Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 30
Best Of Reykjavík 30 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 17 — 2016 Selections From Our City Awards Compiled by PARKER YAMASAKI Photo MAGNUS ANDERSEN Best Place To Buy A Wool Sweater: Handprjóna- sambandið Skólavörðustígur 19 Handprjónasambandið is the Hand Knitting Society of Iceland. Its stock comes from dozens of contributors from around the country, who make traditional knitted clothing for locals and tourists alike. It’s hard to walk into this place and not stay for a long time. It’s stocked wall to wall with knitted sweaters and gar- ments in all the colours and pat- terns you could imagine. The best tactic is to treat it like the wand shop in Harry Potter and let the sweater choose you. Best Place To See A Movie Bíó Paradís Hverfisgata 54 This independent cinema on Hverfisgata is a palace for indie film fans. They run a great pro- gramme of arthouse cinema from all around the world, as well as showing Icelandic films on rota- tion during the summer, with English subtitles. They sometimes show retro sci-fi and horror mov- ies, whether cult B-movies or well- known classics. There’s an art gal- lery, a cafe, and some comfy sofas to hang out and drink coffee. Bíó Paradís, you’re doin’ it right: we salute you. Best Record Store Reykjavík Record Shop Klapparstígur 35 Reykjavík Record Shop is capi- talising on the current boom in vinyl sales. With a focus on new releases, indie rock and alterna- tive music, it’s frequented by hip- sters and old-timers with an eye on up-and-coming acts. You can spend an hour thumbing through the catalogue or just pop in to grab something for an upcoming party. It’s amazing, given the state of the music industry, that these places are still making a go of it. So if you love vinyl, get out there and sup- port your local indie store! Best Brunch Coocoo’s Nest Grandagarður 23 Do not fly by or over this great spot located in the Grandi harbour area. It has a selection of vegetarian and vegan options and the brunch is one of the must-try meals in Reyk- javík. Brunch is served Friday to Sunday from 11:00 until 16:00. We recommend getting there early and making a day out of the up and coming Grandi area. It has a picturesque old harbour, and the walk will help with your hangover. Best Place To Go With A Group Of Friends Tapas barinn Vesturgata 3b Tapas barinn makes group dining fun, easy and intimate. You can choose from a wide selection of small dishes, including some Ice- landic standard fare, served tapas style. It’s the perfect place for mix- ing locals and tourists in one big group. Locals have tried all the usual stuff and want something exciting; tourists want to try Ice- landic classic dishes like puffin, whale and langoustine. Call ahead to make sure they have a table for you and your crew. It’s January, the cool heart of winter. While looking at the “bright side of things” might be out of the question, Reyk- javík certainly has no short- age of coziness through the dark days. Here’s a round-up of some of our favourite ways to warm up and keep the blood pumping. For your mind, your body and your wallet “Awesome experience” Now offering catering service! Laugavegur 2 101 Reykjavík tel: 552 4444
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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