Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 80

Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 80
78 2 Girls. 3 Total. 4- 7 Age of pupils. 4 Under 10 years. 5 10-14 years. 6 15 years and over. 7 Unspecified. 8-13 Period of teaching, in weeks 8 Under 12. 12 32 and over. 13 Unspecified. 14 Examination in lower grades. 15- 22 Pinal examination from primary school. 15 Total. 16- 22 Average mark. Table 3. Continued, 1- 9 Number of teachers. 1- 3 Pull-time teachers. 1 Male. 2 Female. 3 Total. 4- 6 Part-time teachers. 4 Male. 5 Pemale. 6 Total. 7- 9 Teachers, total. 7 Male. 8 Female. 9 Total. 10-11 Average working weeks of schools. 10 Permanent schools. 11 Ambulatory schools. 12 Total number of teaching loc&tions and divisiona. 13-25 Number of teaching locations and divisions. 13-19 By number of hours per week. 19 Unspecified. 20-25 By number of pupils. 25 Unspecified. Table 4. Basic data on instruction in primary schools 1930/31-1947/48. Translation of lines: 1 Number of school districts. 2 With permanent day-schools. 3 With permanent boarding- schools. 4 With ambulatory country schools. 5 With no teaching 6 Nvimber of children with compulsory school attendance. 7 Who attended school. 8 Who received instruction at home. 9 Who did not receive in- struction. 10 Number of pupils, total. 11 Boys. 12 Girls. 13 Age of pupils. 14 Under 10 years. 15 10 years and over. 16 Number of teachers, total. 17 Male,full-time. 18 Female, full-time. 19 Total, full-time. 20 Male, part-time. 21 Female, part-time. 22 Total, part-time. 23 Number of children with examination compulsion. 24 Who graduated 12 years old. 25 Who graduated 13 years and over. 26 Who obtained certification without examination. 27 Total of graduated pupils. 28 Who passed examination in lower grades. 29 Who did not pass any examination. 30 Number of pupils who received instruction. 31 Less than 45 days, 32 45-69 days. 33 70-129 days. 34 130-150 days. 35 151 days or more. 36 Current expenditure of public primary schools. Table 5. Number of punils. teachers and weeks of instruction. and current expenditure of schools. 1920/21- 1947/48. by communes. Table 6. Income and expenditure of nublic primarv schools 1920/21-1947/487 in thous. of kr. 1- 5 Current income. 1 Tuition fees.
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Hagskýrslur um skólamál

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