Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2007, Page 75

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2007, Page 75
Ancient ironmaking in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland Hermanns-Auðardottir, M., (1999). ‘Arkeo- logiska undersökningar av handels- platsen vid Gásir’. (Archaeological investigations of the trade centre at Gásir). In Christophersen & al (1999). Ingstad, A.S., (1977) The Norse Discovery ofAmerica. New edition 1985. Oslo Júlíusson, A.D., (1999) ‘Gásir, social organisation, produktion og handel i middelalderens islandske bondesam- íund’. (Social organization, production and trade in the farmers’ Medieval Ice- land). In Christophersen & al 1999. Júlíusson, Á. D., ísberg, J. O., Kjartans- son, H. S., (1991) íslenskur sögu- atlas. Reykjavík Keller, C., (2001) ‘Vinland etter Ingstad ’. (Vinland after Ingstad). In Hag- land & al., 2001. Larsen, J.H., (1991) ‘Jemvinna ved Dokk- floyvatn’. (Bloomery ironmak- ing at Dokkfloyvatn). Varia 23. Universitetets Oldsaksamling. Oslo Martens, I., (1979) ‘Blásterjern og fellu- jern. Noen synspunkter pá en lite páaktet funngruppe’. (Some opin- ions about two types of finds, which have created little atten- tion). Universitetets oldsaksamling 150 ár. Pp. 190-197. Martens, I., Rosenqvist, A.M. (1988) Jern- vinna pá Mosstrond. (Bloomery iron- making at Mosstrond). Oslo Nielsen, N., (1926) ‘Jærnudvindingenpaa Island i fordums Tider’. (Iron pro- duction in Iceland in former times). Aarboger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. Kobenhavn Nielsen, N., (1930) Meddelelser om Gronland 76(4) (Reports from Greenland). Kobenhavn Nielsen, N., (1934) Meddelelser om Gronland 88(1). Kobenhavn Nielsen, N., (1936) Meddelelser om Gronland 88(4). Kobenhavn Petersen, H., (ed.), (1967-74) Bogen om Gronland. (The book about Green- land) Kobenhavn Petersen, H., (1984) Gronland. Kobenhavn Pleiner, R., (2000) Iron in archaeology. The European Bloomery Smelters. Praha. Rink, H., (1877) Danish Greenland. Lon- don Rosenqvist, A.M., (1977/1985) In Ing- stad, A.S. Smith, K.P., (1994/95) ‘ Landnám: the settlement of Iceland in archaeologi- cal and historical perspective’. World Archaeology 26. Stenberger, M., (ed.), (1943) Forntida gárdar i Island. (Old farms in Ice- land). Kobenhavn Stene, K., Amundsen, T., Risbol, O, Skare, K., (2005) ‘Utmarkens grode’. (Crop from outlying fields). Varia 59. Kul- turhistorisk museum. Oslo Thorlaksson, H., (1999) ‘Gásir og den islandske handelen i Middel- alderen’. (Gásir and the trade in Iceland during the Middle Ages). In Christophersen & al., 1999 Vebæk, C.L., (1963) Kolonisation af Gronland (The colonization of Greenland). KLNM Vol. 8, pp. 650-658. Kobenhavn Unglik, H., Stewart, J., (1999) The Metallurgy of the Norse Material from L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. Ontario Service Centre, Ottawa Ont., KIA 0M5. Vols. 1—II Ottawa Wallace, B. L., (1991) ‘L’Anse aux Meadows. Gateway to Vinland’. Acta Archaeologica 61. Kobenhavn. Wallace, B. L., (2006) Westward Vikings. The Saga of L’Anse aux Meadows. St. John’s. ISBN 0-919735-09-6 73
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