Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Side 11
51. Deaths per 100000 population 1951-70, by cause of death according to List B 1955.. 53
52. Deaths 1971-80, by cause of death according to List B 1965........................ 54
53. Marriages, births and deaths by months 1856-1980.................................. 55
54. Average expected lifetime and number of survivors 1850-1980....................... 56
55. Mortality table based on registrations 1976-80.................................... 57
56. Causes of death of the life table population 1979-80 ............................. 56
57. Population and labour force projections by sex and age at end of year 1988-2028 .. 58
III. Labour market.
1. Federations of wage-eamers'and salaried employees'unions........................... 59
2. Stoppages of work 1960-83 ......................................................... 59
3. Unemployment 1957-73............................................................... 60
4. Unemployment by regions 1975-83 ................................................... 61
5. Unemployment by months 1968-83 .................................................... 62
6. Number of unemployed in Reykjavík 1929-83 ......................................... 61
i IV. A griculture.
1. Real estate assessment data 198'r.................................................. 64
2. Production of field crops 1882-1983 ............................................... 67
3. Size of fertilized homefields and their yield of hay 1900-81 ...................... 67
4. Consumption of artificial fertilizers 1921-80...................................... 67
5. Farm improvements 1901-80.......................................................... 68
6. Number of livestock 1703-1983 ..................................................... 68
7. Number of cattle, sheep and horses 1703-1983 ...................................... 69
8. Number of cattle, sheep and horses 1703-1983, by regions........................... 70
9. Number of livestock and production of field crops 1980............................. 72
10. Meat production 1934-83........................................................... 71
11. Milk production 1935-83........................................................... 71
12. Greenhouse and vegetable garden production 1951-83 ............................ 74
13. Budget for deciding prices to farmers.......................................... 63
14. Value of agricultural production each calendar year 1935-83.................... 74
15. Treasury subsidies on exported agricultural productsof production years 1960/61-82/83.. 75
V. Fishing and fish processing.
Explanatory notes.................................................................. 80
1. Fish catch 1905-83................................................................. 76
2. Fish catch 1942-83, by species..................................................... 78
3. Quantity and value of the fish catch 1980-83, by species........................... 77
4 Number of fishermen 1966-83.......................................................... 77
5. Trawler operation and catches 1975-83.............................................. 80
6. Demersal fish caught by trawlers and other vessels 1942-83......................... 81
7. Icelandic fish catch by fishing grounds in the North Atlantic 1934-83.............. 82
8. Non-trawler demersal catches 1966-83, by type of fishing gear...................... 84
9. Non-trawler catch 1983, by type of fishing gear.................................... 84
10. Fish catch 1942-83, by places of processing....................................... 85
11. Disposition of demersal íish catch 1942-83........................................ 83
12. Herring catch 1942-83............................................................. 87
13. Capelin catch 1962-83............................................................. 87
14. Disposition of fish catch 1983, by species........................................ 88
15. Whaling off Iceland 1891-1983..................................................... 88
16. Marine products 1942-60........................................................... 89
17. Marine products 1961-83........................................................... 90
18. Marine products 1973-83 for export................................................ 92
19. Summary of operating accounts of fishine and fish processing 1969-81 ............. 93
20. Fish catch by fishing grounds in the Nortn East Atlantic 1956-81 ................. 95
21. Fishcatchinlcelandgrounds 1905-81,bynationalityoffishing vessels and by principal
species............................................................................ 96
22. FishcatchinNorth East Atlantic andlceland grounds 1981,by fishing grounds and nationality
of fishing vessels................................................................. 98
VI. Manufacturing.
1. Selected manufacturing products 1940-82............................................ 99
2. Volume indexes in manufacturing 1973-82........................................... 103
3. Aggregated operating accountofestablishmentsinmanufacturing 1980.................. 104
4. Aggregated balance sheet of establishments in manufacturing 1980.................. 104
5. Gross aomestic factor income in manufacturing 1973-80............................. 105
VII. Housing and construction.
1. Dwelling houses 1910-60................................................... .... 107
2. Dwellings 1940-80 ................................................................ 107
3. Dwelling units 1983 .............................................................. 108