Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Síða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Síða 4
4The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 09 — 2017 The Top Stories May 5 - May 18 Words: Paul Fontaine Images: Sveinbjörn And His Big Bag Of Stock Photos The Prime-Minister pictured in Costco, picking up his membership card. NEWS IN BRIEF It‘s been a week since Costco has opened its doors to the Icelandic public and news about its interesting prod- ucts and appealingly low prices are already shaking the country. Some expect it to inject the com- petition the local market needs, while others are already conjur- ing grim images of a hoarding so- ciety. Reality, however, has so far proven to be a little less sinister than that. Perhaps hoping to avoid the first-day traffic, Icelanders have ironically been gathering en masse in front of Costco during the past week, lining up at the gas dial with the eagerness of chil- dren on Christmas day. Will the curiosity kill the cat or will we just be fine? Only time will tell. We hear that Icelandic band Fox Train Safari is really into trains. If all goes well though, Costco might soon find a new source of revenue in the train line that’s set to be built between Kefla- vík Airport and Reykjavík in the near future. A deal has in fact al- ready been struck between mu- nicipalities to make the trip to Reykjavík city centre a little bit more sustainable. The train will run every fifteen minutes and will be able to take around 2,400 pas- sengers on a twenty-minute ride to the city centre. The ticket, nat- urally, is predicted to cost double the price of a bus trip. We shall just hope than when the train line is being built Icelandic elves won’t get any weird idea and mess with the construction workers. You're an elf yourself mr. Colbert. … At least, that ’s the conclu- sion you might come to if you watch Stephen Colbert a little too much. On a recent episode of ‘The Late Show’, Colbert revealed to America and the world that Icelanders do in fact believe in elves and that their entire life revolves around making con- stant efforts not to piss them off. It might be the first time someone says this with relief, but luckily Ricky Gervais was there to help, chiming in with a dry, “They don’t really.” What a champ. The Mountain, in happier times Despite Gervais’s efforts, every- body’s favourite champ is still Haf þór Júlíus Björnsson, aka The Mountain. Hafþór, howev- er, is not too happy with himself. At his latest strength competi- tion, in fact, The Mountain has again fallen short of the title of World’s Strongest Man. To say Hafþór was disappointed would be a euphemism. After all, this was the seventh time he nearly won the prize, with the difference between him and Mr. Eddie Hall amounting to one single point. Hafþór called it a pathetic out- come and has been wondering about the meaning of life during his daily chest lifts ever since. Buckle up Hafþór, rumour has it the government will stamp you and your biceps on the 20,000kr bill when you win the title. Have we cheered you up? SMJÖRFLUGA An artist's rendering of a train in iceland. In this scenario both the train type and the location would be chosen last minute seemingly at random to work together in a photoshop combined picture. In other words, kind of like how planning is in Iceland. First Visit us at Reykjavík City Hall Do you need helpful hints about culture, dining and other activities in our favourite city? We would love to assist you with planning your stay and booking your adventure! See you at the Official Tourist Information Centre. Open daily from 8-20


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