Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.03.2016, Blaðsíða 59

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.03.2016, Blaðsíða 59
In gó lfs str . Ing ólf ss træ ti Baldu rsgat a Njarð argat a Freyjugata Fr ík irk ju ve gu r Þi ng ho lts st r. Læ kja rga ta Gr un da rs t. Þv er ho lt Sn or ra br au t Sjafnargata Fjölnisvegur Bjarnar st. Káras tígur Týsg . Vonarstræti Ga rð as træ ti Bankastræti Sölvhólsgata Kalk ofns v. Eiríksgata Þórsgata Lokastígur Laufásvegur Laufásvegur U rðarst. Bergþórugata Bjargarst. Njálsgata Njálsgata Vi ta stí gu r Fr ak ka stí gu r Grettisgata Grettisgata Óð ins ga ta Bergstaðastræ ti Be rg sta ða str . Smáragata Sóleyjargata Fjólugata Nönnugata Mím isve gur Hverfisgata Kl ap pa rs tíg ur SæbrautLindargata Ba ró ns stí gu r Baró nsstí gur Skúlagata Skarph.gata Karlagata M Vífilsgata Leifsgata Egilsgata Laugavegur Laugavegur Laugavegur Mýrargata Rastarg. Geirsgata Hafnarstr.Austurstr. Tryggvagata Hringbraut Skothúsvegur Skólavörðust. Túngata Su ðu rg ata Sæ mu nd ar ga ta Su ðu rg ata Gró fin G ar ða st ræ ti Að als tr. Gran daga rður Brautarholt Ra uð ar ár st íg ur Pó st hú ss tr. Hverfisgata Tja rn ar ga ta Bragagata Hlemmur Va tns stí gu r Sturlugata Fisk islóð H ól m as ló ð Fisk islóð Klapparstíg 11 Ró Have a rest on the Ró mattress, a hand- crafted, all wool futon designed to add that extra something that will turn any bed into a luxurious nest or serve as an elegant daybed. Ró is made with love and affection for a simple lifestyle. 24 Laugavegi 32 EldhúsMars Ingibjörg Ósk Þorvaldsdóttir presents her herb pot, the Vein of Life. Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir presents her feldspar- hewn two-person tableware set, From The Ground Up, which can be stacked into a totem. 25 38 þrep, Laugavegi 49 So. not. enough The So By Sonja team contemplated the concept of time, its relation to everything and nothing. The result was the artwork "Untitled." The work has evolved into a prototype of a clock showing the time in an unconventional way. 26 Kiosk, Laugavegi 65 Photo exhibition and design bingo at Kiosk Kiosk presents a photography exhibition featuring new images of garments from the most recent lines of a wide variety of designers. A party of prodigious proportions is planned for the opening night of DesignMarch. Also expect a bingo game to match, with various store products offered as prizes. 27 Mokka Kaffi, Skólavörðustíg 3a Letterings Tákn and Teikn is a collective com- prised of eight graphic designers: Kristín Þorkelsdóttir, Friðrika Geirs- dóttir, Edda V. Sigurðardóttir, Soffía Árnadóttir, Kristín Edda Gylfadóttir, Elsa Nielsen, Helga Gerður Gísladóttir and Sigríður Rún. Their interpretations of lettering look to be as varied as the women themselves. 28 Anna María Design, Skólavörðustíg 3 Silver, gold and Icelandic stone Goldsmith Anna María Sveinbjörnsdót- tir specializes in jewelry that combines Icelandic rock with silver and gold. Opening: Thursday 10 March, at 15:00. 29 GK Reykjavík, Skólavörðustíg 6 Seb animals Goldsmith Edda Bergsteinsdóttir pres- ents her jewelry line Seb animals. The pieces are geometric animals based on organic shapes that have been simpli- fied into powerful configurations. Photos by Íris Stefánsdóttir. 30 Geysir, Skólavörðustíg 7 Silfra Alvara is a brand new design studio that combines the creative powers of fashion designer Elísabet Karlsdóttir and product designer Ágústa Svein- sdóttir. Alvara subsists in the area where product design meets fashion, and the jewelry line Silfra is the stu- dio’s debut project. |31 Skólavörðustíg 17A Catacomb // OrriFinn Jewels The cultural heritage from the Incas in Peru and the Maya and Aztec in Mexico inspired Orri and Helga at Or- rifinn Jewels. Last summer they trav- eled both countries, exploring ancient ruins, temples and catacombs which fired their imaginations and influenced this new piece. 32 Mengi, Óðinsgötu 2 Or Type Reading room + Video hail- storm (VHS) Or typefaces have been used to convey important and thought-provoking messages over the last year. Snuggle up with wise words in the Or Type Read- ing room, learn about our new font L15, and enjoy Video hailstorm (VHS), an installation by Atli Bollason where fluctuating video snowflakes are ex- amined in great detail. A collaborative piece by Or Type together with Finnish designer Sebastian Jansson will also be on display. 