Landshagir - 15.01.1991, Síða 178

Landshagir - 15.01.1991, Síða 178
172 Peningamál Tafla 13.5. Lánakerfið. Reikningar og útlánaflokkun 1985-1989 Table 13.5. Accounts ofthe credit system 1985-1989 Staða í lok tímabilsins, millj. kr. Eignir 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Position at end-of-year, mill. ISK Assets 1 Útlán og verðbréfaeign 166.641 201.608 263.908 354.015 470.272 Loans and bonds 11 Bankakerfið 56.361 66.396 96.240 132.793 163.621 Banking system 12 Fjárfestingarlánasjóðir 36.622 47.705 63.826 87.707 121.889 Investment creditfunds 14 Lífeyrissjóðir 25.242 33.230 47.305 67.489 95.587 Pensionfunds 15 Tryggingarfélög 3.170 4.220 5.857 8.095 12.219 Insurance companies 16 Eignarleigur 81 916 4.230 6.392 7.852 Leasing companies 17 Verðbréfasjóðir 379 1.267 3.738 5.797 9.151 Mutual funds 18 Útlönd 81.293 89.941 101.102 138.127 191.239 Foreign sector 19 Lánasjóður ríkisins 37.103 23.277 25.318 32.896 45.576 State lending funds Millisamtala 240.251 266.952 347.616 479.296 647.134 Subtotal, gross Frá dragast innbyrðis viðskipti -73.610 -65.344 -83.708 -125.281 -176.862 Less inter-institutional lending Eignir = skuldir Útlánaflokkun 11 166.641 201.608 263.908 354.015 470.272 Assets = liabiUties Lending by borrowers 1 Ríkissjóður og ríkisstofnanir 38.350 46.947 56.729 75.127 96.579 Central government 2 Bæjar- og sveitarfélög 9.138 10.955 11.755 14.574 19.609 Municipalities 3 Atvinnuvegir 77.608 87.933 118.441 160.687 215.558 Industries 4 Heimili 41.545 55.773 76.983 103.627 138.526 Households 5 Samtals útlán Skuldir 166.641 201.608 263.908 354.015 470.272 Total lending Liabilities 3 Peningalegur spamaður 93.058 123.398 173.947 229.371 302.026 Financial savings 31 Frjáls spamaður 43.528 58.745 81.754 104.228 138.151 Voluntary savings 311 Innlán og seðlar 35.859 48.679 65.397 77.716 100.698 Notes and deposits 312 Spariskírteini og happdrættisbréf 4.408 5.389 7.687 9.702 13.669 Government bonds 313 Trvggingarsjóðir tryggingafélaga 2.679 3.336 4.408 6.189 8.446 Insurance funds 314 Annar spamaður 582 1.341 4.262 10.621 15.338 Other savings 32 Kerfisbundinn spamaður 49.530 64.653 92.193 125.143 163.875 Institutional savings 321 Eignir lífeyrissjóða 26.682 35.109 50.283 72.182 102.340 Pensionfund assets 322 Skylduspamaður í fjárfestingarlsj. 1.477 1.761 2.297 2.886 3.527 Compulsory deposits with ICFs 323. Eigið fé lánastofnana 21.371 27.783 39.613 50.075 58.008 Capital offinancial institutions 4 Erlent lánsfjármagn 73.583 78.210 89.961 124.644 168.246 Foreign credit 41 Löng erlend lán 66.112 75.966 83.084 112.766 166.015 Long-term foreign loans 42 Stutt lán 15.181 13.975 18.018 25.361 25.224 Short-term foreign loans 43 Stuttar kröfur á útlönd -7.110 -11.731 -11.141 -13.483 -22.993 Short-term claims on foreigners Skuldir samtals 166.641 201.608 263.908 354.015 470.272 Liabilities total ''Útlánaflokkun að nokkru leyti áætluð Data partly estimated. Heimild: Seðlabanki íslands (Hagtölur mánaðarins; Ársskýrsla Seðlabankans) Source: Central Bank oflceland (Hagtölur mánaðarins; Annual Report).
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