Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 106

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 106
90 Sjávarútvegur V-17. FRA MLEIÐSLA SjAVARAFURÐA 1 961-83. 1961-65 - 1976-80:Árlegmeðaltöl/yearly averages. Sjávarafurðir alls/marine products total.......... Frystar afurðir/frozen products total............. Botnfiskafurðir/demersal species.............. Flök/fillets................................. Heilfrystur fiskur/in whole.................. Úrgangur/offal............................... Hrogn/roes................................... Sildar- og loðnuafurðir/herring and capelin .... Sild til utflutnings/herring for exports..... Beitusild/herring for bait................... Loðna til beitu/capelin for bait............. Loðna/capelin................................ Loðnuhrogn/capelin roes...................... Hvalkjöt/vmale meat........................... Aðrar frystar afurðir/other frozen products... Humar/lobster................................ Rækja/shrimp................................. Hörpudiskur/scallop.......................... Kolkrabbi/ oc topus.......................... Saltaðar afurðir/salted products.................. Botnfiskafurðir/demersal species.............. Verkaður saltfiskur/salted fish, dried....... óverkaður saltfiskur/salted fish, uncured.... Þunnildi/wings............................... Hrogn/roes................................... Saltflök/fillets, salted..................... Saltsild/salted herring....................... Grásleppuhrogn/salted lumpfish roes........... fsaðar og nvjar afurðir/fresh products and on ice ... Isfiskur/demersal species on ice.............. fsuð sfld og ný/herring,fresh and on ice...... Ný loðna/fresh capelin........................ Hertar afurðir/dried products..................... Skreið/stockfish.............................. Þorskhausar/fish heads, dried................. Mjöl og lýsi/meal and oil......................... Af botnfiskum/from demersal species........... Þorskalýsi/cod oil........................... Karfalysi/redfish oil........................ Fiskmjöl/cod meal............................ Karfamjöl/redfish meal....................... Stejlnbítsmjöl/catfish meal.................. Grálúðulýsi/Greenland halibut oil............ Spærlings- og lifrarmjöl/Norway poutand fish liver öil.................................... Kolmunnamjöl/blue-whiting meal............... Spærlrngs-ogkolmunnalýsi/Norway pout and blue-whiting meal............................ Af síld og loðnu/from herring and capelin..... Sfldarlysi/herring oil....................... Loðnulysi/capelin oil........................ Síldarmjöl/herring meal ..................... Loðnumjöl/capelin meal....................... Af hvölum/from whales......................... Hvallýsi/whale oil........................... Búrhvalslýsi/sperm oil....................... Hvalmjöl/whale meal.......................... Skelfiskmjöl/shellfish meal................... Niðurlagðar og -soðnar sjávarafurðir/cannedpndiEts Botnfiskar/demersal species................... Sfld og loðna/herring and capelin............. Rækja/shrimp.................................. Grásleppuhrogn/lumpfish roes.................. Hvalkjötskraftur/whale meat extract............... Neyslufiskur innanlands áætlaður/domestic conaimp- tion (estimatej................................... Ýmislegt/miscellaneous............................ Tonn/ 1961-65 1966-7o|l971-75 1976-80 1979 1980 426249 359746 339128 508872 598493 586518 90473 87005 97149 128913 159695 145572 60006 72955 79652 107435 124023 124490 48201 56212 69855 97659 114350 111888 3335 8267 7031 6933 5736 9137 7189 6491 798 1438 2519 1724 1281 1985 1968 1405 1418 1741 27395 10467 12001 13786 27381 12507 25399 8424 - 5230 12243 6717 J- 1996 J- 1369 332 1705 1602 1583 6382 1063 1029 1082 - 674 5287 4137 8850 2492 - - - 1651 3657 633 2328 2318 2614 4348 4863 4830 744 1265 2882 3344 3423 3745 626 777 1164 682 403 676 118 432 1252 1700 1720 2039 - 56 466 887 930 1030 - - - 75 375 - 81024 55975 44585 68410 64326 83683 32692 31166 40085 46384 42785 54972 2890 3022 5967 1790 1500 1250 23806 24440 30963 39669 37294 47000 1318 458 129 54 118 36 4678 3246 1924 2236 2043 2986 - - 1102 2635 1830 3700 47947 23938 3093 20309 20160 26932 385 871 1407 1717 