Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Page 69

Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Page 69
TÁFLA 19 (FRH.). TALA HgMjMDA OS KEKHABA 1 BABIiASKCLDM OG TBBPhD SKOLA I HYTajDK HRSPPI 1948/49 - 1965/66. 67 ^ jypiraa ^ 8 e x xej emireAH sxBpayxuq sxepB3(n8H 8IBP9TM sxepnpjpH jtípire-i} BjBSp^s emtpMsraAS q.fOABBXiejB2teH XfeABjBxíg ■iPCWi JlUtJABJBXQ BðN jn^íjAnpxöJa XXaABJBpBXS SffOHBi^fw (Lb BQBXÖBUXOqXOX unejH seire'+jxy BeuúiaSxog jaSaog uuSunq -BqxoqjexS


Hagskýrslur um skólamál

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