Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 186

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 186
170 XII-17.HEILDARTALA ÁRSVERKA OG MEÐALLAUN A ARSVERK, MEÐ LANDS- SVÆÐA- O G ATVINNUVEGASKIPTINGUM, ARIÐ 1 982. Translation of regions (over columns): Reykjavflt: the Capital. Reykjanessvasði: Reykjanes, Area. Vesturland: West. Vestfirðir: West Peninsula. Norðurland vestra: North, West.Norðurlandeystra; North, East. Austurland: East. Suðurland: South. Hlutfallsleg skipting ársverka á hverju landssvæði á atvinnuvegi (lesist lóðrétt) 1) 1 Landbúnaður.................. 2 Fiskveiðar (þar með hvalveiðar) 3Iðnaður ...................... 4 5 6 Fiskvinnsla................................... Matvælaiðnaður, þá ekki fiskvinnsla........... Vefjariðnaður, skó-ogfatagerð, sútun og verkun skinna ....................................... Trjávöruiðnaður............................... Pappfrsiðnaður................................ Efnaiðnaður................................... Steinefnaiðnaður.............................. Al-ogkfsiljárnframleiðsla..................... Málmsmfði.vélaviðg. .skipasmfðar og -viðgerðir Ýmis iðnaður og viðgerðir..................... 14 Rafmagns-,hita- og vatnsveitur.................. 15 Byggingarstarfsemi.............................. 16 Byggingarstarfsemi sem atvinnurekstur......... 17 Bygging f eigin þágu.......................... Framkvæmdir opinberra aðila án aðildar verktaka. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 Verslun, veitingar- og notelrekstur 20 Heildverslun................................... 21 Smásöluverslun................................. 22 Veitinga-og hótelrekstur....................... 23 Samgöngur........................................ 24 Flutningastarfsemi............................. 25 Póstur og sfmi................................. 26 Peningastofnanir o. fl........................... 27 Peningastofnanir............................... 28 Tryggingar..................................... 29 Þjonusta við atvinnurekstur.................... 30 Ýmis þjónustustarfsemi........................... 31 Opinber stjórnsýsla............................ 32 Götu- og sorphreinsun.......................... 33 Opinber þjónusta............................... 34 Menningarstarfsemi............................. 35 Persónuleg þjónusta............................ 36 Varnarliðið...................................... 37 Heildartala ársverka/totalnumberofman years.... 38 Hlutfallslegskiptingárs\erta/meðallaunársverWper- centage distribution of man years total/á\eiage eam- nings per man year, total........................ 1 io O a c3 3 y h 3 CTJ £ 3 d kO £ Lh 3 L 5WS cd > & g S 3 >43 4>'2 >« o o 2 > O. 60 O >> 2 o 3 £ a 543 0,37 1,30 19,54 10, 01 28, 26 14, 33 16,78 25, 39 1,57 4, 83 8, 61 11,12 5, 97 6,13 8, 95 6,30 18,27 23, 85 26,80 34, 62 22, 41 28,76 29,91 22,40 2,57 7, 62 12,94 27,49 9,30 11,13 21,88 11, 72 3, 05 2, 74 2, 62 2,41 4, 46 4, 86 2,46 4, 20 2,20 1,55 1,43 0,49 3, 01 4, 88 1,09 1,85 1,36 1,85 1,12 0,27 2,79 1,40 1,04 1,37 2,85 1, 71 0,35 0, 27 0,13 0,78 0,20 0,43 1,25 1, 07 0,14 0, 06 0,13 1,39 0,17 0,32 0, 58 0, 62 2, 94 0,35 0,38 0, 52 0,42 0, 53 0, 67 2, 04 2,15 - 0, 03 - 0, 02 - 3,13 4, 07 3, 07 3,24 2,15 3, 75 2, 63 1, 95 0, 61 0, 58 0, 04 0, 04 0, 03 0, 05 - 0, 03 0,96 0,93 0,75 2, 03 0, 61 0, 63 0,76 1, 61 9, 00 11,95 9,20 9,22 9,36 9, 83 10,40 10, 68 6, 40 9,29 6,43 7,16 5, 02 6, 20 5,98 7, 81 0,26 0,34 0, 52 0,20 1,14 0,35 0, 67 0, 22 2,34 2,32 2,25 1, 86 3,20 3, 28 3, 75 2, 65 17,96 13,96 8,54 8,10 9,20 11, 06 9, 06 