Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 37

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 37
Our Picks 37The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 20— 2018 Art Listings Events are listed by venue. For complete listings and detailed information on venues, visit Send your listings to: Opening LISTASTOFAN In Isolation Four artists traveled through remote areas of Iceland to create a narrative on these peaceful, pro- found, and isolated areas. Along with the exhibit will be a book release, • Opens on November 21st, 2018 • Runs until November 24th, 2018 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - ÁSMUNDARSAFN Invasion IV: Margrét Helga Sesseljudóttir In the Invasion series, artists exam- ine the career of sculptor Ásmundur Sveinsson. This iteration sees sculp- tor Margrét Helga Sesseljudóttir in dialogue with Ásmundur. • Opens on November 10th, 2018 • Runs until January 6th, 2019 I8 Formation Six emerging Icelandic artists take traditional mediums head-on, exploring the human condition with playfulness and humour. • Opens on November 15th, 2018 • Runs until January 12th, 2019 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Ng Hui Hsien - The Weight of Air In her search for quiet, Ng Hui Hsien photographed everything from hostile snowstorms to the mgaical Northern Lights. Come explore your subconscious... through pictures. • Opens on November 22nd, 2018 • Runs until February 4th, 2019 Ongoing NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Treasures Of A Nation A selection of over 80 works chosen from the national gallery’s collection display the evolution of art since the 19th century. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 Steina - Pergament After working with old Icelandic manuscripts, Steina sliced them to- gether into an ink-drawing extrava- ganza. Blood red capital letters and moth-eaten illuminations float for an unforgettable experience. • Runs until December 31st, 2018 Blossoming: Iceland's 100 Years As A Sovereign State This exhibition explores the pre- ciousness and fragility of sover- eignty to celebrate Iceland's 100th year of self-rule. • Runs until December 16th, 2018 Oracles Karl Einarsson Dunganon be- queathed his life's work to Iceland. Here, come see a selection of art- work, poetry, scrapbooks and more. • Runs until January 27th, 2019 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. THE ÁSGRIMUR JÓNSSON COLLECTION Korriró And Dillidó Ásgrímur’s art explores the fears and dreams of generations, as mysterious Icelandic elves, trolls and monsters finally take shape and materialise as vivid beings. • Runs until January 31st, 2019 MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART Behind The Scenes With Einar Þorsteinn In 2014, architect and mathemati- cian Einar Þorsteinn Ásgeirsson gave all his belongings to the museum. Best described as a renaissance man, the exhibit is full of curiosities. • Runs until December 30th, 2018 ÁRBÆR OPEN AIR MUSEM Daily Guided Tours Tours are from 13:00 to 14:00 through its open air exhibits. REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Sagas As Viking ruins meet digital technol- ogy, this exhibition provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - ÁSMUNDARSAFN Ásmundur Sveinsson: Art For The People Ásmundur Sveinsson watched Iceland grow from a poor agrarian society into one of the richest in the world. His sculptures reflect this, presenting a conversation between assimilation and innovation. • Runs until December 31st, 2018 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Emilie On the 2nd of February 2016, Emilie Dalum was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. She documented the next five months of chemotherapy and remission with a vulnerable photo series. • Runs until November 19th, 2018 Family Photos Three generations, together. The Kassahús Clan presents a melange of photos from the ages, spanning their entire family. • Runs until January 13th, 2018 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND Discovering Iceland's Monastaries Are you fascinated by really old things? God? This exhibit combines both, based on research by archae- ologist Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir. • Runs until May 26th, 2019 Who Is In The Picture? The people in all of Aldreð D. Jóns- son's pictures are now unknown. Come see his outstanding body of work, from 1931 to 1952, here. • Runs