Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 192

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 192
Peningamál 176 XIII-1. SPARIINNLÁN f BÖNKUM OG SPARISJÓÐUM f ÁRSLOK 187 2-1930- Savings deposits in banks and savings banks at end of year 1872-1 93 0 Millj. kr./mill. kr. Bankar/banks............. Sparisjóðir/savings banks. 1872 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 - - - - 0,56 0.93 1,21 3,37 5,13 11,0 30,1 41,1 43,3 0,014 0,13 0,24 0,44 0,16 0,32 0,59 0,69 1,20 2,6 7,9 7,7 9,0 *) Innlán á sparisjóðsávísanabókum meðtalin. Innlánsdeildir kaupfélaga og Söfnunarsjóður fs- lands ekki með f töflunni/savings deposits with chequing facilities includea. Savingsdepartments of co-operatives and Iceland Savings Fund excluded. Tafla XIII-2 er á bls. 174 XIII-3. REIKNINGAR BANKAKERFISINS f ARSLOK 1978-81. 1978- 81. 1978 1979 1980 1981 -16636 -11430 -14000 -1100 20410 44695 98200 169600 -37047 -56124 -112200- -170700 210733 310804 498700 817400 29983 29980 34300 30900 141925 223019 351500 607400 4598 4051 4900 9600 34226 53753 108000 169500 -22573 -31172 -31200 -46000 -10977 -17918 -39600 -61000 160547 250284 413900 709300 48318 82585 136300 221500 112228 167699 277500 487800 69359 105179 176300 323800 42871 62521 101200 164000 Millj. kr./mill. old kr. Erlendir liðir/foreign assets, net....v....................... Erlendar eignir tu skamms tfma, nettó/short-term foreign assets, net ............................................... ^Erlendar skuldir til langs tfma/long-term foreign debt.... Lan^og endurlán/domestic assets............................... Lan Seðlabanka/credits from Central Bank................... Lan innlánsstofnana/credits from deposit money banks....... Endurlánað erlent lánsfé frá Seðlabanka/foreign funds relent by Central Bank ... .......... v........................... Endurlánað erlent lánsfé frá innlánsstofnunum/foreign funds relent by deposit money banks.............................. Ýmsir sjóðir/various funds.................................... Annað nettó/other items, net.................................. Peningamagn og almennt sparifé (M2)/money and general 1) Samtala seðla og mvntar f umferð og veltiinnlána innlánsstofnana/notes and coin in circul- ation, cheque deposits at áeposits mor.ey banks (DMB). um peningamAlatöflur þessa rits. Explanatory notes to tables XIII-1 to X111 — 21 on credit and monetary conditions. Allar upplýsingar f töpum þessa kafla, eru úr ritum hagfræðideildar Seðlabanka fslands eða fengnar beint frá henni, sjá skrá yfir heimildir aftast í bókinni/the economic department of the Central Bank of Iceland is the source of all the tables of Section XIII,see the list ofsources under- lying the tables at the end of this book. Hugtakið ba nk akerfi tekur til Seðlabankans, viðskiptabankanna(ftöflu XIII-6B sést.hverjir þeir eru), sparisjóða og innlánsdeilda kaupfélaga, Póstgfróstofunnar og Söfnunarsjóðsfslands/ the banking system comprises the Central Bank, the commerical banks (see them in table XIII- 6B), the saving banks, the savings departments of co-operatives, the Post Giro Office and the Ice- land Savings Fund. Til innlánsstofnana heyra viðskiptabankar, sparisjóðir og innlánsdeildir kaupfélagapóst- gfróstofan og Söfnunarsjóður fslands, en ekki Seðlabanfdnn/deposit money banks are the commercial banks, the savings banks, the savings deparments of co-operatives, the Post Giro Office andjhe Iceland Savings Fund, but not the Central Bank. Til lánastofnana heyra allar stofnanir bankakerfisins og auk þess fjárfestingalánasjóðir og lífeyrissjóðir/credit institutions are all institutions belonging to the bankingsystem, together with investment credit funds and pension funds. Veltiinnlán greinast^f hlaupareikningsinnlán og innlán á sparisjóðsávfsanabókum. Spari- innlán eru almennt sparisjóðsfé og fé bundið til ákveðins tíma eða með uppsögn/c he qu e de- posits are current account deposits on the one hand and savings deposits withchequing facilities on the other.Savings deposits are ordinary (payable on demand) on the one hand and time deposits on the other. Verðbréfaeign er jafnan talin íútlánum, nema hún sé tilgreind sérstaklega / bondl holdings are always incluaed in credits, unless they are reported separately.
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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