Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2016, Síða 23

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2016, Síða 23
There Can Be Only One Iceland’s Highlands In Thoughts & Pictures Compiled by JOHN ROGERS Valur Gunnarsson “It’s the deserts that breed prophets. It’s the silence that brings you closer to god or whatever invisible spirits may be out there. The solitude brings you closer to your own true self. “As I look out the window of the bus cutting across the wastes of the Highlands with Megas blasting from my earphones, I survey some of these latter-day prophets in their Gore-Tex boots or on mountain bikes. They have come from all over in search of something. God knows what they hope to find in the nothingness. “Icelanders of old would only pass through when they had to, to attend Parliament or reach the more populous settlements in the south. A few unfortu- nate souls spent years up here, banished from the world of men. Perhaps they learnt something we will never know. “And yet there is something about the desolate magnificence that almost forces you to consider your place in the universe. Perhaps the astronauts did when they came here to practice their moon landing. Or Tom Cruise, when he used it for a post-apocalyptic dystopia. You won’t find anything quite like it on Earth. But maybe on other planets, haunted by their own alien spirits.” Photo TIMOTHÉE LAMBRECQ Photo ART BICNICK


Reykjavík Grapevine

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