Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Page 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Page 36
LAUGALÆ KUR KL ETT AGA RÐAR BANKASTRÆTI AUSTUR- STRÆTI SKOTHÚSVEGUR TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA MÝRARGATA NÝLENDUGATA VESTURGATA RÁNARGATABÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA KIRKJU STRÆTI HAFNAR SÓLVALLAGATA SÓ LVALLAGATA H O LTSG A TA GRANDAVEGUR HÁVALLAGATAÁSVALLAGATA REYN IM ELUR VÍÐIM ELUR G REN IM ELUR Æ G ISÍÐ A FOR NHA GI DU N H AG I A R A G A TA O D DA G A TA H AG AM ELURMELHAGI NESHAGI HO FS VA LL AG AT A KA PLA SKJ ÓLS VEG UR ME IST AR AV ELL IR ÁLA GRA NDI EIÐ SG RA ND I AR ST ÍG UR BR Æ ÐR AB O RG FRA MN ESV EGU R ÁN AN AU ST GR AN DA GA RÐ UR FIS KIS LÓ Ð H Ó LM A SLÓ Ð TJ A R N A RG A TA SU Ð U RG A TA A Ð A LS T. SÆ M U N DA RG A TA BI RK IM EL UR FU RU M EL UR ES PIM EL UR Æ G IS G A TA G A R Ð A ST RÆ TI GRETTISGATA FR A K K A ST ÍG U R NJ AR ÐA RG AT A NJ AR ÐA RG AT A N A U TH Ó LSV EG U R FLUG VAL LARV EGU R M EN N TA V EG U R VA TN SS TÍ G U R K LA PP A R - S TÍ G U R BE RG ST A ÐA RS TR Æ TI BERG STAÐARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR K JU V EG U R PÓ ST H Ú SS TR Æ TI LÆ KJ A RG AT A IN G Ó LF SS TR Æ TI ÞI N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó Ð IN SG A TA ÞÓ RSG A TA VONARSTRÆTI LO K A STÍG U R BA LD UR SG AT A BR AG AG AT A V IT A ST ÍG U R BA RÓ N SS TÍ G U R SN O R R A BR A U T SN O R R A BR A U T BA RÓ NS STÍ GU R SKÓ LAV Ö RÐ U STÍG U R LA U FÁ S V EG U R LAUFÁSVEG UR FJÖ LN ISVEG UR FREYJU G ATA SÓ LEYJA R G A TA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT LISTABRAUT OFANLEITI VATNSMÝRARVEGUR ÞORRAGATA EINARSNES BAUGANESSKILDINGANES BÚ STA Ð A V EG U R SUÐURHLÍÐ HRING BRAUT H RIN G BRAUT H R IN G B R A U T BERGÞÓRUGATA EIRÍKSG ATA EG ILSG ATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SÖLVHÓLSGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆ BRAUT SÆBRAUT SÆ BRAUT HÓLSVEGUR DYNGJUVEGUR DA LB R A U T K A M B SV EG U R H JA LL A V EG U R LA N G H O LT SV EG U R LA N G H O LTSV EG U R EF ST A SU N D EFSTA SU N D VESTURGARÐAR KLETTAGARÐAR VATNAGARÐAR SUNDABORG KLEPPSVEGUR KLEPPSVEGUR BORGAR TÚN BRÍETARTÚN HÁTÚN MIÐTÚN SAMTÚN SÓLTÚN H ÁT ÚN SIGTÚN LAUGATEIGUR HOFTEIGUR KIRKJUTEIG UR HRAUNTEIGUR KIRKJUSANDUR H RÍ SA TE IG UR LA UG A RN ES V EG UR SUNDLAUGAVEGUR BRÚNAVEGUR V ES TU R B R Ú N A U STU R B R Ú N R E Y K JA V EG U R LA U G A RÁ SV EG U R SUNNUVEGUR SK IPA SU N D HO LTA VE GU R ENGJAVEGUR EN G JAV EG UR G N O ÐARVO G UR LJÓ SH EIM AR Á LF H EI M A R G O Ð H EI M A R SÓ LH EI M A R SKEIFA N G R EN SÁ SV EG U R SUÐURLA N DSBRAUT Á RM ÚLI ÁRM ÚLI SÍÐUM ÚLI FELLSMÚLI H Á A LEITISBRA U TSA FA M Ý RI LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR ENGJATEIGUR FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ SKAFTAHLÍÐ ÚTHLÍÐ SKÓ G A RH LÍÐ ESKIH LÍÐ BARMAHLÍÐ STIGAHLÍÐ MÁVAHLÍÐ GRÆNAHLÍÐ DRÁPUHLÍÐ HAMRAHLÍÐ VES TUR HLÍ Ð BLÖNDUHLÍÐ HÖRGSHLÍÐ H Á A H LÍ Ð AUTARH N Ó A TÚ N LA N G A H LÍ Ð ST A K K A H LÍ Ð ST A K K A H LÍ Ð ST IG A H LÍ Ð R EY K JA H LÍ Ð K R IN G LU M Ý R A R B R A U T K R IN G LU M Ý R A R B R A U T Á LF TA M Ý R I LÁ G M Ú LI H A LLA