Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Blaðsíða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Blaðsíða 27
27The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 09 — 2017 In the airy entrance hall of Iceland’s National Gal- lery, the institutional silence is broken suddenly by the echo of raucous laughter. I follow my ears down the stairs towards the spacious, windowless exhibition space of Gallery 1. Passing through the doorway is like stepping into another dimen- sion—the white cube environment has been transformed into a dizzy- ing explosion of colour. Vast, hairy tendrils hang from the every cor- ner of the walls and ceiling, tan- gling up into knots and junctions over my head before branching out again in a suspended web of reti- na-scorching brightness. Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir, the artist behind the installation, is better known by her nom-de- guerre Shoplifter, or “Shoppy”— a nickname based on someone’s mishearing of her forename. She appears from a bustling crowd of assistants and technicians with an infectious grin on her face, which nests in her own wild cloud of viv- idly grey hair. It’s the seventh installation in her ‘Nervescape’ series, which has changed shape and size dramati- cally during its travels from New York City to Los Angeles, Norway, Sweden, Australia and now, Reyk- javík. In some iterations, ‘Nerv- escape’ has been like a shroud of vines, cloaking the viewer on all sides. Other versions are more like a huge, bulbous beast squatting in the gallery, spreading up the walls and melting over the floors. “It’s never really the same piece,” says Hrafnhildur. “Each one is like a new entity. I imagined something like this when I saw the space, but I never know how it’ll come out.” HAIRY POLLOCK The Reykjavík edition brings to mind the micro and macro: the vasts arms of nebulas, and the vis- ceral network of nerves that hide within the body, presented in the hypernatural colour palette of ‘Av- atar’’s sci-fi wilderness. “I wanted to create a certain kind of mapping,” says Shoppy. “Here “When I was envisioning my life in Europe, I was seeing it in black and white, and when I thought about New York it was always in bright colours. So I went to the colour.” Words: John Rogers Photos: Axel Sig
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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