33 Kaolin Keramik Gallerí, Skólavörðustíg 22 5 plus 4 The nine ceramicists that comprise the Kaolin Artist Collective will design and create plates and bowls to set the table for 5 Plús 4 at the gallery. 34 Hlemmur Square, Laugavegi 105 No. 10 Art Without Borders presents a collab- orative project developed by designers and artists. Participants were paired based on resemblance in their work. Four teams worked within different fields: experience design, graphic design, product design and fashion de- sign. Happenings during the exhibition will be advertised on Facebook. 35 Bergstaðastræti 10 A Sound of Iceland Sound of Iceland, by Hver Design, aims at keeping the soul of Icelandic places alive by recording the sound of their very breath. The intention is to collect sound waves generated during these recordings and then recreate them visually by stamping them on furnish- ing fabrics. 36 Baldursgötu 30 Further North showroom Interior designer, owner of the decora- tion brand Further North Auður Gná Ingvarsdóttir opens the doors to her own private home to visit and take in the label’s new textile collection. 37 Núllið, Bankastræti 0 Dulkápan party Dulkápan unveils their website, and throws a party to celebrate the publication of their zine. Various works of literature are also on display. Dulkápan is an archive that records literature, documents and pub- lications by artists and designers. 38 Hannesarholt, Grundarstíg 10 The collective conscience The Collective Conscience is an inter- active sound piece that enables people to publicly speak their mind, leaving their thoughts in the ether. It consists of an old dial phone and a radio that has been modernised. The phone has been equipped to record and upload short audio messages to a web server, where the radio can access them and play at random. 38 Hannesarholt, Grundarstíg 10 Hidden wood, continuation A  miniaturized version of the exhibi- tion Hidden Wood – Driftwood in design, originally on display last summer in Djúpavík, Strandir. Featur- ing works by 12 designers together with a documentary film about the uniqueness of the wood and the exhibition in Djúpavík. Curators: Dóra Hansen and  Elísabet V. Ingvarsdóttir. Documentary by Skarkali / Helga Rakel Rafnsdóttir. 38 Hannesarholt, Grundarstíg 10 North Limited North Limited is a design collective formed of award-winning Icelandic designers, Guðrún Vald, Sigríður Hjaltdal and Þórunn Hannesdóttir. The influences behind each object is mixed with elegance and Icelandic quirkiness. North Limited focuses on classic de- sign with high quality production. This includes both top grade materials as well as the best craftsmanship possible for each product. 38 Hannesarholt, Grundarstíg 10 Saana ja Olli Saana ja Olli is a designer couple and an award-winning design company from Finland. They produce their own 100% hemp fabric home textile line and have done design work for various international clients. At Hannesar- holt you will find a selection of their designs. 38 Hannesarholt, Grundarstíg 10 Vein of life Ingibjörg Ósk Þorvaldsdóttir presents her herb pot, the “Vein of Life.” The pot is akin to a bag - an airbag, of sorts. Vein of Life is comprised of two sections: a container for the herb itself on the one hand, and a receptacle for water on the other, which the plant can rely on for sustenance. Vein of Life adds beauty to its surroundings and brings flavor to life. 38 Hannesarholt, Grundarstíg 10 Saga Kakala introduces Goddesses Katrín Ólína Pétursdóttir has created a collection of five different luxury silk scarves for Saga Kakala. Her collection, Goddesses, is a homage to the creative energy of mythological goddesses from different times and cultures. Goddess- es is Saga Kakala's third collection. SOUTH OF HRINGBRAUT 39 Lækningaminjasafn Íslands, Nes- tröð, Seltjarnarnesi High tide – Textile artists and designers in collaboration. High tide is an exhibition in the search of balance between unforced flow of ideas aloneness and cooperation. For High tide, a group of designers from The Icelandic Textile Guild sought the cooperation of designers and artists from other innovative sectors. An in- teresting and colourful mixture awaits the visitor! 