Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Page 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Page 14
rauða húsið r e s t a u r a n tEyrarbakka “Very good food, excellent service and a very friendly restaurant.” “Amazing seafood in this little town...” “Not to be missed. Food fabulous and staff wonderful ... This spot is worth the trip to the small village alone.” Búðarstígur 4, 820 Eyrarbakki • tel. 483-3330 just 10 minutes from Highway 1, the Ring Road, via Selfoss open 7 days a week year-round 1 1 Selfoss Hveragerði Eyrarbakki to Blue Lagoon ca. 50 min. to Reykjavík ca. 45 min. to Þingvellir, Gullfoss, Geysir ca. 45-60 min. 39 “One of the best restaurants in Iceland. Fresh lobster, amazing cod fish!!” Treating The Heart Of Iceland Heart surgeon Tómas Guðbjartsson says we must do more to preserve the highlands. The heart of Iceland is at risk, ac- cording to high-profile physician and heart surgeon Tómas Guðbjartsson. While Tómas may be best-known around Reykjavík for his lectures on heart disease and his support of the Landspítali University Hospital, when he made reference to the heart at the TEDx Reykjavík conference on May 28 he was speaking about an- other passion of his: conserving the Icelandic highlands. Discovering the highlands Tómas has felt connected to the high- lands for his entire life. “I was offered the opportunity as a child to travel with my father, who is a geologist, as he was taking people from America or Germa- ny to the highlands and showing them the geology of Iceland,” he explains. In recent years, Tómas has regularly led hiking trips into the highlands along- side his work as a physician. It all began in 1985, when Tómas, who speaks German, began leading Germans and Austrians through the highlands because there was a short- age of German-speaking guides. “At the time, hiking was a sport in Ice- land, but it was actually more foreign- ers in the highlands than Icelanders,” he says. “Many saw me as a little bit of a strange guy for being interested in this.” Green energy? The state of Iceland’s highlands—the vast swath of land that occupies most of the island between its coasts and glaciers—has been of great concern for environmentalists as more hy- droelectricity dams and power cables are built in the area. Last November, the musician Björk and writer Andri Snær Magnússon held a press confer- ence at Gamla Bíó to call for a nature preserve in the highlands. When most people arrive in Ice- land at the Keflavík airport, they are greeted by an image of the high- lands. It’s a dramatic advertisement by Landsvirkjun, Iceland’s national power company, which features a can- yon near the controversial Kárahn- júkar hydropower plant. “Welcome to the land of renewable energy,” the text on top of the image reads. “I’ve been there a million times, and this picture makes me sad,” Tómas says. “Because, okay, this energy is maybe green, but you are leaving scars.” One way to get Icelanders more motivated about protecting the high- lands is to help them appreciate its beauty, Tómas says. “Icelanders have a bit of a minority complex about themselves and their nature,” he ex- plains. “They think, ‘It’s much more beautiful in Canada, or it’s much more beautiful in Colorado.’ But when you take people to these areas who have been all over the world and they say, ‘Wow, this is something,’ then you realize yourself that this is worth something.” The effects of tourism Although encouraging more people to experience the highlands might motivate them to protect the area, Tómas also says he worries that increasing numbers of tourists could be damaging. When he began leading tours of the highlands in the 80s, Tó- mas says there were less than 200,000 people visiting Iceland each year. Now, there are about 1.3 million tourists each year, and he adds that this number is growing by 30 percent annually. “This is perhaps happening too fast, at least for the highlands, be- cause we haven’t built the infrastruc- ture,” Tómas says. “This is a little bit like having a party and you invite a lot of people to the party, but you don’t have enough seats for them.” One op- tion Tómas says he thinks may help balance tourism with concerns about the environment would be to create a special nature conservation area. Although he acknowledges that some people might criticise him for being a “middle-aged professor in 101 Reykjavík” weighing in on the debate over Iceland’s highlands, Tómas says he thinks it’s important for high-pro- file individuals such as himself to step up. “I see it as a huge question for all Icelanders,” he says. “Not just us living now, but for future generations.” INTERVIEW The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2016 14 shower themselves in a public parking lot. Naked as the day they were born, the four were oblivious to passers-by as they used a soapy brush that has scrubbed the shit off thousands of cars to wash their own skin in an open parking lot. When a local objected, one of these tourists apparently waved their genitals in the local’s general direction, which of course sparked rau- cous laughter from his cohorts. If we were handing out Obnoxious Tourist of the Year awards, we would have a four-way tie. Speaking of food, milk has become al- most emblematic of shady financial dealings and political ties lately. The reason? It recently came to light that MS, the largest dairy company in Iceland, has been selling its products to its own companies for a much lower price than they’d been charging their competitors. But it doesn’t end there - after it came to light that MS would be forced to pay a hefty fine for this infraction, Ari Ed- wald - the managing director of MS with strong ties to the Independence Party - told reporters bluntly that consumers would be footing the bill for the fine. Cue a massive popular movement to boycott MS products and buy from small-time dairy operators instead. Which, come to think of it, would be a good idea regardless. In lighter news, Pokémon Go is rockin’ in Iceland. Even though the game has not been officially released here, you can see all kinds of folks in Reykjavík wandering aimlessly with their faces in their smartphones, and the nature of Iceland certainly lends itself to the game. The preponderance of statues and graffiti art downtown means tons of Pokéstops, and the fact that even the ti- niest village gets a church means you’re never far from a Gym, no matter where you are in the country. Except maybe the Highlands, but we have it on good sourc- es that you can catch a Jigglypuff there. NEWS IN BRIEF CONT. Words ISAAC WÜRMANN Photo ART BICNICK Share this article: GPV.IS/HRT10


Reykjavík Grapevine

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