Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 48

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.01.2017, Blaðsíða 48
Art Interview48The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 01 — 2017 At DesignMarch 2016, Ágústa and Elísabet Karlsdóttir—who together make up the powerful design team ALVARA—present- ed a jewelry line called Silfra. In December they launched their second collaborative project, the clothing line USELESS. We asked Ágústa about her recent work and working as a designer in Iceland. When did you start designing? I took my first steps in design when I started studying Product De- sign at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. I graduated in 2014 but went on to studying goldsmithery at the Technical College. I wanted to gain a more hands-on material knowledge. I used to work on a variety of proj- ects while studying but these last few months have been the first in a long time where I’ve not had to juggle de- sign work and studies. What is your creative process? My process usual ly revolves around some kind of a story, which varies between projects. I usually focus on the materials first. If the material has an inter- esting story, for example because of its origin, the outcome tends to be good, even better so if the material has some kind of a prob- lem, which I find often to be an opportunity. Researching and experiment- ing is also a huge part of the pro- cess. I believe that approaching something from a different view- point is the best way to create something new. When materials or objects are put into a new con- text it can often look strange to practical people at first since they are not used to seeing these things in a new setting, but unusual pos- sibilities and strange outcomes are precisely what makes design interesting to me. I believe in embracing the strange. Sometimes I want to do something fun and playful be- cause then there are absolutely no rules but other times I want to be practical and make up rules for myself, which I use as guide- lines for the design. It all depends on the nature of the project and where the story guides me. What inspires you? I get inspiration from all over the place. There are so many things that capture my attention. It can be some sort of material, an in- teresting place, a good story or a certain shape or texture. What is your favorite artwork, by you and/or another artist? Shit, that’s a difficult question. I like too many things to be able to choose a favorite. I guess my favorite project of my own right now is my most recent one, USE- LESS, a reindeer clothing and ac- cessories line I did in a collabora- tion with my partner at ALVARA, Elísabet Karlsdóttir. How is it being a designer in Ice- land? It’s a relatively young field in Ice- land, a grassroots movement in a way, which is fun to be a part of. What do you wish to achieve through your work? A redefinition of modern values. I want to make people think. Where the design comes from and why it is made is my focus instead of solely producing commercial merchandise. What are your future plans? Producing the jewelry line Silfra, that I collaborated on with Elísa- bet at ALVARA last DesignMarch. We received a grant from the Ice- land Design Centre and therefore have been developing the line a lot, which I am very excited for. I will also be producing the USE- LESS clothing line so 2017 is going to be one busy year. SHARE: Artist Talk: Ágústa Sveinsdóttir Designer Words HREFNA BJÖRG GYLFADÓTTIR I C E L A N D I C R E S T A U R A N T & B A R Tasty tapas and dr inks by the o ld harbour T a b l e r e s e r v a t i o n s : + 3 5 4 5 1 7 1 8 0 0 - w w w . f o r r e t t a b a r i n n . i s Certificate of Excellence ———— 2016 ———— 1 6 -1 4 4 0 - H V ÍT A H Ú S IÐ / S ÍA G E T Y O U R D E S I G N E R B R A N D S T A X F R E E A T K E F L A V I K A I R P O R T
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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