39 Spot, Spot 2 & Spor Designers Ólafur Thor Erlendsson and Thora Björk Schram present a furni- ture line consisting of three stools: SPOT, SPOT 2 and SPOR, connecting with Icelandic nature through a speci- fied GPS location point. 39 Lækningaminjasafn Íslands, Nes- tröð, Seltjarnarnesi Mirroring moments A collaborative project that merges three art forms and a variety of differ- ing methodologies. Video art, photog- raphy and weaving are combined to ex- pose near-invisible details. The project is a work by sisters, industrial designer and geologist Kristbjörg María Guð- mundsdóttir and photographer and visual communication designer Ragna Margrét Guðmundsdóttir. 39 Lækningaminjasafn Íslands, Nes- tröð, Seltjarnarnesi The city and the forest The aim of this Polish project is to draw attention to the animals living in cities: birds, insects and mam- mals.  The selected designers created the nesting boxes. Their choice was based on their own experience and reflected their concerns about the sur- rounding environment. 39 Lækningaminjasafn Íslands, Nes- tröð, Seltjarnarnesi Predictable civil disobedience The exhibit brings together two designers of different backgrounds: Brynja Þóra Guðnadóttir and María Sjöfn Dupuis Davíðsdóttir. Interpreta- tions of shapes and spaces are exam- ined, as are light, texture, proportion and contextual relationships with the environment. 39 Lækningaminjasafn Íslands, Nes- tröð, Seltjarnarnesi Subject Material, subject matter, material worth: how does poorly utilized mate- rial gain worth and become a desirable end product? Subject attempts to answer this question with examples of products made from castoff material that would otherwise have gone to waste. Landscape architect Dagný Bjarnadóttir of DLD has worked on a multitude of projects with eco-friendly emphases, ranging from city planning to natural environments and product design. 40 Oddson Ho(s)tel, Hringbraut 21 ODDSSON by Döðlur The Reykjavik-based design studio Döðlur is responsible for the overall look of the soon to be opened ho(s)tel ODDSSON. The iconoclastic style of Döðlur was a perfect fit for ODDSSON and its concept – high and low culture. Check out the place before it opens as well as the eclectic aesthetic and custom pieces. Saturday, 12 March, 13:00-17:00. 41 Grýtan, Keilugranda 1, 1st floor The Role of the Whole? Designer Halla Hákonardóttir will unveil her new clothing line, Halla: Zero, which sprang from her master’s thesis project at The Swedish School of Textiles. The name of the collection speaks to its frugal nature, with no material going to waste. 42 Eiðistorgi Synodic tropic Fashion and textile designer Tanja Levý’s latest line takes the form of an installation. Its patterns and shapes are inspired by an escape from the reality of Iceland’s dark winter months and aggressive birds that appear in the sky, circling in strange patterns. 43 Gallerí Grótta, Eiðistorgi 11, 2. hæð Recess / Priests Priests: Sturla Már Jónsson indulges his playful side with a series of new designs made with his most favored materials: solid wood and metal. Recess: Þórunn Árnadóttir displays the latest additions to her “Sipp og Hoj!” product line, the theme of which is recess. Also woven in are materials from traditional net-making. 44 „Klöppin“ on the corner of Hjarðarhaga and Suðurgötu Alone I sit and sew… Fashion designer Sunna Örlygsdót- tir will display her thesis work from the ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in the Netherlands. The project postulates how it would feel to spend a year and ten days alone in the wilderness. Here, she seeks to recreate her imagined world and invites guests to join her “in the wilderness.” 45 Nordic House Connecting Iceland Exhibition and short presentations by Swedish Material Makers, a group of eight artists in glass, ceramics, textile and jewellery who have worked within crafts since 2010, now for the first time in Iceland. 45 Nordic House Ceramic snacks at AALTO Bistro Through all of DesignMarch, visitors will be given the opportunity to sample AALTO Bistro’s master chef Sveinn Kjartansson’s most delicious morsels, served on beautiful original pieces by members of the Icelandic Association of Ceramic Artists. 