7,66 8,16 5, 68 1,35 1, 09 0, 97 1,37 0,84 1,11 7,12 6, 31 5, 82 6, 28 7, 31 7,99 6,96 5, 41 2, 68 1,97 1,37 0, 73 0, 92 1, 70 1,26 1,14 9, 58 7, 05 5,19 5, 55 4, 43 4,92 6,13 4, 83 7,97 5, 86 3, 77 3,42 3,16 3, 77 4, 23 3, 54 1, 61 1,19 1,42 2,13 1,27 1,15 1,90 1,29 8,80 6,48 2, 85 3,22 1,76 3, 06 2, 59 2, 65 3,64 2,65 1,97 2, 07 1,20 1.71 1, 90 1,72 1,33 0,94 0,18 0,32 0,20 0,37 0,22 0,28 3, 83 2,89 0,70 0, 83 0,36 0, 98 0, 47 0, 65 33,16 26,23 18,49 16,13 18, 00 21,28 15,16 18,47 5, 79 5,11 3, 50 3, 64 3,39 3,15 2, 93 4,56 0,48 0, 08 0, 07 0,14 0, 07 0,16 0, 05 0,13 20, 58 16, 02 12,20 9,48 11, 60 13, 98 9,95 11, 25 2, 38 1,44 0, 61 0, 89 0,70 0, 81 0,42 0,73 3,93 3, 58 2,11 1,98 2,24 3,18 1,81 1,80 0, 33 3,42 0, 03 - 0,26 0, 01 39862 25093 7202 4936 5450 12187 6413 10035 35,8 22,6 6, 5 4,4 4,9 11, 0 5,8 9,0 Translation of text lines: 1: Farming, agriculture. 2: Fishing (incl.whaling). 3: Manufacturing. 4: Fish processing. 5: Manufacture of iood and beverages excl. fish processing. 6: Manufacture of textiles, apparei, footwear etc. Tanneries. 7: Manufacture of wood products. 8: Manufacture of paper products. Printing and publishing. 9: Manufacture of chemicals and plastic products. 10: Manufacture of mineral products. 11: Manufacture of aluminium and ferro-silicon. 12: Manufacture of metal products and machinery and repairing, ship building and ship repairing. 13:Othermanufacturing, repairing n.e.s. 14: Electricity and watersupply (incl.hotwater for heating). 15: Construction. 16:Construction by contractors. 17: Construction by private parties for their own use. 18: Construction by public parties, not contracted away. 19: Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels. 20:Wholesale trade. 21: Retail trade. 22: Operation of hotels and restaurants. 23: Transport and communication. 24: Transport. 25: Postal and telecommunication services. 26: Financial institutions etc. 27: Financial institutions. 28: Insurance. 29: Business services. 30: Community.social and personalservices. 31: Public administration. 32: Sanitary and similar services. 33: Social and related community services. 34: Recreation and cultural services. 35: Personal and household services. 36: Nationals employed at NATO base. 37: Man years total. 38: Percentage distribution of man years/average eamings per man year. 171 Number of man years and average earnings per man year, by regions and industries, 1982. Hlutfallsleg skipting ársverka t hverjum atvinnuvegi (með vissum gjeiningum) á landssvæði (lesist lárétt) 2) Meðalárslaun (t 1000 kr.) á ársverk eftir landssvæðum/atvinnuvegum 3) Reykjavík Reykjan. sv. Vesturland f-> M 60 q; > Norðurl. v. Norðurl. ey. Austurland 'O a c3 S-H a kO a co Reykjavfk Reykjan.sv. Vesturland Vestfirðir Norðurl.v. Norðurl. ey. Austurland Suðurland Tala árs- verka 4) BO „ U V3 Æ-S'= s.e*s K'm'S Meðallaun á ársverk 6) 1,6 3, 5 15,2 5.3 16, 6 18, 8 11,6 27,4 93 114 99 105 96 100 98 103 9322 8,4 100 1 11, 8 22,9 11, 7 10,4 6,2 14,1 10, 9 12, 0 304 274 268 322 273 273 296 280 5283 4,7 285 2 28,3 23,2 7,5 6, 6 4,7 13,6 7,4 8,7 170 178 181 170 157 168 160 168 25802 23,2 171 3 10,6 19,8 9, 6 14,1 5,2 14, 0 14, 5 12, 2 166 157 173 169 155 164 160 172 9672 8,7 164 4 33, 5 19, 0 5,2 3,3 6,7 16,3 4,4 11,6 155 152 165 163 158 157 156 172 3624 3,3 158 5 36,4 16,2 4,3 1, o 6, 8 24, 7 2,9 7, 7 129 154 129 128 124 161 130 121 2406 2.2 140 6 33,4 28, 5 5,0 0,7 9,3 10, 5 4,1 8, 5 160 171 174 161 178 163 157 180 1630 1.5 167 7 64. 6 24,4 1,4 0,7 0,4 5,4 0,7 2,4 180 196 165 149 158 185 142 161 1761 1,6 183 8 50, 0 26. 