Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Qupperneq 82

Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Qupperneq 82
80 6 In permanent day-schools. 7 In boarding-schools. 8 In ambulatory country-schools. 9 Total number of pupils. 10-13 0f this: 10 Boys. 11 Girlso 12 Under 10 years. 13 10 years and over. 14 Total number of teachers. 15-16 Of this: 15 Full-time teachers. 16 Part-time teachers. 17 Average weekly teaching hours per full-time teacher. 18 Total number of children with examination compulsion. 19-26 Of this: 19 Graduated in lower grade at age under 12 years. 20 Graduated in lower grade at age 12 years and over. 21 Graduated in higher grade at age under 13 years. 22 Graduated in higher grade at age 13 years and over. 23 Obtained certification without examination. 24 Graduated, total. 25 Passed examination in lower grades. 26 Did not pass any examination. 27 Pemales of total number of teachers in line 14. 28 Females of total iiumber of full-time teachers in line 15. 29 Females of total number of part-time teachers in line 16. Table 14. Prlmairy schools in Reyk.iavík 1 Number of schools. 2 Average number of days of instruction. 3 Total nximber of pupils. 4- 7 0f this: 4 Boys. 5 Girls. 6 Under 10 years of age. 7 10 years of age and over. 8 Total number of teachers. 9-10 Of this: 9 Full-time teachers. 10 Part-time teachers. 11 Average weekly teaching hours per full-time teacher, 12 Total number of children with examination compulsion. 13-20 Of this: 13 Graduated in lower grade at age under 12 years. 14 Graduated in lower grade at age 12 years and over. 15 Graduated in higher grade at age under 13 years. 16 Graduated in hicher grade at age 13 years and over. 17 Obtained certification without examination. 18 Graduated, total. 19 Passed examination in lower grades. 20 Did not pass any examination, 21 Females of total number of teachers in line 8. 22 Females of total number of teachers in line 9. 23 Females of total number of part-time teachers in line 10. Table 15..Primary schools in towns other than' Reyk.iavik 1948/49-1965Á6. For translation of lines 1-23 see table 14. Table 16. Permanent day-achools outside towns 1948/49-191 >5/06. For translation of lines 1-23 see table 14. Table 17. Permanent boarding-schools 1948/49-1955/66. For translation of lines 1-23 see table 14. Table 18. Ambulatory countrv-schools 1948/49-1965/66. 1 Number of communes with ambulatory country-schools. 2-23 See table 14. Table 19. Number of punils and teachers in primary schools and type of sdiool in each commune 1948M9-1'965/66.
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Hagskýrslur um skólamál

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