Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 53

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 53
53The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 01 — 2017 It's actually Langoustine Find the best food in Iceland! Download our free dining app, CRAVING on the Apple and Android stores It's technically langoustine, not lobster, but Langoustine & Stuff doesn't sound right. It misses the fricative assonance of "ster" and "stuff." That's the type of linguis- tic gymnastics marketing word- smiths simply die for—and, if their product is a living creature, it's what they kill for too. Lan- goustine is the Kim Kardashian of expensive sea arthropods, de- sirable mostly for its posterior and being freakishly small. Un- like Kim Kardashian, however, langoustine is small because of its habitat, the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Also, langoustine has a small or relatively normal- sized head. All this aside, when lobster is mentioned, know in your heart of hearts we are talk- ing about langoustine. For starters, the Grapevine dinner crew tried the Taste Of Lobster spread with lobster tem- pura, spring rolls, mini burgers and lobster soup (3590 ISK). We also tried the beef carpaccio with lobster, which is topped with crispy leeks, melon and truffle mayo (3190 ISK). Lobster is typi- cally paired with champagne, or more reasonably, prosecco. What gives Lobster & Stuff a more re- laxed feel is the Italian lager, Pero- ni, they have on tap. It's light, bub- bly and lasts long enough to enjoy your starter and main course. Before the main courses ar- rive, we take time to look around. This restaurant is in a great lo- cation on the harbour and our server took us upstairs to the 80s-themed bar to give us a feel for the whole establishment. It's all glamour and bench seating. It's the type of place you go for a drink after work or take a friend to mull over your amazing new start-up idea. Downstairs, where we were seated, it's a nice combination of cozy, elegant and the good kind of rustic, without the feeling of dusty bookshelves and ancient so- fas closing in on you. The space is warm and welcoming, with flick- ering candlelight, large windows, thick crafted wooden tables, and, hey, even lobster trap chandeliers. Purists will love the 200 gram grilled lobster with coleslaw, crispy small potatoes and gar- lic mayo (6990 ISK). It's the only test Lobster & Stuff has to pass. Can they make lobster (again, langoustine)? The answer is yes. The tail meat pulls easily out of its shell and is not overcooked and shredding. It's exactly what you were thinking when you ordered it, simple and delicious. The lobster sandwich in bri- oche bread (4690 ISK) is their take on the lobster roll. It's lobster tucked in a roll shaped like a hot dog bun, with garlic, guacamole, cabbage and oyster mushrooms— accompanied by dipped potatoes and garlic mayo. It's filling, simple and safe, but too many toppings. You lose the taste of the lobster. Avocado traditionally pairs well with crab, but the lobster here doesn't have the aromatic power to contend with guacamole. If it were up to us, it would be simpli- fied down to mostly lobster, but- ter and regular mayonnaise on a toasted bun. The Surf and Turf (4980 ISK) strays from the usual steak and lobster, and instead pairs lobster and pork belly with a side of potato mousse, roasted fennel, tempura corn and mushrooms demi-glace. Every part of this meal works sep- arately, allowing the diner to eat slowly piece by piece. Be sure to specify if you want your crackling to be crispy or not, and remember this is a heavy meal. You'll prob- ably need another Peroni... or a few cocktails? Most of us were more than full after our main course, and in re- ality, we didn't need the starters. The portions are generous with- out overdoing it. Yet as full as we were, it didn't take much convinc- ing for us all to be huddled around an order of créme brulée (1790 ISK), tapping its torched surface with the back of our spoons. Not only was it dangerously delicious, but it contained Pop Rocks, trans- porting all of us to simpler times, our childhood, when we had our whole lives ahead of us. SHARE: Words YORK UNDERWOOD, SIGNE SMALA, JÓHANNA PÉTURSDÓTTIR Photo ART BICNICK Let Them Eat Lobster & Stuff 1 0 1 Ó Ð I N S T O R G R E Y K J A V Í K Í S L A N D S N A P S B I S T R O . I S s n a p s b i s t r o @ s n a p s b i s t r o . i s + 3 5 4 5 1 1 6 6 7 7 F R E N C H O N I O N S O U P I c e l a n d i c Í s b ú i c h e e s e , c r o û t o n s 2 . 3 0 0 . k r M O U L E S M A R I N I È R E S s t e a m e d m u s s e l s f r o m B r e i ð a f j ö r ð u r 2 . 4 0 0 . k r F I S H O F T H E D A Y c h e f ´ s s p e c i a l 3 . 8 0 0 . k r E s t . 2 0 1 2R e y k j a v i k
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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