Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 54

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 54
54 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 20— 2018 In June of 2006, the small southern town of Vogar—just a stone’s throw from Keflavík—made the noble deci- sion to help out their old folks with a new set of elderly-exclusive flats. The town selected the location, readied the diggers, and gave the go-ahead for assembly. Elven anger Unfortunately, there was one glar- ing issue with the construction that immediately roused the masses in protest of the apartment complex. Vo- gar had selected a construction spot that was already occupied by the OG inhabitants of Iceland—the elves. See, in the centre of the planned development laid a particularly large elven rock outcrop. The residents of the town—and the nation—argued that if Vogar wanted to build there, they’d have to get the elves to move. And, of course, knowing the notori- ous mischievousness of the hidden people, it was necessary to evict them respectfully. How could they force them out of their spot? Not only was it disrespectful, but imagine what hi- jinks they would get up to if properly pissed off? Elven acceptance Naturally, the town knew that it was best to leave the negotiations with a true elf-expert and promptly hired Erla Stefánsdóttir, ‘elf specialist’, to begin a dialogue with the creatures. Like a modern-day Jimmy Carter in Iran, Erla journeyed towards the rock to start negotiations with her head held high. Later that day, she returned and assured the public that the elves were delighted with the prospect of an old folks home replac- ing their hideout and would vacate the premises shortly. The elves subsequently migrated to a new spot and construction con- tinued in harmony with men and elves, much like in the Lord of The Rings films when Haldir comes to the battle of Helms Deep with his army of elven archers to fulfil his promise to Aragon, the rightful King of Gondor. Except, in this case, the Vogar negoti- ations actually happened in real life. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick The Elven Evacuation An inspiring story of co-species harmony Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photo: Iceland Store WELL, YOU ASKED The Tree Of Sadness Words: Hannah Jane Cohen I hate people that like Terrence Malick movies. Are they all idiots or am I the idiot? Ok, imagine it’s your last day on Earth. You have a choice between watching ‘The Tree Of Life’ or ‘Love Actually.’ Don’t fucking lie to us—you’d pick ‘Love Actually.’ Terrence Malick movies are one of those things you talk about at dinner parties before you go home and binge ‘Game Of Thrones.’ You gotta see it to keep your status in society, but, gun to the head, you’d probably skip a second viewing of ‘The Thin Red Line.’ So, in conclusion, you are woke af. Terrence Malick is boring. Is it as healthy being single as people say? Good question. This depends on how bitter you are. If you are one of those people that calls their exes ‘crazy bitches’ or harbours unrequited love for someone that clearly didn’t give a shit about you, perhaps it’s not healthy for you to be single. You probably cry yourself to sleep to the point of dehydration. That said, it’s probably healthier for the world that you’re single because you’re crazy. What a Catch 22. But, real talk, it’s been scientifically proven that loneliness kills you. So it’s probably best if you go read some Harry Potter erotica and cry about your impending death all due to the fact that no one loves you. I can’t relate. I’m in a relationship. What is the easiest way to not get chlamydia in Reykjavík? Already have Chlamydia. Send your unsolvable (UNTIL NOW) problems to or tweet us at @rvkgrapevine. Oceanfront property for elves Cleaning up a respectful gentleman “Your first and last stop”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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