Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 47
How to use the listings: Events are listed alphabetically by venue. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit Send your listings to: Opening ART67 Exhibit by Sigríður Oddný Jónsdóttir Sigríður, also known as Sjoddý, is exhibit- ing her paintings. Opens on January 7 Runs until January 31 Ásmundarsafn Guided Tour: Art, Processing and Algo- rithm January 19th 20:00 Berg Contemporary “Drawing Spatially” by Monika Grzymala The German based artist exhibits her structures through space by drawings and tape. Opens January 14 Runs until February 25 Hafnarborg Exhibit by Steingrímur Eyfjörð Steingrímur Eyfjörd presents his perspec- tive on gender through a selection of artwork. Opens on January 21 Runs until March 19 Hafnarborg “Rose” by Sigga Björg Artist Sigga Björg creates an installation based around monsters and strange creatures using drawings, animated videos and sculptures. Opens on January 21 Runs until March 19 Hitt Húsið “EUNOIA” by Lorena Sendic Silvera A photographer and graphic designer from Germany is exhibiting her photo- graphs all taken here in Iceland. Opens January 7 Runs until January 21 Kópavogur Art Museum “Normality is the new avant-garde” A show on the extraordinary ordinary in contemporary Icelandic art. Opens January 13 Runs until March 5 Mengi Anna Kolfinna Kuran / Woman Landscape The New York based artist explores the catcalling culture and objectification of women's body through series of photos, video work, texts and a performance. January 6th Museum of Photography Influentials – Exhibition talk Photographers discuss chosen works from the exhibition "PORTRAITS by Hasselblad Award Winners" in relation to their own work. January 14th 14:00 SÍM Gallery “Traces” by Jelena Antic The Serbian artist exhibits abstract expres- sionism and abstract minimalism through her paintings. The main idea of this exhibi- tion is the displacement of attention off the subject/figure. Opens January 5 Runs until January 24 Weather and Wind Window Gallery “Three Part Performance Series: The Pres- ence; The Oracle, The Consultant and The Masseuse” A series of three performances by artists livestreamed as well in Reykjavík and abroad. Opens January 7 Runs until February 26 Ongoing Árbær Culture House ‘The Power of Colors’ Runs until January 31, 2017 Árbær Open Air Musem Daily guided tours from 13:00 to 14:00 through its open air exhibits. On permanent view. Ásgrímur Jónnson Collection ‘Frightening Nature’ Runs until May 7, 2017 Einar Jónsson Museum The museum contains close to 300 art- works including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. On permanent view Hafnarborg ‘The Building as A Being and the City as a Platform of Our Lives’ Artist Egill Sæbjörnsson addresses city planning and the importance of magic in our environment in a new installation in Hafnarborg. Runs Until January 15, 2017 Hönnunarsafn Íslands ‘On Paper’ A collection of sketches by designers and artists of packaging, advertisements, book covers and of furniture from the 1920s to the 1960s. Runs until March 5, 2017 Hverfísgallerí ‘Completed Randomness’ by Hildur Bjarnadótti In this exhibit, Hildur mixes woven paintings and dyed silk works to create an environment that questions the act of agency and systematic action. Runs until January 14, 2017 Listhús Ófeigs “Náttúra” by Anna María Pitt Silversmith Anna María Pitt presents her first exhibition ever—a line of hand- wrought jewelry. Runs until January 11 Museum of Design and Applied Art ‘KEEPERS’ This exhibition focuses on the question of how we decide which objects are worth keeping. Runs until June 4, 2017. National Gallery of Iceland ‘Joan Jonas Reanimation Detail, 2010/2012’ Runs until January 22, 2017 National Gallery of Iceland Valtýr Pétursson An exhibition focusing on Valtýr Pétursson - a pioneer of Icelandic abstract art, and his rich artistic career. Runs until February 12, 2017 Nordic House ‘Century of the Child’ An exhibition of Nordic design for children from 1900 to the present day. Runs until February 27, 2017. Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús ‘One More Story’ A collection of works by Yoko Ono expressing feminism, peace, and collective activism. Runs until February 5, 2017 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús ‘Arising - A Call’ A call to women to submit an anonymous photograph of their eyes along with a narrative of how they have been harmed in some way. Runs until February 5, 2017 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús ‘War and Peace’ Provocative new exhibition of Icelandic pop-political artist Erró. Runs until January 22, 2017 If Some Flowers Are In A Gallery... Are They Really Tho? Elín Hansdóttir’s ‘Simulacrum’ bends reality i8 | Tryggvagata 16 | Dec 15 - Feb 4 | 11:00-17:00 | Free The ever-reliable i8 gallery plays host to one of Iceland’s most interesting contemporary artists, Elín Hansdóttir, through- out January and until February 4. She’s ostensibly a sculptor, but this show is a simulated sculptural installation, consist- ing of wall-based photographs of a large bunch of deteriorat- ing flowers hanging in midair, shedding their petals over a square plinth and the gallery floor. To complicate matters further, they’re hanging in the exact space that the gallery’s solid-looking central pillar occupies. Elín employed a vari- ety of painstaking old-school effects techniques to create, photograph, and then disassemble the installation, creating a subtle illusion that warps your perception of the space with ingenious sleight of hand. JR Art Listings47The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 01 — 2017 F Suðurgata 41 101 Reykjavík tel +354 530 22 00 Hverfisgata 15 101 Reykjavík tel +354 530 22 10 National Museum of Iceland The country’s largest museum of cultural history from settlement to present day. The Culture House Manuscripts, fine art, natural specimens, curiosities and archeaological findings form the exhibition Points of View. National Museum of Iceland The Culture House The exhibitions, shops and cafés are open daily 10 - 17 Closed on Mondays 16/9 – 30/4 G ER Ð A R SA FN K Ó PA V O G U R A R T M U SE U M NORMALITY IS THE NEW AVANT-GARDE 13.01. – 05.03.17 Listamenn Artists Anna Hrund Másdóttir Arna Óttarsdóttir Arnfinnur Amazeen Emma Heiðarsdóttir Finnur Arnar Arnarson G.Erla - Guðrún Erla Geirsdóttir Guðrún Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir Loji Höskuldsson Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson Sýningarstjóri Curator Heiðar Kári Rannversson
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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