R M Ú LI K R IN G LU M Ý R A R B R A U T R A U Ð A R Á R ST ÍG U R R A U Ð A R Á R ST ÍG U R ÞV ER H O LT M JÖ LN IS H . Á S H O LT ST Ú FH . TR A Ð A R H . G U N N A RS BR A U T N Ó A TÚ N H Ö FÐ A TÚ N ÞÓ R U N N A R TÚ N STÓ RH O LT M EÐA LH O LT STA N G A RH O LT TÓ M A SA R H A G I FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA EGGERTSGATA LYNGHAGI STARHAGI K V ISTH A G I H JA RÐA RH AG STRÆTI SKÓLABRÚ LAUGAVEGUR BR OLT HRINGBRAUT BÚSTA ÐAV EG UR N A U TH Ó LS V EG U R SKIPH OLT BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Austur völlur Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Eagle Air Terminal Hlemmur Bus Terminal Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Laugar- dalslaug Swimming Pool Laugardalur Park Sigurjón Art Museum Viðey ferry Domestic Zoo & Family Park Botannical Gardens Camping site Kringlan Shopping Mall Laugar- dalshöll Sports Arena Indoor Skating Rink City Hall Hallgríms- kirkja ChurchListasafn Einars National Theatre The Culture House The Central BankMain Tourist Info Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Saga Museum & Aurora Reykjavik Harpa Concert Hall Nauthólsvík Beach Perlan Reykjavík University Kjarvals- staðir National Museum Hótel Loftleiðir Hljóm- skála- garður Park Vestur- bæjarlaug Swimming Pool National Gallery 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E F G H A C Useful Numbers Emergency number: 112 Medical help: 1770 Dental emergency: 575 0505 Information: 1818 Taxi: Hreyfill: 588 5522 - BSR: 561 0000 Tax-Free Refund Iceland Refund, Aðalstræti 2, tel: 564 6400 Pharmacies Lyf og heilsa, Egilsgata 3, tel: 563 1020 Lyfja, Laugavegur 16, tel: 552 4045 and Lágmúla 5, tel: 533 2300 Tourist Information Arctic Adventures, Laugavegur 11, tel: 562 7000 Tourist Info Centre, Aðalstræti 2, tel: 590 1550 Iceland Excursions–Grayline, Hafnarst. 20, tel: 540 1300 Icelandic Travel Market, Bankastræti 2, tel: 522 4979 Trip, Laugavegur 54, tel: 433 8747 Long Distance Coach Terminal BSÍ, Vatnsmýrarvegur 10,tel: 562 1011, Domestic Airlines Air Iceland, Reykjavíkurflugvöllur,tel: 570 3030, Eagle Air, Hótel Loftleiðir, tel: 562 4200 Public Transport The only public transport available in Reykjavík is the bus. Most buses run every 20–30 min (the wait may be longer on weekends), price per fare is 420 ISK adults, 210 ISK children. Multiday passes are available at select locations and through their app. Route map at: Tel: 540 2700. Buses run from 07–24:00 on weekdays and 10–24:00 on weekends. Main terminals are: Hlemmur and Lækjartorg. Opening Hours - Bars & Clubs According to regulations, bars can stay open until 01:00 on weekdays and 04:30 on weekends. Opening Hours - Shops & Banks Shops: Mon–Fri 10:00–18:00, Sat 10:00–16:00, Sun closed. Kringlan and Smáralind malls and most supermarkets and tourist shops have longer opening hours. Banks in the centre are open Mon-Fri 09:00- 16:00 Post Offices Post offices are located around the city. The downtown post office is at Pósthússtræti 3–5, open Mon–Fri 09:00–18:00. Stamps are also sold at bookstores, gas stations, tourist shops and some grocery stores. Eating Drinking The absolute basics 1 Fiskfélagið Vesturgata 