Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Síða 72

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Síða 72
Scott Riddell Einarsson, Oddur 1971, íslandslýsing (Qualiscunque descriptio Islandiae), Reykjavík: Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs. Espólín, Jón 1821-1855, íslands árbcekur í söguformi vols I-XII, Kaupmannahöfn. Eyþórsson, Jón & Hlynur Sigtryggsson 1971, ‘The climate and weather of Iceland’ The Zoology of Iceland 1(3), 1-62. Folkow, Lars R, E.S. Nordoy & A.S. Blix 2004, ‘Distribution and diving behaviour of harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) from the Greenland Sea stock.’ Polar Biology 27, 281-98. Guðmundsson, Björn 1944, ‘Nokkur orð um selveiði á íslandi fyrum og nú.’ Náttúrufrœðingurinn 14(3-4), 149-69. Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila 2010, Skriðu- klaustur Monastery Iceland: Ani- mal Bones 2003-2007, Reykjavík: Skriðuklaustursrannsóknir. Harrison, Ramona, H.M. Roberts & W.R Adderley 2008a, ‘Gásir in Eyjafjörður: International exchange and local econ- omy in Medieval Iceland.’ Journal ofthe North Atlantic 1, 99-119. Harrison, Ramona, M. Hicks, P. Colligan 8c A. Schreiner 2008b, Preliminary As- sessment ofthe Faunal Remainsfrom the 2007 Midden Excavation in Eyri, West- fjords, NORSEC Report No. 42, CUNY. Harrison, Ramona 2010, Skuggi in Hörgar- dalur, N. Iceland: Preliminary Report of the 2008/2009 Archaeofauna, NORSEC Report No. 50, CUNY. Harrison, Ramona 2012, Oddstaðir in Hörgardalur, N. Iceland: Report of the 2009 Archaeofauna, NORSEC Report No. 58, CUNY. Harrison, Ramona 2014, The Siglunes Ar- chaeofauna I. Report of the Viking Age and Medieval Faunal Remains, NOR- SEC/HERC Report No. 62, CUNY. Hauksson, Erlingur & Valur Bogason 1997, ‘The occurrence of vagrant seals in Ice- land in 1989-1994.’ Journal ofNorthwest Atlantic Fisheries Science 22, 47-54. Hauksson, Erlingur 1986, ‘Farselir við ísland.’ Hafrannsóknir 35,41-68. Haug, Tore, K.T. Nilssen & T. Oritsland 1996, ‘Norwegian studies of Harp Seal invasions and the ecology of Harp and Hooded Seal pups in their first year of life in 1995.’ North Atlantic Fisheries As- sociation (NAFO) Science Council Stud- ies, 26, 101-104. Hicks, Megan & R. Harrison 2009, A Pre- liminary Report of the 2008 Midden Excavation at Skutustaðir, N. Iceland, NORSEC Report No. 45, CUNY. Johnston, David W., M.T. Bowers, A.S. Friedlaender & D.M. Lavigne 2012, ‘The effects of climate change on Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus).’ PLoS one, 7(l),e29158, 1-8. Kapel, Finn O. 1996, ‘Recoveries in Green- land, 1949-94, of tagged or branded Harp and Hooded Seals.’ NAFO Science Council Studies 26, 87-99. 70
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Archaeologia Islandica

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