1381 1779 37851 46606 63095 34878 44522 58202 33633 27944 14927 24669 34911 45209 4218 18662 37927 3125 - 2619 - - 10241 7084 9611 10374 8697 5820 1146 7042 6959 17483 8697 5820 1146 5708 5180 12590 - - - 1334 1779 4893 191583 147999 114313 249498 302308 260558 34699 34098 39562 48632 50156 49441 7985 5099 4114 3442 3824 4734 796 961 1170 1645 1806 1556 21174 23221 29425 35553 35070 33510 3831 3756 4132 4199 6091 6140 453 490 393 205 _ 1027 460 571 328 2350 2826 1621 - 1057 439 710 _ _ _ 181 100 143 151545 109365 70400 197452 248385 207680 63827 39683 234 315 391 370 193 4269 16008 70956 86133 80120 85683 44632 94 890 1362 1218 1842 20781 54064 125291 160499 125972 5160 4515 4285 3414 3767 3437 2144 1826 2512 1502 1427 1355 978 835 - 509 767 761 2038 1854 1773 1403 1573 1321 179 21 66 - - - 642 1421 1811 2216 2659 2800 J- 608 J- 1337 849 832 526 1309 429 1423 611 1682 34 64 34 289 708 361 20 96 92 99 146 168 133 111 22 “ - 15342 14704 16918 17893 18024 18220 469 83 Sjávarútvegur 91 Marine products 1961-83, tons Fob-verðmæti/fob-values, frá 1981 millj.nýkr./effective 1981 mill.new kr. 1981 1982 1983 1961-65 1966-70 1971-75 1976-80 1979 1980 1981 1982 | 1983 539751 375645 377883 4062 6330 22784 176100 228513 364296 5506 7612 13341 134273 141599 146891 1263 2687 10773 80799 118153 150896 2077 3556 7647 112037 116843 124060 1014 2286 8765 68045 97277 127002 1725 2933 6118 104263 104244 113341 933 2071 8313 65320 94453 120917 1671 2797 5896 6136 9985 9236 40 141 338 2070 2059 4678 38 112 188 7 678 57 20 26 6 72 141 120 0 1 0 1631 1936 1426 21 48 108 583 624 1287 16 23 34 13711 15719 13029 158 80 442 4224 10398 5870 79 123 111 7812 11706 9229 150 55 - 1915 4359 3766 45 98 80 2300 2500 2700 F 8 J- 20 20 309 368 549 11 16 24 1050 540 1100 164 96 101 179 1 0 7 502 953 - 5 258 970 2692 995 4 8 2047 20 - - - - 934 2878 381 18 1 - 4952 5035 4629 16 34 128 1803 2660 3864 68 125 309 3573 4002 5173 75 287 1438 6727 7818 14160 205 375 1109 704 737 776 64 199 799 2143 1873 4401 68 134 305 1713 1992 2666 11 74 474 3204 4042 6778 79 150 472 1156 1273 1731 - 14 165 1357 1785 2981 58 91 332 _ _ - - - 23 118 - “ - 86352 85706 75048 994 1308 5273 35126 37996 80865 1358 2018 2843 65903 62769 49544 460 835 4781 25528 27697 56741 1163 1643 2238 516 1709 2710 61 112 639 831 932 1245 7 46 104 60750 56650 43375 326 629 3831 22009 24532 48391 1101 1530 2001 42 53 42 15 10 9 30 75 37 1 1 2 3080 2967 1492 58 84 107 879 833 2036 27 26 38 1515 1390 1925 - - 195 1779 1325 5032 27 40 93 18370 22353 24555 523 428 256 8381 9024 21734 153 359 532 2079 584 949 11 45 236 1217 1275 2390 42 16 73 39053 45164 35347 210 559 1547 8488 11645 21768 205 378 696 39053 45164 35347 196 392 633 8004 11444 20612 205 378 696 _ _ 14 167 881 352 - 796 - - _ _ _ _ - 33 132 201 360 - - ~ 25202 16953 4718 247 251 331 11100 8948 37971 871 988 342 17916 12023 2198 247 251 331 10003 7993 33439 767 891 252 7286 4930 2520 - - - 1097 955 4532 104 97 90 233365 65702 94781 1246 1247 3525 31408 40043 55092 714 237 975 48764 54547 51143 222 366 1200 6425 7087 11958 164 195 455 4068 4260 3127 69 63 179 995 1121 2608 35 42 52 1843 5960 3893 5 8 36 171 235 268 5 22 23 32159 34705 32774 122 250 854 4131 4503 6762 93 93 279 7188 9622 9416 21 34 117 553 798 1259 21 38 84 - - 2 5 8 113 566 - - 714 - - - “ — _ 2 — 270 _ 273 3 6 6 305 363 327 1 - 2 2522 - 1353 - - - 135 56 143 7 _ 12 _ _ 307 _ _ _ 22 11 25 - - 3 181370 8617 42547 989 835 2193 24527 32356 42316 537 30 513 174 458 1568 420 256 10 38 49 64 0 1 8 76099 2367 17202 2 41 496 8364 10939 13861 199 7 201 872 1674 2295 554 313 2 117 182 211 3 6 18 104225 4118 21482 13 225 1685 16008 21186 28180 335 16 286 3231 2538 1091 34 46 131 456 600 818 13 12 7 1707 1105 607 15 19 86 177 214 257 8 6 4 324 490 - 7 7 - 130 173 335 2 3 “ 1200 943 484 12 20 45 149 213 226 3 3 3 _ _ - 1 0 1 - - - - - 3090 2067 2604 24 90 384 3099 4640 6135 96 141 273 680 118 176 [» 20 |- 78 90 271 252 570 9 3 9 1850 946 1195 237 1706 1986 3447 54 55 106 350 846 1034 4 8 23 948 2214 1690 26 71 135 210 157 199 4 34 174 188 428 7 12 23 - - 1 4 37 18 - — — — 18416 18454 18494 77 184 914 6062 7088 11569 185 294 565 - - - 0 0 - — “ —
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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