2a You’ve undoubtedly heard of the lengths to which Iceland went to have the best fresh fish in world. Fiskfélagið (also known as The Fish Company) answers the most common question asked when people arrive here: “Where can I get some fresh Icelandic fish?” 2 Ban Thai Laugavegur 130 Although some claim service at Ban Thai can be lacking at times, most have nocomplaints about the food (indeed, we dubbed it Reykjavík’s “best Thai restaurant” in our annual BEST OF issue last year). One of the few Thai restaurants in Iceland, Ban Thai gives the diner a unique experi- ence in both atmosphere and cuisine. 3 Dill Hverfisgata 12 Pioneering New Nordic Kitchen-style cuisine in Iceland, Dill Restaurant very quickly became a Reykjavík favourite, which it continues to be in its new location. Exclusively using fresh and clas- sic Nordic ingredients, Dill offers a unique dining experience. 4 Gamla Smiðjan Lækjargata 8 This welcomed addition to Reykjavík’s pizza palette has been steadily winning over fans since it opened for business, and with good rea- son. Gamla Smiðjan seems to handle every single order with care, love and respect. As the dining area is sparse, locals usually opt for take-out. 5 Kaffi Vínyl Hverfisgata 76 Kaffi Vinyl has wedged itself into the growing vegetarian scene in 101, becoming not only the best vegetarian place, but also the best vegan place, with a completely vegan menu. Kaffi Vinyl sticks to its guns when it comes to coffee, too— try their oat milk latte and cappuccino. 5 BANKASTRÆTI 7A - 101 REYKJAVÍK - TEL. 562 3232 E L E G A N T P R E M I S E S I N T H E H E A R T O F R E Y K J A V I K B R U N C H L U N C H A N D D I N N E R M E N U L O C A L A N D F O R E I G N D I S H E S B A R B A N K A S T R Æ T I 7 A - 1 0 1 R E Y K J AV Í K - T E L . 5 6 2 3 2 3 2 AUSTURSTRAETI 8 • REYKJAVIK LIVE! ALL THE GAMES AND ALL THE ACTIO ! LIVE ON 20 HD SCREENS! The Map 6 Stofan Vesturgata 3 Stofan has what Icelanders call good “stemning,” which means the atmosphere or vibe of a place. It has two floors, charming antique furniture, and seating that’s a good distance from the noise of the espresso machine. 7 Kaffibarinn Bergstaðarstræti 3 Legendary in every sense of the word, this Reykjavík mainstray has become a popular haunt for travelers, but still maintains a core crowd of locals and can easily claim the title of the home of house music in Iceland. 8 Den Danske Kro Ingólfsstræti 3 This Danish-themed bar serves up Danish favou- rites and proudly promotes the Danish tradition of daytime drinking. If you’re wondering how you shouldask for a large beer in Danish, you should say: “Hej, jeg vil gerne ha’ en stor.” 9 Kaffihús Vesturbæjar Melhagi 20 (off-map) Situated across the street from Vesturbæjar- laug swimming pool and Ísbúð Vesturbæjar ice cream store (not on the map), this new bistro offers locals the chance to hobnob in a genuine neighbourhood atmosphere. B A F E I B A J C D H 4 9 3 11 8 10 7 1 D In Kraum you will find carefully selected products from over 100 Icelandic designers Welcome to our new location in Bankastræti 7! Bankastræti 7 - 6


Reykjavík Grapevine

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