Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Page 258

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Page 258
242 Mennta- og menningarmál XVIII-20. SÖFN 1980. Libraries and museums 1980. Söfn Starfs- menn 1) Bækur/ munir2) Gestir 3) Lántak- endur Útlán 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bókasöfn alls/libraries total 296 91 2260947 33366+ 80832+ 2352008+ Landsbókasafn/National Library 1 24 1/2 365170 11480 264 1548 Háskólabókasafn/University Litrary 1 13 210449 3294 23198 Borgarbokasafn Reykjavfkur/ReykjavíkPublic Library 1 46 306941 14734 12587 974164 Amtsbokasafnið a Akureyri/district public library, Akureyri 1 7 1/2 34487 7152 7000 137433 Onnur bæjar-ogheraðsbokasöfn/other town and district puplic libraries 38 531300 22191+ 941937+ Sveitabókasöfri/ruralpublic libraries 168 , # 335100* * 5380+ 184575+ Bokasöfn sjukrahusa og vistheimila/ libraries of health institutions etc 36 100500* 30116+ 89153+ Bokasöfn stofnana og felaga/libraries of ins- titutions and organizations 4) 50 • • 377000* . • . . • . . • . Þjóðskjalasafn/National Archives 1 10 1/2 5200 4125 _ _ Þjóðminjasafn/National Museum 1 15 17500 27542 - _ Listasafn fslands/National Gallery 1 4 1/2 4328 27969 _ _ Arbæjarsafn/Arbær Museum (old houses and objects) 1 8 1/2 4606 7087 - _ Önnurbyggðasöfn/other(regionalmuseums)... 12 8 28000* 4700CT - - *) Aætlað að hluta/partly estimated; 1) fgildi heildagsstarfsmanna/full-timejob equivalents. 2) Bókabindi fbókasöfnum, hillumetrar f Þjoðskjalasafni, ella merktir munir/volumes iri libraries, shelf-metres in Nat. Archives, registered items in museums. 3) Gestir f lestrasali f bókasöfnum og Þjóðskjalasafni, ella gestir f sýningarsölum/guests in reading rooms in libraries and the Archives, else visitors in exhibition rooms. 4) 1978. ■ +)33366 í3 bókasöfnum/in 3 libraries.80832 f 131 bókasafni. 2352008 f 168bókasöfnum. 22191 í 33 bókasöfnum. 941937 í 37 bókasöfnum. 5380 í 83 bókasöfnum. 184575 f 111 bókasöfnum. 30116 f 11 bókasöfnum. 89153 f 16 bókasöfnum. Headings: 1: Number of institutions. 2: Personnel. 3: Volumes/items. ForNational Archives: metres of occupied shelves. 4: Visitors. 5: Borrowers. 6: Volumes borrowed. XVIII-21. fÞRÓTTAIÐKENDUR INNAN f. S Active participants within the Icelandic Federation .f. 1960-80. of Sports Associations. Alls 1980/total 1980 ................... Badminton/badminton..................... Blak/volleyball......................... Borðtennis/table tennis................. Fimleikar/gymnastics.................... Frjálsar fþrottir/athletics............. Glfma/wrestling (Icelandic)............. Golf/golf............................... Handknattleikur/handball................ júdó/judo............................... Kastfþrótt/casting...................... Knattspyrna/football (soccer)........... Körfuknattleikur/basketball............. Lyftingar/weight-lifting................ Roður/rowing............................ Siglingar/sailing....................... Skautafþrótt/skating.................... Skfðafþrótt/skiing...................... Skotflmi/shooting....................... Sund/swimming........................... Annað/other :;:)........................ Arlegt meðaltal 1976-80/yearly average . " " 1971-75 " " 1966-70 " " 1961-65 Arið 1960/year 1960 .................... Alls/ total Karlar/ males Konur/ females 76599 53492 23107 4552 2886 1666 2549 1596 953 2310 1693 617 2839 901 1938 824 8 4623 3625 372 362 10 2196 1854 342 10147 6215 3932 583 519 64 361 292 69 17534 16098 1436 4538 3702 836 1071 995 76 190 140 50 664 520 144 1143 684 459 11891 7265 4626 548 537 11 4753 2522 2231 110 88 22 66955 46715 20240 47986 34803 13183 29656 22491 7165 18370 14167 4203 13604 10646 2958 *) Tennis 57, boccia 23, bogfimi/archery 10, karate 20.
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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