46 Arion banki, Borgartúni 19 From concept to concept – Marching toward a result Nothing emerges fully formed. All good things are borne of countless hours of experimentation and brainstorming. In some cases, there is no end result, and all that remains is the conceptual stage, try as one might to bring it to completion, to make a viable piece or product. A series of sketches and other byproducts of the creative process will be on display at Arion Bank’s central headquarters, collected from a wide variety of designers and architects; some became finished works, others did not. 46 Arion banki, Borgartúni 19 Let’s sketch together Saturday 12 March, 14:00-16:00 Design- ers will be present and everyone is welcome to join. Light refreshments will be served. 47 Geislar hönnunarhús ehf., Bolholti 4 Geislar - Ode to Light Geislar presents gift products and model toys, including Ode to light, an exhibition of new candle holders. There will also be purses made from plywood and leather, and gift products. 48 Frumbjörg house (Sjálfsbjörg) Hátúni 12 Össur and Frumbjörg, The Frumbjörg center for innovation and orthopaedics manufacturer Össur present the results of a series of collab- orative projects aimed at finding smart solutions. One possible definition of a product is a pressing and unsolved problem solved in a technical manner. 49 Snúran, Síðumúla 21 By hand Snúran hosts an exhibition of the latest works by Finnsdóttir, Further North and Pastelpaper. The labels specialize in products for the home. Finnsdóttir’s Unika line will be on display, as will a new line of Further North textiles de- veloped in collaboration with graphic designer Arnar Fells, and new three- dimensional pieces by Pastelpaper. 50 Syrusson Hönnunarhús, Síðumúla 33 From different directions We welcome everyone to attend the annual design exhibition at Syrusson. A number of talented designers pro- vide insight into the vibrant diversity of Icelandic design. We welcome you to our showroom to experience the wide range of innovations in furniture, lighting, home accessories and other artistic items. 51 Epal, skeifunni 6 Endless colours of Icelandic design Epal presents the most interesting Icelandic design by a diverse group of designers, well-known and newcomers alike. Since 1975 the store has strived to enhance understanding and respect for design in Iceland by choosing a se- lection of outstanding quality for their stores. Part of that is participating in DesignMarch. 51 Epal, skeifunni 6 Waves: inspired by Iceland Epal will exhibit new products that are the result of a collaboration between six Icelandic and Danish designers brought in on the occasion of Epal’s 40th anniver- sary to design new products inspired by Iceland, made from local materials that would appeal to the international mar- ket. The collection is broad, ranging from textiles, to furniture and accessories. 52 Museum of Design and Applied Arts, Garðatorgi 1 Triad Jewelery designer Helga Ragnhildur Mogensen, ceramist Bjarni Viðar Sigurðsson and fashion designer Aníta Hirlekar have garnered much-deserved attention of late for their various proj- ects. The designers share a common proclivity for going their own ways in their exploration of the outer limits of their chosen fields, often with power- ful results where surfaces and textures play key roles. 52 Museum of Design and Applied Arts, Garðatorgi 1 Icelandic Design Award 2015 The winner of the Icelandic Design Award 2015 was announced last November. During DesignMarch, we will present the award winning project Eldheimar Volcano Museum in the Westman Islands along with other finalists of the jury selection and Ös- sur, who received recognition for Best Investment in Design 2015. 53 Hafnarborg, Menningar- og lista- miðstöð Hafnarfjarðar, Strandgötu 34 Your place – Our town The Hafnarborg Centre of Culture and Fine Art presents an examination of the foremost ongoing matters in the downtown Hafnarfjörður area’s development and city planning, and Maria Lisogorskaya from the architec- ture and design collective Assemble, winner of Turner Prize 2015, will lead a workshop.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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