Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.03.2016, Blaðsíða 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.03.2016, Blaðsíða 58
In gó lfs str . Ing ólf ss træ ti Baldu rsgat a Njarð argat a Freyjugata Fr ík irk ju ve gu r Þi ng ho lts st r. Læ kja rga ta Gr un da rs t. Þv er ho lt Sn or ra br au t Sjafnargata Fjölnisvegur Bjarnar st. Káras tígur Týsg . Vonarstræti Ga rð as træ ti Bankastræti Sölvhólsgata Kalk ofns v. Eiríksgata Þórsgata Lokastígur Laufásvegur Laufásvegur U rðarst. Bergþórugata Bjargarst. Njálsgata Njálsgata Vi ta stí gu r Fr ak ka stí gu r Grettisgata Grettisgata Óð ins ga ta Bergstaðastræ ti Be rg sta ða str . Smáragata Sóleyjargata Fjólugata Nönnugata Mím isve gur Hverfisgata Kl ap pa rs tíg ur SæbrautLindargata Ba ró ns stí gu r Baró nsstí gur Skúlagata Skarph.gata Karlagata M Vífilsgata Leifsgata Egilsgata Laugavegur Laugavegur Laugavegur Mýrargata Rastarg. Geirsgata Hafnarstr.Austurstr. Tryggvagata Hringbraut Skothúsvegur Skólavörðust. Túngata Su ðu rg ata Sæ mu nd ar ga ta Su ðu rg ata Gró fin G ar ða st ræ ti Að als tr. Gran daga rður Brautarholt Ra uð ar ár st íg ur Pó st hú ss tr. Hverfisgata Tja rn ar ga ta Bragagata Hlemmur Va tns stí gu r Sturlugata Fisk islóð H ól m as ló ð Fisk islóð Visit Eldheimar museum and the West- man Islands Daytour 12.03. Price/verð 24.900 ISK. For booking and additional informa- tion, kindly contact eldheimar@ Visit Eldheimar, the new volcano museum in Vestmannaeyjar and win- ner of the Icelandic Design Award 2015. The tour includes return flights with Eagleair from Reykjavík, guided tour, light lunch at Einsi Kaldi & entrance to the museum. Hildur & Hildur’s secret journey 11.03. 15:00-17:00 Miðbær Reykjavíkur Architects at Large Hildur Steinþórs- dóttir and Hildur Gunnlaugsdóttir invite you on a special trip around central Reykjavik’s hidden and forgot- ten spaces. One-time-only experience, maximum number of participants is 25. Kindly register at hildurgunnlaugs@ Architecture Walks The Association of Icelandic Architects introduces walks around interest- ing houses in Reykjavik. A unique opportunity to get some insights into the architecture of houses that are not usually open to the public. Only one tour will be taken around each of the houses. Kindly register at arkigongur@ The Central Bank of Iceland, Friday 11 March, 13:00. Guided by Ólafur Sigurðsson and Guðmundur Kr. Guðmundsson. The Supreme Court of Iceland, Friday, 11 March, 15:00.   Guided by Studio Granda Reykjavík City Hall, Saturday 12 March, 13:00. Guided by Studio Granda Búseti (a co-operative building asso- ciation), Sunday 13 March, 13:00. Guided by Sigríður Ólafsdóttir at Búseti Harpa, Sunday 13 March, 11:00. Guided by Sigurður Einarsson, Bat- teríið A Kjarvalsstaðir Kids dig  playgrounds The Federation of Icelandic Land- scape Architects will host a seminar discussion of the importance of good playground design for preschools, and what the future holds for their place in the Icelandic cityscape. Opening of the exhibition will take place after the seminar. Seminar friday 11 March, 17:00. B Loft Hostel, Bankastræti 7   Sustainordic – Nordic sustainable production & consumption SUSTAINORDIC is a Nordic network which evolves around sustainable production and consumption. Meet the collaborating partners, listen to talks on trends and ongoing Nordic projects within the field and discuss future sce- narios. Friday 11 March,  9:30-12:00. C DesignWalk Departure from the Pink Iceland Office on Hverfisgata 39 This informative yet informal walking tour of downtown Reykjavik focuses on design, architecture and the general history of the city and its settlement. The tour, which will take around 2-3 hours, is scheduled for noon on March 12 and 13. Drink included. Private tours outside the scheduled hours available on request. D Þjóðminjasafnið Conference on exhibit design Brynhildur Pálsdóttir and Magnea Guðmundsdóttir talk about designing the exhibition What’s So Great About That? 100 Years of Women at Work at the National Museum of Iceland. Thomas Pausz on designing the exhibi- tion Angles at the Culture House on Hverfisgata. Margrét Kristín Gunnars- dóttir ondesigning the exhibition at the Eldheimar Volcano Museum, winner of the Icelandic Design Award 2015. Saturday 12 March, 14:00–16:00 E Kokka, Laugavegi 47 Ceramics in Kokka The Ceramics department of the Reykjavik School of Visual Arts has been working closely with German porcelain manufacturer Kahla. Student projects will be on display at Kokka, where Kahla products are available for