Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Blaðsíða 52

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.06.2017, Blaðsíða 52
Find the best food in Iceland! Download our free dining app, CRAVING on the Apple and Android stores Rebel Baker The story of Brauð & Co.’s Danish-inspired goodies Words: Shruthi Basappa Photo: Art Bicnick There’s something utterly do- mestic and charming about pop- ping into one’s neighbourhood bakery. W hile downtown hip- sters are only too glad to em- brace every food fad out there, thankfully, they’ve left Brauð & Co. a lone —a world where buttery croissants and gluten- rich sourdoughs rule the roost. Thanks to Ágúst Einþórsson, a chef turned reluctant rebel baker, Brauð & Co. is a bakery that’s at- tracting international attention. They sell over a whopping 1000 cinnamon sugar croissant rolls on Saturdays alone. Having eaten my weig ht i n t hei r wares, I was ex- cited to meet the man behind it all. Á g ú s t , w h o goes by “Gusti,” used to run a café in Copen hagen’s Nørrebro. “I de- c i d e d t o n e v e r bake again!’” he laughs. “Most bakeries are in basements where you never meet anyone. But I enjoyed working in the café, I met a lot of people, I liked that.” As early evening draws in, the bakery is teeming with lo- cals and tourists alike. Gústi ex- plains his decision to move back to Reykjavík: “A friend of mine opened a bakery a bit like this one,” he says. “So I started bak- ing again—getting into organic flours and sourdoughs. I worked at two places after that, and I’d been discussing with a friend that there was definitely an opening for a bakery like this in Reykjavík.” Snúðurgate scandal The unfrosted hand- made snúður at Brauð & Co. have been re- bel l ious from day one. They flout the traditional recipe, using seasonal in- gredients like rasp- berry and blueberry w ith l iquorice or f lora l orange and almonds. A one-off variant became a personal favourite of mine—the granola snúður, each one almost brioche-light, kneaded with love and attention. “People complained in the be- ginning,” says Ágúst. “But I’ve stuck to making what I like. I’m not trying to please anybody—I’ll only make a vegan product if I like it, and not just because it’s vegan. We’ve done things that didn’t work, but when we make some- thing new, and it works, we have to take something else out. I like to keep it simple, so we don’t have too many things on the shelves.’’ The bakery has a rotating menu that changes daily. “We have to be on top of our game every day,” says Gústi. “It’s important to put pres- sure on yourself to make things better, and if something’s wrong, to figure out why it isn’t perfect.’’ Better Butter Brauð & Co. is one of the few places in town that use real butter in their baked goods, in generous amounts. “We use a tonne of butter a month,” says Gústi. “About 250-300 kilos a week.” He laments the lack of organic butter in Iceland—some- thing that MS is still reluctant to offer, sadly. It’s the only factor keeping the bakery from calling themselves completely organic. Brauð & Co. will be opening two offshoots shortly, in Hlem- mur Mathöl l in and Fákafen. “Maybe we’ll have some savoury things there,” finishes Águst. “I really want to change this place into a pizzeria in the evenings.” Given how dedicated to quality the bakery is, it might just be a great idea waiting to happen. Café Paris is open from 7:45am to midnight. R E S T A U R A N T w w w . b a n t h a i . i s L a u g a v e g u r 1 3 0 T E L : 6 9 2 - 0 5 6 4 ---------------------------- BanThai B E S T T H A I F O O D 2 0 1 6 2 0 0 9, 2 0 1 0, 2 0 1 1, 2 0 1 2, 2 0 1 3, 2 0 1 4 A N D 2 0 1 5 welcome FISH panS icelandic "plokkfiskur" Onion, garlic, potatoes, celery, lime, white wine, cream and butter 1,850 isk plaice Tomatoes, capers, parsley, lemon and butter 2,100 isk arcTic cHar Honey, almonds, cherry tomatoes, lemon and butter 2,100 isk salmon (lacTose–free) Parsnip, broccoli, cashews, coconut oil, chili and lemon 2,100 isk our fisH pans are always served wiTH buTTer–fried icelandic poTaToes & fresH salad deSSertS carroT cake Cognac cream cheese frosting and roasted coconut flakes 1,550 isk créme caramel Classic egg custard with baked white chocolate and strawberries 1,550 isk any pans for luncH? lækjargaTa 6b, 101 rvk · 546 0095 · “I’ve stuck to making what I like. I’m not trying to please anybody.” Food
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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