Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1965, Qupperneq 64

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1965, Qupperneq 64
6 Búnaðarskýrslur 1961—63 Búnaðarskýrslur 1961—63 7 Tafla II B. Jarðargróði árin 1961, 1962 og 1963, eftir sýslum. Bændur aðeins. Field crops etc. 1961—1963, by districts. Farmers only. Translation of headings: See Table II A. Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and toivns Hty og korn Garðávextir 1961 1962 1963 1961 1962 1963 Taða Hafragras Úthey Korn Taða Hafragras ►» V M P a E o X Taða s §) o <3 X ►» V M U B O X Kartöflur »• «3 'O X Kartöflur Rófur Kartöflur <s *o X V M t & Vothey Ja 1 A Vothey M t a A Vothey 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg Suðvesturland South lf/est 571287 71602 492 39078 10 565874 65245 223 38250 15 584212 62715 60 30639 104 4341 593 3658 237 2692 246 Gullbringusýsla 25843 2790 10 - - 22150 1990 - - - 21805 1875 - - - 734 158 581 29 425 22 Kjósarsýsla 71648 14684 130 2346 10 63015 14281 30 940 15 57387 11706 35 975 104 634 104 589 48 510 175 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 159220 20413 50 9745 - 156989 18719 - 9951 - 172961 19253 - 9095 - 805 94 830 30 683 22 Mýrasýsla 116830 12892 100 15396 - 113703 13285 - 13174 — 119476 10665 - 10710 _ 496 17 303 40 521 8 Snæfellsnessýsla 82450 15627 90 7436 - 90982 11109 155 10510 - 92343 13461 25 7769 _ 572 109 529 63 333 14 Dalasýsla 96880 5081 60 3955 - 100837 5731 30 3475 _ 105750 5755 - 2090 - 341 9 222 - 119 3 Kaupstaðir toivns1) 18416 115 52 200 - 18198 130 8 200 - 14490 - - 759 102 604 27 101 2 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 154066 48756 363 8602 _ 144880 46620 205 13547 _ 150965 46581 173 7848 _ 1926 390 1349 194 824 140 Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla 27977 2825 - 1440 - 28597 3105 _ 3100 _ 30541 2710 - 3105 - 364 5 245 2 184 4 Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla 30636 5345 150 2071 - 29470 4951 70 1485 — 28595 4320 50 560 - 371 49 387 27 314 12 Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 26471 14388 138 1745 - 27300 12959 50 1533 _ 28233 12699 88 1423 - 754 248 473 79 219 77 Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 31870 7452 75 882 - 28898 6843 75 1830 - 31485 6895 - 815 - 203 56 148 56 50 44 Strandasýsla 36302 18300 - 2464 - 29825 18392 10 5599 _ 31691 19957 35 1945 - 228 32 91 30 57 3 Kaupstaður toivn1) 810 446 - - - 790 370 - - - 420 - - - - 6 - 5 - - - Norðurland North 1032322 66474 522 76739 _ 993103 59385 597 94486 1047752 60324 421 83424 _ 23188 1106 16108 773 11753 663 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 95550 13785 45 5920 - 99517 13832 90 4513 - 103851 13835 - 2985 - 198 10 81 4 49 1 Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 159745 9775 30 16490 - 152186 8397 - 18190 - 157248 8608 - 13480 - 665 12 429 13 141 20 Skagafjarðarsýsla 219510 12550 10 24352 - 215446 10480 120 28607 - 223901 11050 45 25778 - 697 36 609 101 328 95 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 254269 11532 287 19227 - 253130 11720 167 23933 - 265252 11970 226 23638 - 8784 63 6369 53 5302 48 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 200066 13805 150 8141 - 179267 10567 220 15454 _ 201288 11356 150 12973 — 11601 875 7813 549 5403 481 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 69917 3402 - 700 - 61348 3094 - 1990 - 64530 2270 - 2090 _ 426 60 238 33 66 18 Kaupstaðir toivns1) 33265 1625 - 1909 - 32209 1295 - 1799 - 31682 1235 2480 817 50 569 20 464 - Austurland East 283874 25272 1128 7337 1305 258646 22912 917 9792 407 269493 20904 1600 9683 603 14254 996 9345 268 8826 321 Norður-Múlasýsla 124153 7886 195 2877 168 105314 7076 219 4832 50 110102 5657 545 5163 103 3249 111 1578 56 1126 75 Suður-Múlasýsla 106162 11168 923 910 1117 98767 9866 168 1848 222 103510 9175 706 1385 384 2207 252 1445 40 1053 192 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 52609 6218 10 3550 20 53995 5970 530 3112 135 55531 6072 349 3135 116 8793 633 6317 172 6647 54 Kaupstaðir toivns1) 950 - - - ~ 570 - - - 350 - - - - 5 - 5 - - Suðurland South 895121 130161 1653 87107 13 824405 118128 3035 102117 403 835566 106063 1504 85236 184 40294 1383 37866 1083 38666 1277 Vestur-Skaftafelissýsla 96117 15604 85 15136 - 92068 14684 50 16315 10 102045 10312 149 11898 - 2455 189 2137 194 1666 149 Rangárvallasýsla 376038 41530 928 39600 - 349221 33911 1980 39385 393 348557 34558 870 32171 184 27349 275 27965 23 28309 85 Árnessýsla 418951 70957 640 32371 13 377636 67668 1005 46417 - 379764 59421 485 41167 _ 10479 919 7747 828 8681 1037 Kaupstaður toivn1) 4015 2070 - 5480 1865 - - 5200 1772 - - 11 - 17 38 10 6 Allt landið Iceland 2936670 342265 4158 218863 1328 2786908 312290 4977 258192 825 2887988 296587 3758 216830 891 84003 4468 68326 2555 62761 2647 Þar af í Sýslur districts 2879214 338009 4106 216754 - 2729661 308630 4969 256193 825 2835846 293580 3758 214350 891 82405 4316 67126 2470 62186 2639 of this (Kaupstaðir toivns 57456 4256 52 2109 1328 57247 3660 8 1999 — 52142 3007 — 2480 — 1598 152 1200 85 575 8 i 1) Sjá neðanmálsgreinar við töflu I / see notes to Table I.
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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