purchase. F Reykjavik Maritime Museum, Hornsílið, Grandagarði 8 Willow Project An investigation into one of Iceland’s newly gained raw materials, the willow tree, by final-year students in product design at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. Opening: Thursday 10 March, 17:00. G In the Corner of Bankastræti and Lækjargata Uproot / Take root? Landscape planning students from the Agricultural University of Iceland employ as their medium a variety of recycled plastics which are normally used to reduce the weight of concrete. What is ordinarily hidden in everyday life takes visible and symbolic form as a floating tree with its life-giving roots on display. GRANDI 1 Sjávarklasinn, Grandagarði 16 Mæna 2016 Mæna is a yearly magazine about design in Iceland published by the students in the program in Visual Communication in the department of Design and Architecture. 1 Sjávarklasinn, Grandagarði 16 Transition   Second-year graphic design students at the Iceland Academy of the Arts trade philosophical musings on the true meaning of “transition,” and display the visual fruits of their labour. 1 The Ocean Cluster, Grandagarði 16 FÍT Awards 2016 – Graphic design in Iceland The Association of Graphic Designers hosts the 16th annual Graphic Design Awards. Icelandic graphic designers and illustrators submit their best works from 2015 and a panel of judges chooses the ones they find outstand- ing. The results will be announced at the opening ceremony of the exhibi- tion. 1 The Ocean Cluster, Grandagarði 16 The art of graphic storytelling Remember that time in school that you were told, “Stop doodling and pay attention!”? But what if it can actually help you retain more? Graphic Story- telling by Nikki Kurt creates mindful marks that express the emotional power of words. 1 The Ocean Cluster, Grandagarði 16 Places of Origin – Polish graphic design in context Today most graphic design is created with the click of a mouse—a designer can be anywhere in the world. Yet many designs and illustrations stem from and remain rooted in their places of origin. The Places of Origin exhibi- tion puts Polish graphic design in a cultural and geographical context. 1 The Ocean Cluster, Grandagarði 16 Wights / supernatural spirits A collective exhibition of the work of 36 artists on “protective spirits,” or supernatural beings, which each artist has interpreted in his own fashion. In Icelandic mythology, such spirits can take both hostile and benign forms, protective or destructive, and tales of both have formed a rich Icelandic tradition through the centuries. 2 Farmers & Friends, Hólmaslóð 2 Farmers market for 10 years – Past present future Farmers Market presents new and forthcoming wares from their 2016 collection to celebrate their 10th anni- versary. Country charm, sustainability and staying power are, as always, hallmarks of the label’s design and production process. 3 Fiskislóð 75 Hlín Reykdal Hlín Reykdal will open her new store at Fiskislóð 75 with much hullabaloo, as well as presenting her new line of jewelry. Expect a celebratory air and some light refreshments. 4 Steinunn Studio, Grandagarði 17 15 / 15 Fashion designer Steinunn Sigurd looks at what number 15 means and what it has left behind both visually and creatively. The path to the number 15 has not been without conflict, the process changes and new chapters emerge. In this installation the media used are clothing, textile, fashion, art and photos. 5 Omnom HQ, Hólmaslóð 4 Omnom Land – From design to bean to bar An exhibition showcasing the evolu- tion of Omnom Chocolate, from design to bean to bar. The design development from concept to product and the bean to bar process will be on display, with tasting and opportunity to customise your own unique bar (in limited amounts). KVOS 6 Reykjavik Art Museum, Tryg- gvagötu 14 RE 7 Designers from a wide variety of backgrounds display their newest wares at Reykjavik Art Museum. Dögg Design shows her current line Roots, Hrafnkell Birgisson exhibits Tools You Light table lamps and HAF Studio introduces a new stool and box, while Kjartan Oskarsson Studio shows the HALO Mirror. Design by Gróa have a new chair, Into The Blue, as well as new lighting, Wooly, while White Cubes design studio has some innova- tive lights of their own. A prototype of Jóhann “Nói” Ingimarsson’s chair Hófur is also on display. 