Landshagir - 15.01.1991, Page 224
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál
Tafla 16.4. Fjármögnun lífeyristrygginga almannatrygginga 1975-1989
Table 16.4. Funding ofsocial security pension insurance 1975-1989
Milljónir kr. Mill. ISK Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Per cent division
Iðgjöld og framlög alls Total premiums and transfers Iðgjöld atvinnurekenda Employers’ premiums Framlag ríkissjóðs Treasury transfers Iðgjöld og framlög alls Total premiums and transfers Iðgjöld atvinnurekenda Employers’ premiums Framlag ríkissjóðs Treasury transfers
1975 73 11 62 100,0 15,5 84,5
1976 85 14 72 100,0 15,9 84,1
1977 126 18 108 100,0 14,5 85,5
1978 207 24 183 100,0 11,8 88,2
1979 313 55 258 > 100,0 17,5 82,5
1980 487 84 404 100,0 17,2 82,8
1981 932 138 794 100,0 14,8 85,2
1982 1.135 214 921 100,0 18,9 81,1
1983 1.985 335 1.650 100,0 16,9 83,1
1984 2.500 537 1.963 100,0 21,5 78,5
1985 3.863 685 3.178 100,0 17,7 82,3
1986 5.037 992 4.045 100,0 19,7 80,3
1987 7.295 1.344 5.951 100,0 18,4 81,6
1988 9.413 1.978 7.435 100,0 21,0 79,0
1989 11.032 2.334 8.697 100,0 21,2 78,8
Heimild: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins (Félagsmál)
Source: State Social Security Institute (Social Security Matters).
Tafla 16.5. Útgjöld almannatrygginga eftir bótaflokkum 1981-1989
Table 16.5. Expenditure on social security pensions and allowances 1981-1989
Millj. kr. 1981 1982 | 1983 1984 1985 | 1986 1987 | 1988 1989 | Mill. ISK
Útgjöld alls 1.058 1.661 2.697 3.535 5.193 6.636 8.975 11.875 13.878 Total expenditure
Lífevristrvaaingar, alls 774 1.199 1.904 2.525 3.738 4.840 6.839 9.128 10.724 Social security pensions, total
Ellilífeyrir 11 539 835 1.326 1.729 2.542 3.293 4.600 6.046 6.987 Old age pensions n
Örorkulífeyrir og styrkur11 128 198 313 410 621 817 1.154 1.537 1.857 Disability pensions 11
Bamalífeyrir 19 32 46 62 93 114 153 199 236 Child pension
Ekkju-, ekkilsbætur 20 29 45 54 73 87 112 133 145 Widow’ slwidower’ s benef
Mæðra- og feðralaun 18 27 50 127 205 276 iio 515 593 Single parent’s allowance
Makabætur 1 1 2 3 8 15 23 31 33 Spouse's benefits
Fæðingarorlof 49 76 122 140 195 238 329 607 802 Maternity benefits
Bílakaupastyrkur - - - - - - 59 56 62 Car purchasing grants
Endurgr. sölusk. v/á - - - - - - - 4 10 Refund of sales tax
Slysatryggingar 20 35 55 71 105 136 204 275 337 Occupat. accident insurance
Sjúkratryggingar 264 427 738 940 1.350 1.660 1.932 2.471 2.817 Health insurance
11 Þ.m.t. grunnlífeyrir, tekjutrygging, uppbót, vasapeningar, heimilisuppbót, bensínstyrkur og sérstök heimilisuppbót. (Sjómannalífeyrir er
einnig meðtalinn með ellilífeyri) Included basicpension, income supplement, pension supplement, money support, household supplement,
additional household supplement and petrol allowance. (Seamen’s pensions are also included in old age pensions).
Heimild: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins (Félagsmál) Source: State Social Security lnstitute (Social Security Matters).