7 1.0 0,3 0,7 17, 0 1,1 3,2 172 169 142 100 147 181 124 126 999 0,9 170 9 29, 5 19,9 27,2 2,2 2,7 8,2 3,5 6,8 184 203 189 170 206 195 170 167 779 0,7 188 10 28, 5 54, 6 16, 6 0,2 - 0,1 - 261 263 247 165 203 638 346 240 936 0,8 260 11 34, 6 28, 5 6,2 4,5 3,3 12, 7 4,7 5, 5 183 189 208 189 171 194 182 179 3588 3, 2 187 12 60, 2 35, 9 0,7 0,5 0, 5 1.5 - 0,7 196 229 160 106 110 145 122 157 407 0,4 206 13 35,1 21,4 4.9 9,2 3, 0 7.1 4, 5 14, 8 223 234 249 197 267 265 252 245 1091 1,0 233 14 32,2 26, 9 5,9 4,1 4, 6 10,7 6,0 9, 6 192 195 188 180 174 183 171 184 11154 10, 0 189 15 32, 3 29, 5 5,9 4,5 3,5 9,6 4,8 9,9 194 203 188 181 172 187 173 191 7899 7,1 193 16 25,4 21,1 9,4 2,4 15, 3 10, 3 10, 5 5, 6 176 172 164 152 146 169 146 142 409 0,4 163 17 32,7 20,4 5,7 3,3 6,2 14,0 8,4 9,3 191 167 195 179 187 178 173 168 2846 2,6 180 18 48,1 23, 5 4.1 2,7 3.4 9,1 3,9 5,2 157 163 145 145 125 148 142 143 14879 13,4 154 19 62, 5 27, 3 1,9 1, o 1, o 3, 2 1,0 2,1 172 184 169 165 138 165 149 159 5216 4,7 174 20 37,8 21,1 5,6 4,1 5,3 13, 0 5,9 7,2 145 149 138 141 122 144 140 141 7512 6,8 144 21 49, 6 23, 0 4,6 1,7 2,3 9,7 3.8 5,3 140 148 149 146 137 148 145 139 2151 1,9 143 22 48, 2 22, 2 4,7 3,4 3, 0 7,5 4,9 6, 1 184 202 192 162 156 161 158 167 7958 7,2 183 23 50, 0 23, 2 4,3 2,7 2,7 7, 2 4,3 5, 6 188 210 200 166 157 160 158 170 6345 5,7 188 24 39, 9 18, 6 6,3 6, 5 4,3 8,7 7,6 8,1 166 165 170 155 152 164 159 159 1613 1,5 163 25 54, 8 25, 4 3,2 2, 5 1.5 5,8 2,6 4,2 188 196 178 173 173 183 175 160 6402 5, 8 187 26 49, 5 22, 7 4,8 3, 5 2, 3 7,1 4,2 5,9 177 178 171 172 176 166 175 160 2929 2.6 175 27 59,3 26, 5 1,5 1,8 1,2 5, 0 1,6 3,1 170 191 150 168 195 225 147 155 896 0, 8 177 28 59,2 28,1 1,9 1, 6 0, 8 4,7 1,2 2, 5 204 215 204 178 150 196 191 162 2577 2,3 205 29 46, 7 23, 2 4,7 2,8 3, 5 9,2 3,4 6, 5 172 174 168 164 158 165 164 152 28327 25,5 169 30 44, 2 24, 5 4,8 3,4 3, 5 7,3 3,6 8,7 202 209 205 185 181 203 203 173 5238 4,7 200 31 73, 2 7.3 1,9 2,6 1, 5 7,3 1,2 5, 0 169 192 184 173 196 141 134 174 260 0,2 170 32 46, 3 22, 8 5,0 2, 6 3, 6 9,7 3, 6 6,4 168 168 160 155 155 162 155 146 17673 15,9 164 33 58, 0 22, 0 2,7 2,7 2,3 6,1 1,7 4,5 163 161 155 139 131 144 143 127 1634 1,5 158 34 44, 5 25, 5 4,3 2,8 3, 5 11, 0 3,3 5, 1 153 156 158 175 147 149 156 141 3522 3,2 153 35 13,1 84, 9 0,2 - - - 1,7 0,1 326 223 229 - 297 265 191 502 1012 0, 9 236 36 111230 • • 37 176 186 169 178 146 164 163 156 100, 0 100, 0 172 38 1) Percentage distribution of number of man years by regionsandindustries(toberead horizon- tally). 2) Percentage distribution of number of man years by industries and regions (to be read vertically). 3) Average earnings (thous. kr.) per man year by regions/industries. 4) Number of man years. 5) Percentage distribution of number of man years. 6) Average earnings per manyear. Skýringar. Þessi tafla er unnin upp úr töflum f riti áætlunardeildar Framkvæmdastofnunar ríkisins, "Vinnumarkaðurinn 1982". Byggjast þær á upplýsingum launamiða og annarra framtals- gagna um launatekjur einstaklinga og samsvarandi unnar vinnuvikur. I töflunni eru arsverkviðnyers konar launuð störf, sem vinnuvikur eru reiknaðar fyrir. Meðtalin eru arsverk einstaklingameð eigin atvinnurekstur eða sjálfstæða starfsemi, sbr. ákvæði 59.gr. tekjuskattslaga, nr. 75/1981. — A það skal bent, að samtala ársverka f 3.töludálki frá hægri, 111230, a að koma heim við samtölu ars verka f 8 fyrstu dálkum lfnu 37, sem er 111178. Ekki liggur fyrir skyring a þessum mismun.
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