Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 62
Mean age, median age and modal age of mothers to live births 1961-81.
Öll böm/'all births Frumburðir/first births
1961 1966 1971 1976 1961 1966 1971 1976
-65 -70 -75 -80 1981 -65 -70 -75 -80 1981
Meðalaldur/mean age 27,2 26,3 25,7 25,9 26,3 21,7 21,3 21,6 21,9 22, 1
Skilgetin böm/legitrmate births .... 28,7 28,1 27,7 28, 0 28, 6 23,3 23,1 23,8 24,0 24, 5
Óskilgetin böm/illegitimate births.. 22,8 22,0 21,8 22,4 22,9 20,6 20,3 20,4 20,9 21,3
Miðaldur/median age 26,2 24,8 24,7 25,1 25, 7 20,6 20,5 20,8 21,2 21, 5
Skilgetin böm 28, 0 26,9 26,7 27,3 28,2 22,1 22,2 23, 0 23,3 24,0
Óskilgetin börn 20,9 20,3 20,6 21,3 21, 9 19,6 19,5 19, 8 20,2 20,7
Tíðasti aldur/modal age 20 21 23 21 22 18 19 20 19 20
Skilgetin börn 22 22 24 25 27 20 21 22 23 24
Óskiígetin börn 18 18 18 19 20 18 18 18 19 19
11-52 (frh. ).Dánir 1971-80 eftir dánarorsök sk v . B -skrá dánarmeina 1965.
1—1 | 2 J L 4 5
(5) Averki, ekki vitað hvort stafar af slysi eða á-
setningi (E980-989) 87 41 46 4, 1 3, 8
Manndrap og averki veittur af asettu raði annars
manns (E960-969) 28 18 10 1, 2 1, 3
*) Liðir í aðalskrá dánarmeina 1965/items of the ICD, 8th Revision, 1965.
Headings: 1: Total number. 2: Males. 3: Females. 4-5: Per 100000 population per year.
Translation of causes of death:
B4 Hnteritis and other diarrhoeal diseases
B5 Tuberculosis of respiratory system
B6 Other tuberculosis, including late effects
Bll Meningococcal infection
B17 Syphilis and its sequelae
B18 A11 other infective and parasitic diseases
B19 Malignant neoplasms, including neo-
plasms of lymphatic andhaematopoietic
B20 Benign neoplasms and neoplasms of un-
specified nature
B21 Diabetes mellitus
B23 Anaemias
B24 Meningitis
B25 Active rheumatic fever
B26 Chronic rheumatic heart disease
B27 Hypertensive disease
B28 Ischaemic heart disease
B29 Other forms of heart disease
B30 Cerebrovascular disease
B31 Influenza
B32 Pneumonia
B33 Bronchitis, emphysema and asthma
B34 Peptic ulcer
B35 Appendicitis
B36 Intestinal obstruction and hemia
B37 Cirrhosis of liver
B38 Nephritis and nephrosis
B39 Hyperplasia of prostate
B41 Other complications of pregnancy, child-
birth and the puerperium.
B42 Congenital anomalies
B43 Birth injury, difficult labour and other
anoxic and hypoxic conditions
B44 Other causes of perinatal: mortality
B45 Symptoms and ill-defined conditions
B46 All other diseases
BE47 Motor vehicle accidents
BE48 All other accidents
BE49 Suicide and self-inflicted injuries
BE50 All other extemal causes
Malignant neoplasm of oral cavity,
pharynx and oesophagus
Malignant neoplasm of stomach
" of other digestive organs
" of respiratory organs
" of breast
" of genitourinary organs
" of other sites
" of lymphatic and haemopoietic tissue
Acute myocardial infarction
Other ischaemic heart disease
Cerebral haemorrhage
Other cerebrovascular disease
E830-Water transport accidents
E840-Air transport accidents
E850-Accidental poisoning
E880-Accidental falls
E910- A ccidental submersion and drowning
E800-Other accidents
E980- Injury undetermined whether accident-
ally or purposely inflicted
E960- Homicide and injury purposely inflicted
by other persons