Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 81

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 81
64 Landbúnaður Allt landið/Iceland ... 6996 5073 1923 1521 938 1632 814 847 761 628 460 304 Sýslur/counties ... 6826 4975 1851 1473 911 1547 798 826 752 624 457 302 Kaupstaðir/towns ... 170 98 72 48 27 85 16 21 9 4 3 2 Reykjanesskagi ... 300 204 96 64 47 134 33 25 19 13 10 7 Gullbringusysla 91 50 41 11 26 64 - 1 “ - Kjósarsýsla ... 189 136 53 38 21 53 32 25 19 12 10 6 Kaupstaðir 18 2 15 17 1 “ “ 1 Vesturland ... 1056 799 257 237 132 226 119 149 130 104 68 50 Borgarfj arðarsýsla 226 32 46 20 37 20 36 41 28 19 26 Mýrasýsla Snæfellsnessýsla 181 47 63 26 45 23 29 26 24 22 9 207 117 102 63 89 34 36 30 32 18 7 Dalasýsla ... 245 184 61 25 23 55 42 47 33 20 9 8 Akranes 1 1 “ 1 - _ 1 “ “ “ Vestfirðir ... 718 454 264 128 83 315 117 97 63 24 15 1 A-Barðastrandarsýsla ... 112 72 40 19 20 46 13 9 16 6 2 “ V-Barðastrandarsysla ... 133 85 48 28 10 78 18 12 8 3 2 V-ísafjarðarsýsla ... 134 68 66 29 15 60 31 19 8 1 - N-fsafjarðarsysla 97 65 32 18 16 40 16 14 6 3 1 1 Strandasýsla ... 206 144 62 32 18 74 33 38 22 12 8 “ Kaupstaðir 36 20 16 2 4 17 6 5 3 — 1 “ Norðurland vestra ... 1084 807 277 165 92 240 123 134 133 115 88 64 V-Húnavatnssýsla ... 246 196 50 41 16 52 27 40 39 33 18 10 A -Húnav atnssysla ,... 287 209 78 38 34 50 25 32 33 27 24 20 Skagafjarðarsýsla ... 526 399 127 85 29 129 69 62 61 55 46 33 Kaúpstaðir 25 3 22 1 13 9 2 — — “ “ 1 Norðurland eystra ,... 1237 931 306 255 152 264 143 176 126 109 91 67 Eyjafjarðarsýsla ,.. . 431 332 99 92 36 81 39 52 39 44 44 35 S-Pingeyjarsýsla ,... 528 407 121 96 69 106 73 78 63 45 38 25 N-Þingeyjarsýsla , ... 214 148 66 51 42 51 27 31 18 16 7 7 Kaupstaðir 64 44 20 16 5 26 4 15 6 4 2 “ Austurland , . .. 927 638 289 217 128 212 112 119 114 97 49 37 N-Múlasýsla .... 411 284 127 97 64 80 59 56 52 39 21 15 S-Múlasýsla ,. .. 369 251 118 93 49 113 40 48 40 33 14 16 A-Skaftáfellssýsla .... 143 100 43 27 14 17 12 15 22 25 14 6 Kaupstaðir .... 4 3 1 ~ 1 2 1 — — “ “ Suðurland .... 1674 1240 434 455 304 241 167 147 176 166 139 78 V-Skaftafellssýsla ,... 236 175 61 82 39 39 34 30 20 27 24 8 Rangárvallasýsla ,... 599 462 137 156 75 73 66 58 66 61 54 25 Ámessýsla .... 819 594 225 204 186 115 65 59 90 78 61 45 Kaupstaðir 9 11 13 4 14 2 “ — “ - Headings: 1-4: Number of holdings. 1: Total. 2: In operation. 3: Deserted. 4: Holdings leased. 5-15: Holdings by size of homefields (hectares). 5: No homefield. 16-17: Homefields. 16:Total, thous- and hectares. 17: Hectares per holding in operation. 18-19: Holdings with actual or potential subsidiary income. 18: Number of holdings. 19: Capitalized subsidiary income. 20-29: Farm buildings by year of construction. 20-21: Dwellings. 22-23: Cow sheds. 24-25: Sheep sheds. 26-27: Hay bams. 28-29:Other buildings. 20, 22,24, 26, 28: Total. 