Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 12

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 12
On October 24, thousands of women walked out of their jobs to protest sexual harassment, the persis- tent income gap, and other forms of gender-based discrimination. They gathered at Arnarhöll, in central Reykjavík under the s logan of “D on’t Change Women, Change the World.” The coordi- nated walk-out was at 14:55, in keeping with the assertion that women are on average only paid for 74% of an eight-hour day, when compared to men. Amongst the protest- ers were Iceland’s second female Prime M i n i s t e r, K a t r í n Jakobsdóttir, and the women in her staff. Speakers at the rally included Iceland’s first female prime minister, and the world’s first openly queer head of government, Jóhanna Sigurðardót- tir, in addition to Sólveig Anna Jóns- dóttir, the newly-elected insurgent chair of the labour union Efling. The event also included performances from prominent sing- ers and groups from many genres of music. Attendance was so great that bus routes had to be changed to transfer people to the event. Slow and Steady wins the race? This form of direct action was an inten- tional reference to the first Women’s Day Off, held in 1975. On Octo- ber 24 that year, nearly all women in Iceland did not go to their jobs and/or did none of the housework. Men knew it was coming and planned accordingly, but it was still a very effective demon- stration. One of the key organisers, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, would be elected President five years later, becoming Iceland’s and the world’s first elected female head of state. Other “Days Off” were held in 1985, 2005, 2010, and 2016. 2005 marked the shift from a whole day off to the symbolic walk-out; that year it was at 14:08. In 2010 it was 14:25 and in 2016 it was 14:38. At that current rate of change, women’s average pay will not equal men’s until 2047. Choosing the Correct Frame The day after the protest, Minister of Justice Sigríður Á. Andersen of the Independence Party posted a Face- book status in which she cherry-picked a statistic from a ministerial report that showed only a five percent pay gap in Iceland. This is true when men and women have the same job. Former Minister of Social Affairs Þorsteinn Víglundsson criticised Sigríður’s narrow reading, pointing out that social factors—like the oft-cited “glass ceiling”—keep women out of higher positions. Less than a fifth of manage- rial positions are held by women. In addition, fields dominated by women are not valued as highly as stereotypi- cally male fields, even if they require a similar level of education. Earlier this year, midwives had to fight hard to be paid the same wage as nurses, even though being trained as a midwife requires more years of education than a nursing degree. Þorsteinn was the author and propo- nent of Iceland’s landmark equal pay law. Another equal pay law had been on the books for decades with little effect, but Þorsteinn’s new legislation requires companies with more than 25 employees to periodically prove they are paying men and women the same for the same work. Enforcement has gotten off to a rocky start, though: the goal of “same pay for the same work” has nearly been reached, but that is too limited of a metric for complacent management. Themyscira This Is Not Iceland is often regarded as the most feminist country in the world. It has made impressive strides toward equal- ity and is ranked highly on many meas- ures, but it is not perfect. The #MeToo movement that swept around the world, particularly the entertainment industry in the United States, made its way to this Nordic dreamland. Many women, and some men, in the country used the hashtag to share their experi- ences of sexual harassment, assault and rape, though few men have been outed as perpetrators. Iceland has strict libel laws and they may be keeping names out of the stories. However, that may be changing. Several months ago the CEO of Reykjavík Energy was implicated in a sexual harassment controversy. The survivor went public because of inac- tion within the company, claiming management ignored her complaints because of the CEO’s good job perfor- mance. A study released at the beginning of the year found that only 11% of CEOs in large Icelandic companies are women. This is despite a law requiring at least 40% of board members be women. Business is not the only area still struggling with this issue. Last year, Social Democrat city councilor Heiða Björg Hilmisdóttir gathered stories of sexism from women in every party from right to left, further demonstrat- ing a systemic problem. Iceland has made great strides since the first Women’s Day Off, and women have contributed immensely to all aspects of life in the country, but a cracked glass ceiling still holds women back. Words: Colin Arnold Dalrymple Photo: Baldur Web, Art Bicnick, Wikimedia Commons “Women have contributed immensely to all aspects of life in the country, but a cracked glass ceiling still holds women back.” Women’s Day Off Sparks Controversy The gender wage gap as a flashpoint The Women's Day Off in 2015, as seen from above Former Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir 12 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 20— 2018
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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