Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg


Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg - 01.10.1977, Page 77

Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg - 01.10.1977, Page 77
75 b. Concepts used in tables 8.1., 13.1. and 2.2. Ársmenn: Eignir alls: Veltuf j ármunir: Sjóður, banki: Viðskiptakröfur: Birgöir: Fastafjármunir: Bifreiöar: Vélar, tæki: Fasteignir: Aörar eignir: Skuldir alls: Lán til skamms tíma: Yfirdráttur á hlaupareikning: Samþykktir víxlar: önnur skammvinn lán: Lán til langs tíma: Fjárfestingarlánasjóðir: Önnur langvinn lán: Eigiö fé: Höfuöstóll: Varas jóöur: Hlutafé: Man-years . Total assets. Current assets. Cash and time deposits. Accounts receivable. Stocks. Fixed capital. Cars and transport equipment Machinery and other equipment. Buildings etc. Other assets. Total liabilities. Current liabilities. Bank overdraft. Bank drafts payable. Other short-term debt. Long-term debt. Investment credit funds. Other long-term debt. Equity. Retained earnings. Retained earning, exempted from income taxes. Common stock.


Hagskýrslur um atvinnuveg

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