Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 231

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Síða 231
214 Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál XVI-11 .LfFEYRISTRYGGINGA BÆTUR BÓTAÞEGA ALMANNATRYGGINGA 1964-82. 1964-76: gamlarkr. 1977-80: þús. g.kr. 1981-82: nýkr. Ársupphæðir/yearly total Hámark elli- og örorkulífeyrishjóna/maximum old age and disa- bility pension for married couple............................. Elli- og örorkulífeyrir/old age and disability pension .... Tekjutrygging/supplementary pension securing minimum in- come....................................................... Hámark elli- og örorkulífeyris einstaklings/maximum old age and disability pension for single person ......................... Elli- og örorkulifeyrir.................................... Tekjutrygging.............................................. Heimilisuppbot/ supplementary pension securing higher minimum income for persons in one person households................... Hámark ekkjúlifeyris/maximum widow 's pension ................ Mæðralaun, 1 barn innan 16 ára aldurs/single mother s pension. lchildunder 16 years of age.................................... Mæðralaun, 2 böm/2 children................................... Mæðralaun, 3 böm eða fleiri/3 or more children_............... Bamalífeyrir, böm innan 16 ára til 1 ág. 1971, siðan börninnan 17 ára/children's pension, children under 16 years of age until Aug. 1 1971, since then children under 17 years of age ............ Fjölskyldubætur með 1. bami/children's allowances for lst child .. Fjölskyldubætur með 2.bami og síðari/for 2nd child and over... Meðalheildarupphæð/average total Ekkjubætur og ekkilsbætur (siðanl. jan. 1972)/widow's and (since Jan. 1 1972) widower's compensation: Barnlaus bótaþegi, greitt í 3 mánuði til 1. ág. 1971, siðan f 6 mánuði/recipient without children, paid for 3 months untilAug. 1 1971, since then for 6 months.......................... Bótaþegihefur barn innan 17 ára á framfæri, greittnséstu 9 mán- uði til 1 .ág. 1971, sfðan næstu 12 mánuði/ recipient provides for children under 17 years of age, paid for following 9months until Aug. 1 1971, since then for following 12 months............ Fæðingarorlof, óskert, greitt í 3 mánuði/pension during childbirth leave, full, paid for 3 months................................. 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 44505 49318 57060 60365 66215 44505 49318 57060 60365 66215 24725 27399 31700 33536 36786 24725 27399 31700 33536 36786 24122 26094 30190 31940 35035 2222 2403 2781 2942 3227 12061 13047 15095 15970 17517 24122 26094 30190 31940 35035 11109 12017 13903 14709 16134 3000 3105 3443 3961 3961 3000 3105 3443 3961 3961 7935 8584 9931 10506 11526 17854 19313 22345 23640 25929 *) Féll niður frá 1 júli 1974 nema framfærandi hefði brúttótpkjur pndir 700 þús. kr. á ápi eða böm í fjölskýldu yngri en 16 ara væru 5 eða fleiri, enda vasri um það sott. Þa er arsupphæð su sama og XVI-1. SJÚKRAHÚS 1905-60. Hospitals 1905-60. Almenn sjúkrahús Berklahæli Holdsveikrahæli Geðveikrahæli Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1905 .... 5 623 17570 - - - 1 71 22158 - - - 1910 .... 12 991 31920 1 49 3853 1 58 18393 1 69 22190 1915 .... 16 1380 47557 1 156 2 6 645 1 58 18925 1 77 24346 1920 .... 17 1793 58593 1 229 39288 1 48 16688 1 85 24998 1925 .... 21 2271 110348 1 313 54857 1 43 13870 1 77 26581 1930 .... 27 3178 136056 2 503 8 8 649 1 27 9477 1 223 45777 1935 .... 34 5346 210149 2 569 105748 1 22 7253 1 280 65961 1940 .... 45 6022 219039 2 521 99503 1 17 6222 1 253 71734 1945 .... 43 7624 229583 2 498 97950 1 13 4193 1 286 76573 1950 .... 45 9345 247830 2 523 99545 1 8 2920 1 315 85805 1955 .... 43 12951 332836 2 300 69861 1 6 2130 1 444 102931 1960 .... 35 18829 426693 2 332 50025 1 5 1584 2 725 121909 Headings: 1-3: General hospitals. 4-6: Tuberculosis hospitals. 7-9: Leprosariums. 10-12: Mental hospitals. 1, 4, 7,10: Number. 2, 5, 8,11: Total number of patients. 3,6,9,12: Hospital- ization days. Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál 215 Social security pensions per recipient 1964-82. 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 77479 89672 124740 228960 275724 398860 573183 764426 1112 1763 2528 3874 60381 90545 77479 89672 114660 148090 178335 255321 324848 415168 592 931 1318 1986 29497 43180 - - 10080 80870 97389 143539 24833 5 349 258 520 832 1210 1888 30884 47365 43044 49818 69300 127200 153180 221589 318435 424681 680 1152 1655 2531 39566 59290 43044 49818 63700 82272 99075 141845 180471 230649 329 517 732 1103 16387 23989 . - - 5600 44928 54105 79744 137964 194032 289 462 672 1049 17158 26314 - - - - - - - - 62 173 251 379 6021 8987 40992 47442 62069 82272 99075 14185 180471 230681 329 517 732 1103 16387 23989 3780 4368 5590 7224 8694 12448 15831 20234 28, 9 45,4 64, 2 96,8 1436 2102 20496 23718 30331 39180 47181 67547 85938 109831 157 246 349 525 7806 11423 40992 47442 60669 78360 94362 135088 171861 219651 313 492 697 1051 15603 22846 18876 21846 30088 42102 50703 72589 92352 118026 168 265 375 565 8383 12277 4356 4963 8000 9833 15803 7500* - - - - - - - - 4356 5649 8000 9833 15803 16250 9583* - - - - - - - 13485 15606 29165 51549 62076 88870 113064 144500 206 324 459 691 10421 15029 30339 35105 51796 77298 93093 133283 169566 216710 309 486 6B8 1037 15395 18315 22538 26816 með 2. barni og siðari. Fjölskyldubætur féllu niður 1. júlf 1975, er bamabætur urðu þáttur f almennu skattkerfi.
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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