Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 23.09.2016, Blaðsíða 38
Music Celestial Jukebox38The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 15 — 2016 Lækjargata 4 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 55 10 100 | Open 11-22 every day Fresh, original and modern cuisine with East Asian influence. Take your taste buds on an adventurous journey. Laugavegi 18 Nýbýlavegi 6 Bíldshöfða 2 ArtisAn BAkery & Coffee House Open everyday 6.30 - 21.00 Laugavegur 36 · 101 reykjavik Reykholt, population sixty, is a tiny village tucked away deep in a valley in Borgarfjörður. It has a long his- tory, and was once a cultural centre of Iceland, but today it’s a very sleepy place, with a few buildings scattered around its tall, distinctive church. The church’s ground floor holds a permanent exhibition about the town’s most famous inhabitant— Snorri Sturluson, a famous Icelan- dic author of the 1200s. Combined with some stunning nearby lava fields, caves and waterfalls, and a couple of attractions and institu- tions such as a medieval studies centre, a well-preserved old bath- ing pool—too hot to be used now, regrettably—and a library dedicated to Snorri’s work, it’s enough to keep a steady trickle of visitors dropping by to visit. But once a year, people flock to Reykholt in greater numbers for Reykholtshátið—a three-day sum- mer festival of chamber music and contemporary Icelandic composi- tion, which celebrates its 20th an- niversary in 2016. Old and new Sigurgeir Agnarsson is the direc- tor of the festival. “I’m the one who talks to the artists, and helps arrange the programme,” he says, standing in the library wing of the church, as musicians bustle around him. “So I’m responsible for the artistic side, but also for the financial side. You could say I’m artistic and general director.” The festival’s location is a lit- tle remote, but Sigurgeir tells me about the variety of people it at- tracts. “We really get a mixture of locals or summer-house people, then some who drive up from Reykjavík, and a few accidental tourists who are passing by,” he explains. As well as a focus on classical music of 18th and 19th century, the festival occasionally commissions new work. In 2016, the festival pre- miered a new work by Icelandic composer Gunnar Andreas Kris- tinsson, and featured a perfor- mance by Elmar Gilbertsson, an award-winning tenor and rising star in Iceland’s music world. Appreciating the arts "There’s a really calm and relaxed atmosphere here,” says Elmar, ra- diating confidence as he prepares for his big performance. “We tend to do this a lot here in the country- side here in Iceland. We have a lot of very beautiful churches. Many of them have good acoustics, like this one—this church is one of the best houses for acoustic music in the country. It’s fantastically reward- ing to share this kind of music here. This place is very well known for appreciating the arts.” Elmar has been to Reykholt once before, when he sang in a choir, and is happy to return for a solo performance. “The people here are so lovely—they lent me the church for practising,” he en- thuses. “But this is the first time I’ll do a solo concert here.” “I think it’s very fertile here in Iceland,” he finishes. “There are a lot of great composers, with new ones always coming up. As an Ice- landic musician I think that’s very important—to get the chance to perform contemporary pieces in our own language. And festivals like this one help that to happen.” LISTEN AND SHARE: Words JOHN ROGERS Photo ART BICNICK Twenty Years Of Reykholtshátið A weekend of chamber music in Borgarfjörður
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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