6 Reykjavik Art Museum, Tryg- gvagötu 14 Icelandic furniture and design Icelandic furniture manufacturers exhibit inventive new items currently in production, shedding light on a field where design and quality craftsman- ship go hand in hand. For years, designers and manufacturers have collaborated to bring about the best possible results, and this exhibition seeks to present their latest successes to the general public. 6 Reykjavik Art Museum, Tryg- gvagötu 14 Industrial – Live workspace The Icelandic Goldsmith Associa- tion presents an exhibition of their members’ latest works. The theme of the exhibition speaks to the inherent duality of the goldsmith’s profes- sion, in which he is either a designer or a manufacturer. The designer will display his latest wares, whereas the manufacturer will set up a smithy and work throughout the exhibition. Seeing is believing. 7 Kraum Kraum will play host to a half-dozen designers, all with recent works on dis- play, among them ceramicist Kristbjörg Guðmundsdóttir and goldsmith Þor- bergur Halldórsson, who will unveil his new line Holtasóley. Greenland’s Inuk Design will also be there, as will indoor architect Agnar “Agzilla” Agnarsson with his new line and its innovative use of old wool sweaters. Artist / graphic designer Kristjana S Williams will also have work on display, as will artist Isobel Grad, who has new textiles developed under the pseudonym Fálki Design. 7 Erling gullsmiður Aðalstræti 10 Helga Ósk Goldsmith Helga Ósk presents a new line of sawblade-based jewelry and an accompanying photography collection. Helga Ósk has worked extensively with traditional wireframes in her jewelry, making the sawblades both a logical next step and a contradiction. 7 "Skörin," Handverk og hönnun, Aðalstræti 10 „Handled II“ black red white Kristín Sigfríður Garðarsdóttir and Pekka Tapio Pyykönen show their work at Handled II.  Pekka will display clothing hooks for walls made from high quality steel and Kristín displays various porcelain pieces. Pekka and Kristin will be present and introduce their work personally on Friday 11 March, 16:00-18:00. 8 Reykjavik City Hall Showroom Reykjavík A/W 2016-17 Participants: Anita Hirlekar, Another-Creation, Eygló, Helicopter, Kyrja, Magnea, Milla Snorrason, Myrka 9 Kirsuberjatréð, Vesturgötu 4 Weather: Part I Weather affects what people need and what people need affects what they make. A research based exhibition by Auður Inez Sellgren, Elsa Dagný Ásgeirsdóttir and Niki Jiao about how weather shapes living conditions of different communities. ÞINGHOLT 10 The Culture House, Hverfisgötu 15 Primitiva – Talismans Primitiva by Katrín Ólína Pétursdót- tir is is a collection of 40 bronze-cast, 3D-printed talismans that communi- cate philosophical ideas and ancient wisdom in a unique way. 10 Kaffitár, The Culture House, Hver- fisgötu 15 Ceramics design on stamps Iceland Post will participate in DesignMarch for the fifth year in a row, this time presenting enlargements of stamps issued in the “Icelandic Con- temporary Design” series, dedicated to ceramics. Four stamps will be pre- sented, along with the ceramics shown on the stamps.   10 The Culture House, Hverfisgötu 15 Inner garden, human interior Inner garden, human interior by Signe Emdal are woven and knitted artworks that can be placed in a room to divide it as a soft wall. The shape is a contem- porary edition of the classic tapestry that was high fashion for kings and queens during 16th century Europe for communicating cultural value through symbolic textile images. 10 The Culture House, Hverfisgötu 15 Translations Contemporary design projects by To- mas Pausz & Gardar Eyjólfsson enter a dialogue with pieces from the Points of View exhibition at The Culture House. This mirroring between design and a spectrum of artistic forms from archive drawings to photography enlightens deep trends in Icelandic culture, such as the mapping of nature and the creativity emerging from limited resources. 11 Húrra Reykjavík Hverfisgötu 50 Sturla Aqua Sturla Aqua is the second leg of Siggi Odds’ collaboration with local hip- hop outfit Sturla Atlas. It features photographs of band members by Kjartan Hreinsson, Sturla Aqua-related wearable merch and design by Siggi Odds and Gabríel B. Bachmann. All elements are attempts to expand the idea of what music publication can be in the year 2016. 12 NORR11 Hverfisgötu 18a Greykjavik Siggi Odds, in collaboration with Reykjavik Sign Painters and NORR11, will unveil an outdoor piece in the cul- de-sac next to NORR11 at Hverfisgata 18a. Siggi Odds’s Greykjavik exhibition will open simultaneously in NORR11. Opening 10 March, at 17:30. 