Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Blaðsíða 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Blaðsíða 14
What To Do If You Find A Rat In Your Toilet … and other facets of rats in Reykjavík Words: Paul Fontaine Photo: Art Bicnick OPINION Reykjavík is a harbour town, and like all harbour towns, it has rats. How many rats exactly is unknown, but they are not great in number, and have been on the decline. Granted, the climate isn't exactly welcoming, but the re- sources are, and they can be found in many districts of Reykjavík. You are still unlikely to see an actual rat scurrying along Reyk- javík streets, although you might hear them with- out realising it w h e n w a l k i n g through any giv- en side street. For the most part, rats t ravel t h roug h the city's water drainage system. This means they can sometimes get into sewers, which means they can and do get into toilets. Yes, this is a thing This has happened to me twice, once in the 105 postcode, in 2013, and again in the centre of 101, in 2014. In both cases, I was living in a basement apartment, which is where a rat would be most likely to make its first stop in search of air after entering a structure's toi let drainage pipe system. Once the rat gets to the top of an individual toilet's drainage pipe, it reaches the reservoir of air above the porcelain rim that separates the water in the toilet from the drainage pipe. It will then hang out on the rim of the air reservoir for a while to catch its breath before either making its way back down the drainage pipe, or entering the toilet bowl itself. On both of my occasions, the rat only made its presence known to me by presenting me with its tail, waving forlornly from the darkness of the toilet cave, at the bottom of the bowl. At this moment, there is only one thing you can do that will be to the benefit of both you and the rat: put the lid town, and empty the fucking tank on it. Lean on that flush until the water stops. Listen. If you do not hear splashing or rat-paddling sounds, deign to lift the lid and check. If it worked like it should, you have sent it right down the drainage pipe to the mainline again, and you've rid your toilet of a rat. Peaceful coexistence Regardless of how few rats there are in Reykjavík, everyone will re- spond to them differently, depend- ing on context. If you grew up here, rats in the city might be alarming to you. If you grew up some place with more rats, then you have no reason to overreact should you hap- pen upon one here. I mean, these rats didn't even ask to be here. The bright side is this: if we maintain proper curbside sani- tation and stop drunkenly spill- ing fries in the street, we can probably peace- f u l l y c o e x i s t with a rat ecosys- tem in our sewers, living on what we throw away, making it use- ful for them and us alike. There's absolutely no need to panic. 14 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 09 — 2017 Words: Alice Demurtas Share this article: TIME CAPSULE Built and opened in 1950, the National Theatre of Ice- land stores a page of Reykjavík’s decadent history in the fiery heart of its cellar. As I step under its low ceilings, the room greets me with a warm, crimson hug. Faded red stools are carefully arranged to frame two rows of round tables, while the polished wood of the stage shines under the dim lights. The scar- let curtains lined with a golden band are drawn still, waiting. It’s strange to think that this place is part of the theatre. It hosts a comedy club, improv ses- sions and cabaret. However, you can almost feel some sort of hid- den energy buried under those dark 1950s lath floors. “This place used to be a club,” the cellar’s su- pervisor Ása Andrésdóttir ex- plains, unveiling the mystery. “The cognac bar was right there,” she adds as she points behind me. As I touch it, the beautiful glass door tinkles. It’s like a sound from the past, while the smoke of old cigars turns into dust before my eyes. The National Theatre Cellar BRYGGJAN BRUGGHÚS * GRANDAGARÐI 8 101 REYKJAVÍK 00354 456 4040 * WWW.BRYGGJANBRUGGHUS.IS DAILY TOURS ON THE HOUR BETWEEN 13-22 BEER TOUR 2O - 30 MIN TOUR INCLUDING A 3 OR 6 BEER FLIGHT MENU FROM OUR MICRO BREWERY. 2.900/5.400 KR. DOCKSIDE BREWERY & BISTRO BISTRO 11.30-23.00 JAZZ EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.00 “I mean, these rats didn't even ask to be here” Some rats are a lot of fun Photo: Art Bicnick
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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