21, 23, 25,27, 29: Built after 1950. Landbúnaður 65 Real estate assessment data 1981: Number of holdings etc. (hektarar) Tún Hlunnindi Hús eftir byggingarári 40, 0-44, 9 45, 0-49, 9 50, 0 og stærri Alls, þús. hektarar Ha á hverja byggða jörð Jarðir með hlunnindi Mat hlunn- inda, m. kr. Ibúðarhús Fjós Fj árhús Hlöður Önnur útihús Alls Eftir 1950 Alls Eftir 1950 Alls Eftir 1950 Alls Eftir 1950 Alls Eftir 1950 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 233 119 260 127,4 25,1 2760 182, 0 6797 3237 5011 3055 7138 4578 9935 6204 15790 9555 232 118 259 125,8 25,3 2709 178,4 6673 3209 4915 3020 7052 4548 9793 6148 15511 9463 1 1 1 1,6 16 51 3,6 124 28 96 35 86 30 142 56 279 92 4 - 8 4,3 21 79 19,1 313 125 168 62 132 68 244 97 590 239 “ - “ 0,2 5 - - 76 19 35 5 24 7 48 8 103 15 4 “ 7 3,9 28 78 19,1 221 103 118 54 100 57 176 86 449 215 “ “ 1 0,2 12 1 0, 0 16 3 15 3 8 4 20 3 38 9 30 20 28 19,2 24 575 56,1 1103 531 812 449 1086 701 1630 953 2625 1598 10 7 14 6,1 27 193 20, 5 338 173 248 117 316 192 533 293 946 478 10 7 7 4,5 25 153 21,4 247 109 190 102 258 153 404 217 715 423 4 5 6 4,6 22 65 4,6 283 122 207 134 285 195 365 231 675 503 6 1 1 3,9 21 164 9,5 234 127 165 96 226 161 325 212 284 193 “ “ “ 0, 0 20 - “ 1 2 ” 1 3 “ 5 1 3 - - 7,2 16 257 11,4 658 237 426 223 692 383 707 366 1529 811 “ - - 1,1 16 43 3,4 109 53 64 33 108 58 135 76 200 111 2 - - 1, 2 14 24 0,8 132 40 94 50 143 68 143 73 322 155 “ “ “ 1,2 18 7 1,1 120 30 74 40 131 69 136 64 327 184 - - 0,9 14 28 2,4 82 34 53 26 79 41 85 43 193 59 1 “ 2,5 17 148 3,7 187 73 123 68 211 143 185 107 429 296 “ “ ” 0, 3 17 7 0,1 28 7 18 6 20 4 23 3 58 6 39 19 37 21,2 26 572 27, 7 1051 545 721 451 1199 809 1590 1112 1982 1354 6 3 2 4, 5 23 129 9,4 250 140 158 104 313 220 448 313 516 373 17 10 15 6,2 30 167 13, 7 273 139 202 124 330 223 433 322 542 346 16 6 20 10,3 26 276 4,5 515 264 355 223 551 365 702 476 904 629 “ “ “ 0,1 28 “ “ 13 2 6 5 1 7 1 20 6 42 23 44 23,1 25 375 24,0 1276 569 996 581 1225 790 1750 1100 2603 1331 24 14 23 9,7 29 28 1, 5 472 217 441 266 396 235 640 385 1043 471 10 5 16 9,3 23 202 15,9 551 246 398 252 490 357 728 508 906 523 7 3 5 3, 3 22 121 4,7 199 92 109 38 294 178 304 159 523 273 1 1 “ 0,8 19 24 2, 0 54 14 48 25 45 20 78 48 131 64 21 11 27 15,9 25 230 10,4 798 364 598 355 1062 670 1267 780 1592 976 11 6 8 6,9 24 151 8,9 327 147 240 135 486 292 590 350 666 395 7 2 7 5,6 22 69 1,0 322 132 236 128 375 230 448 277 615 386 3 3 12 3.4 34 7 0, 6 146 84 118 91 198 148 223 152 303 191 “ “ “ 0, 0 8 3 0, 0 3 1 4 1 3 6 1 8 4 94 46 116 36,5 29 672 33» 3 1598 866 1290 934 1742 1157 2747 1796 4869 3246 9 2 4 4,1 24 177 2, 0 231 127 181 133 417 245 504 314 695 471 33 20 68 16,3 35 85 0,6 590 294 530 403 730 495 1278 806 2046 1305 52 24 44 16, 0 27 394 29,1 768 444 576 398 591 416 960 676 2109 1468 - - 0,1 8 16 1,5 9 1 3 “ 4 1 5 - 19 2 Tafla IV-IB er á næstu siðu
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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