Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Blaðsíða 13

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Blaðsíða 13
FROM REYKJAVÍK & NOW AKUREYRI IN NORTH ICELAND! +354 497 0000 • WHALESAFARI.IS • INFO@WHALESAFARI.IS CLOSER TO NATURE Daily Departures at 10:00 & 14:00 WHALES, PUFFINS & REYKJAVÍK DEPARTURES 2016 - 22.990 ISK Sept 1st - Sept 30th. Oct 1st to Oct 31st. 10:00, 14:00 10:00 WHALES, EYJAFJORD & AKUREYRI DEPARTURES 2016 - 19.990 ISK. Sept 1st - Sept 15th Sept 16th - Sept. 30th. 10:00, 14:00 10:00 “...BEING ON THE SMALLER RIB BOAT MEANS YOUR ARE DRAMATICALLY CLOSER TO THE ANIMALS..” Reviewed 16 September 2015 “THE ONLY WAY TO SEE WHALES” Reviewed 10 August 2015 str and gat a HOF Lundargata Fró ðas und Eið sva llag ata Gra nuf elag sga ta Hofsbot Brekkugata Hafnarstræ ti Gil sba kka veg urOd dag ata Skipagata G rerárgata Grundargata Hriseyjargata TICKET OFFICE WHALE SAFARI OUR LOCATION IN AKUREYRI Æg isg arð ur Gei rsg ata Geirsgata No rð ur stí gu r Nýlendugata Mýrargata Hlé sga ta Rastargata Vesturgata Miðbakki Suðurgata Ægi sga rðu r Ægi sga rðu r TICKET OFFICE WHALE SAFARI Re yk jav ík O ld H arb ou r OUR LOCATION IN REYKJAVÍK lieve that Iceland is a unique place that leads a global revolution: 1. The constitutional draft of 2011 was written through a really inter- esting participation process that doesn’t include any article that pro- vides Iceland with an alternative to capitalism. Participation processes guaranteed by the constitution are the most revolutionary aspect we can find in the constitutional draft of 2011, especially if we compare it with the constitution of 1944. But this aspect is not unique in the world. Countries like Switzerland, Estonia, Ireland, Greece and Ecuador, just to mention few, have been working lately on giving power of decision to citizens, more or less successfully. 2. To complete the aforementioned changes, we must admit that the Icelandic constitutional draft is not a revolutionary one. At this point it is interesting to remember articles like Article 35 of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1793: “When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.” That’s a truly revolutionary article. I just wanted to share it to put the Icelandic constitu- tional draft in historic context. 3. Many local municipalities all around the world, with a population smaller, equal to or larger than the population of Iceland, are already ex- perimenting with direct democracy. 4. The main pro-constitutional change party in the polls nowadays is the Pirate Party (second position after the traditional right-wing In- dependence Party), a political or- ganization that admits that it is not anti-capitalist and that has mem- bers of both left and right ideologi- cal inclinations. 5. Icelanders are held up as an exam- ple, supposedly the only country in the world where bankers have been jailed and political leaders judged. Well, I can talk about Spain. The for- mer director of the IMF, banker, Finan- cial Minister and Vice President of the central government in Spain, Rodrigo Rato, is now facing a trial and possible sentence of four years in prison. Luis Bárcenas, treasurer of the main politi- cal party in Spain, Partido Popular, has been in jail for 19 months and is now awaiting a final verdict. I could follow with dozens of politicians and some bankers that are under judiciary in- vestigation in Spain. But what’s clear, dear Icelanders, is that you are not the only country in the world prosecut- ing politicians and bankers. We must keep in mind that members of the elite spending a few months or years in a minimum security jail is not going to change any of the rules of our eco- nomic and political system. That being said—and I really hope that nobody took what I wrote too personally—I encourage all Iceland- ers to believe in a better world and to stop thinking (just in case you did) that you are the leaders of any global movement; to work closely togeth- er and learn from social movements worldwide that are fighting for the same goals as you: a fully democratic system where the needs and rights of its people are, by law, more important than the demands of capital and inter- national free markets. Èric Lluent is a journalist based in Cata- lonia and the author of ‘Iceland 2013: A Story Of Deception’.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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