13 Hverfisgallerí, Hverfisgötu 4 Weaving DNA, hiding colour Weaving DNA is a collaborative work by Icelandic product designer Hanna Dís Whitehead and Scottish textile designer Claire Anderson. The exhibit features Reykjavík-inspired color com- binations hidden within traditional Scottish textile patterns, which the designers created in collaboration with Knockando Woolmill. 14 Reykjavík Letterpress, Lindargötu 50, bakhúsi Hand lettering your message and print- ing away! A two-day closed hand lettering and letterpress workshop organized in conjunction with Ladyfingers Let- terpress of Colorado. The workshop will switch to an open house format in the afternoon of the second day 12 March, where visitors will get the op- portunity to watch participants write, draw and print. Open house Saturday 12 March,12:00–16:00 15 Dance Atelier by Skúlagata, en- trance on Hverfísgata MAGNEA AW16 MAGNEA presents a new collection and offers guests a unique experience at the Dance Atelier. The new collection carries on where MAGNEA’s previ- ous work left off, introducing fresh perspectives on knitting and Icelandic wool, and juxtaposing her materials to create non-traditional combinations. The collection features patterns de- signed by fashion designer, and artist Laufey Jónsdóttir. 16 Stöðlakot, Bókhlöðustíg 6 Collections Icelandic and Finnish designers take over Stöðlakot, one of the oldest stone cottages in Reykjavik. At Stöðlakot you will also find a tiny little shop with our designs. Participants:  Ragnheiður Ösp, IHANNA HOME,  ANNA ÞÓRUNN, Reykjavík Raincoats, Hring eftir hring,  MARÝ, Arc-Tic Watches og Katariina Guthwert. 17 Hverfisgötu 71A Still Fashion designer Sif Baldursdóttir and artist Laufey Jónsdóttir present their collaborative work. The exhibition features clothing design sketches by Jónsdóttir of Baldursdóttir’s S/S 2016 collection for her clothing line Kyrja, which was featured in the Capsule trade show in Paris last October 18 Aurum, Bankastræti 4 Nanook “Better see eyes than an eye” Jewellery designer Guðbjörg Kr. Ingvarsdóttir presents her latest work Nanook. Delicate and light but strong, inspired by the Greenlandic polar bears’ eyes and paws, it evokes the movement of the bear as she pads over the thin ice, placing each paw precisely and deliberately. Nanook has fragile lines that reveal the tension in every step. 18 Aurum, Bankastræti 4 The way home The Japanese designer RUMI visits Iceland for the first time and shows a table lamp in the shape of a four-legged creature who is looking for the way home and the street lamp on the tail lights its way. 18 Aurum, Bankastræti 4 Aurum works with Walk Together For several years running, the Walk Together breast cancer research fund has collaborated with designers of all disciplines. This year, Guðbjörg of Au- rum jewelry has designed a tricolored silver unisex half-bracelet adorned with a simple friendship knot. All pro- ceeds go to breast cancer research. 18 Aurum, Bankastræti 4 Chemical compound The Textiles department of the Reyk- javik School of Visual Arts will display the results of its students’ close coop- eration with Aurum and Textílprentun Íslands, where the possibilities inher- ent in the relationship, interplay and fusion of textiles with jewelry were thoroughly explored. 19 Skólavörðustíg 12 Or Type x 66°North 66°NORTH, in collaboration with Or Type, will present their official DesignMarch beanie, as well as a new typeface specially designed by Or Type for 66°NORTH at an opening on Friday 11 March, at 17:00-19:00. Guðmundur and Mads from Or Type will be there, as will some light liquid refreshments. 20 Fóa, Laugavegi 2 Memorines Memorines is an exhibition of products that the product designer Ninna Þóra- rinsdóttir and ICD have been working on for past three years. Ninna’s quirky illustrations of Icelandic culture and nature have been transformed on to everyday objects such as tea towels, note books and postcards. 21 Gotta, Laugavegi 7 Demba Unconventional clothing made from waterproof shearling and waxy materi- als, specially designed for Icelandic conditions. Live music and show at the opening with lights refreshments. 22 Spark Design Space, Klapparstíg 33 1+1+1 1+1+1 is an experimental collaboration between designers from three Nordic countries: Hugdetta from Iceland, Pe- tra Lilja from Sweden and Aalto+Aalto from Finland. The project examines and re-imagines objects by having each studio design an object consist- ing of three distinct parts and then mixing the parts up into unpredictable combinations. 23
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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