 3. Mjólkurafurðir, egg og hunang .................... 4. Fiskmeti ......................................... 5. Korn ............................................. 6. Iíornvörur til manneldis ......................... 7. Ávextir og œtar iinetur .......................... 8. Grænmeti, garðávextir og vörur úr þeim ........... 9. Sykur og sykurvörur .............................. 10. Kaffi, te, kakaó og vörur úr l>vi; krydd ........ 11. Drykkjarvörur og edik ........................... 12. Skepnufóður, ót. a............................... 13. Tóbak ........................................... 14. Olíufræ, hnetur og kjarnar....................... 15. Feiti, oliur og vax úr dýra- og jurtarikinu ..... 16. Efni og efnasambönd ............................. 17. Sútunar- og litunarefni (ncma hráefni í liti) ... 18. Ilmolíur, ilm- og snyrtivörur, sápur, fægiefni o. fl. 19. Áburður ......................................... 20. Kátsjúk og kálsjúkvörur, ót. a................... 21. Trjáviður, kork og vörur úr þvi ................. 22. Pappirsdeig, pappir og pappi og vörur úr þvi .... 23. Húðir og skinn .................................. 24. Vörur úr leðri (neina fatnaðarvörur) ............ 25. Loðskinn ........................................ 26. Spunaefni, óunnið cða lítt unnið ................ 27. Garn og tvinni .................................. 28. Álnavara og smávörur ............................ 29. Tekniskar og aðrar sérstæðar vefnaðarvörur ...... 30. Fatnaður úr vefnaði; liattar allskonar........... 31. Fatnaður úr skinni .............................. 32. Skófatnaður ..................................... 33. Tilbúnir munir úr vefnaði aðrir en fatnaður ..... 34. Eldsneyti, Ijósmeti, rafmagn, smurningsoliur .... 35. Jarðefni óuunin eða Iitt unnin .................. 36. Leirsmiðamunir .................................. 37. Gler og glervörur ............................... 38. Munir úr jarðefnum öðrum en málmum, ót. a........ 39. Dýrir málmar, gimsteinar, perlur og munir úr þeim 40. Málmgrýti, gjall ................................ 41. Járn og stál .................................... 42. Aðrir málmar .................................... 43. Munir úr ódýrum málmum, ót. a.................... 44. Vélar og áhöld, önnur en rafmngns, ót. a......... 45. Rafmagnsvélar og áhöld .......................... 46. Vagnar, skip og önnur flutniugstæki ............. 47. Ýmsar hrávörur eða litt unnar vörur, ót. a....... 48. Fullunnar vörur, ót. a........................... 49. Endursendar vörur ............................... Þyngd weiglxt Innflutt Útflutt tmports cxports 100 kg 100 kg 3 351 2 331 - 14 757 1 868 117 9 826 - 257 934 - 15 951 - 48 585 - 55 684 ~ 12 336 - 3 125 - 82 881 74 526 1 666 - 208 - 23 049 154 154 24 678 - 8 447 - 2 960 - 144131 - 4 238 - 239 519 - 72 851 - 1 464 3 480 36 ~ 2 18 1 682 2 718 2 570 5 7 214 - 16 297 - 825 2 - 2 106 - 2 512 - 2 871 578 - 671 499 7 11 869 - 11 124 - 19 238 - 22 - 269 - 111 425 - 3 919 - 42 219 - 34 182 187 22 444 - 123 528 - 5 015 9 094 3 739 - 6 440 4 991 940 2 119 097 Samtals Verzlunarskýrslur 1949 3 vörur árið 1949, eftir vöruflokkum. Í9U9, by Commodity Groups. VerÖ value Innflutt tmports 1000 kr. Útflutt exporls 1000 kr. 3 145 2 471 - 1 694 233 226 1 342 - 22 411 - 4 910 - 3 591 - 7319 - 4 988 - 2 221 - 5 794 8 406 4 258 - 25 - 8 453 41 639 6 213 - 2 469 - 2 061 - 9 565 - 4 084 - 20 856 - 14 577 - 1 579 2 284 129 - 32 307 700 1 716 3 479 15 19 254 - 11 965 - 5 028 - 27 - 3 990 - 1 835 - 62 985 - 12 203 1 4 036 - 2 453 - 1 434 - 451 - 39 - 16 926 - 2 392 - 20 217 - 33 721 75 23 785 - 58 093 - 2 003 1 887 7 635 120 - 223 425 696 290 044 Commodity Groups Live animals, chie/ly for food .............................. Meat and preparations thereof ............................... Dairy products, eygs and honey .............................. Fishery products, for food .................................. Cereals ..................................................... Manufactured products of cereals, cliiefly for human food ... Fruils and nuts, except oil-nuts ............................ Vegetaliles, roots and tubers, chiefty used for human food .. Sugar and sugar confectionery ............................... Coffec, tea, cocoa und preparations thereof; spices ......... Beverages and vinegars ...................................... Feeding-sluffs for animals, n. e. s.......................... Tobacco ..................................................... Oil seeds, nuls and hernels ................................. Animal and vegetable oils, fats, greases and ivaxes.......... Chemical elemenls and compounds; pharmaceutical products . Dyeing, tanning and colouring substanccs .................... Essential oils, perfumery, cosmetics, soaps and related products Fertilizers ................................................. Rubber, and manufactures thereof, n. e. s.................... Wood, cork and manufactures thereof ......................... Pulp, paper and cardboard and manufactures thereof........... liides and skins and leather ................................ Manufactures of lcather, not including articles of clothing . . Furs, not made up ........................................... Textile materials, raw or simply prepared ................... Yarns and thread ............................................ Textile fabrics and small wares ............................. Special and technical textile articles ...................... Clothing and underwear, of textile materials; hats .......... Clothing, of leather and fur ................................ Footwear: boots, shoes and stippers ......................... Made-up articles of textile materiais, other than clotliing .... Products for heating, lighting, power, lubricants and rel. prod. Non-metallic minerals, crude or simply prepared, n. e. s..... Pottery and other clay products ............................. Glass- and glassware ........................................ Manufactures of non-metallic minerals, n. e. s............... Precious metals and precious stoncs, pearls etc.............. Ores, slag, cinder .......................................... íron and steel .............................................. A’on-ferrous base metals .................................... Manufactures of base metals, n. e. s......................... Machinery apparatus and appliances n.e.s., other than electrical Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances............... Vehicles and transport equipment ............................ Miscellaneous crude or simply prepared products, n. e. s..... Manufactured articles, n. e. s............................... Returned goods .............................................. Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 16 47 48 49
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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