until November 18th, 2018 Artists' Books Familiarise yourself with the books of Icelandic artists'. You'll find ex- amples of printmaking dating all the way back to the latter part of the 19th century. • Runs until June 2nd, 2019 BERG CONTEMPORARY Somewhere (Over Me The Mountain) John Zurier presents paintings made over the Icelandic summer. Using glue-sized pigments and oil paints, the folds, bumps, and other irregularities add to the aura of the landscapes. • Runs until December 22nd, 2018 WIND & WEATHER WINDOW GALLERY Sögur / Stories Guðjón Ketilsson's window installa- tion is packed with used clothing and charcoal drawings, showcasing everyday objects that are packed with people's stories. • Runs until December 31st, 2018 REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fisher- ies from rowing boats to monstrous motor boats. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Islane in 1659. Explore the wreck here. NORDIC HOUSE The Children's Book Flood This exhibition provides a day of creativity for children, including a viking ship to craft on, and a dark cave to dream of galaxies in. • Runs until March 31st, 2019 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - HAFNARHÚS Erró: Black & White Here, historical leaders, Manga char- acters, and animated figures are put side by side in exclusively black and white works—a first for the artist. • Runs until April 21st, 2019 D34 María Dalberg: Buzz María works with video installations, photographs, sound, drawings, and text to create a crazy first exhibi- tion. • Runs until November 25th, 2018 Ingólfur Arnarsson: Ground Level From his delicate drawings to his dainty works on industrial concrete, come see exclusively new works by Ingólfur Arnarsson. • Runs until February 10th, 2019 Colour: Draft II You might not know this, but colour is the basis of all art. Shocking, right? Here, artists reflect on colour to provide a contextual draft for Icelandic art history in the making. • Runs until December 31st, 2018 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR Jóhannes S. Kjarval: of great aspirations Kjarval was one of the pioneers of Icelandic art and is uniquely cred- ited with making modern Iceland- ers appreciate it more. Come see a special exhibit based on his poetry. • Runs until April 21st, 2019 HANNESARHOLT Sögumálverk / Samferðamenn Through her paintings, Soffía Sæmundsdóttir dives deep into the abstract concept of the traveler. • Runs until November 28th, 2018 ÁSMUNDARSALUR Glacier Ragnar Axelsson presents large- scale monochrome prints featuring aerial shots of glaciers—cracked, patterned ice turning into hypnotic windblown landscapes. • Runs until November 30th, 2018 STUDIO SOL CIRCUMSPECTION German photographer Claudia Haus- feld uses her photography to gain a full comprehension of an object, while also questioning whether such a comprehension is even possible. • Runs until November 25th, 2018 LISTASALUR MOSFELLSBÆJAR Áfram Streymir Kristín Tryggvadóttir is a painter whose work explores unspoiled nature with expressive movement. Think big flowing blobs of colour on a page that journey outwards mir- roring magnificent natural forces. • Runs until November 30th, 2018 HVERFISGALLERÍ Georg Guðni The late Georg Guðni was the backbone of the 1980s Reykjavík art scene. Instead of exploring human existence, as was the trend at that time, he concentrated on nature, thus bringing new interest to the genre of landscape painting. • Runs until December 1st, 2018 GALLERÍ FOLD Journey In collaboration with Gróska, the artists' society of Garðabær, this exhibit takes its inspiration from the word 'journey.' What does it mean to you? • Runs until November 24th, 2018 November 9th—December 6th Complete Cultural Critique Exclusively Inclusive Until Jan. 6th - Gerðarsafn Is having a national iden- tity liberating or oppressive? Is patriotism intrin- sically a superior- ity complex? With immigration on the rise in Iceland, this exhibit dives head-on into globalisation, colonialism and the role of white- ness. Participants of vastly different nationalities give their thoughts on these questions, exploring ambi- ent white racism and the level of inclusiveness in Western societies. But the exhibit is not only intellec- tually stimulating, it’s also a ca- cophony of varied mediums where visual artists, poets, designers and musicians are all given equal representation. From Melanie Ubaldo’s cheeky stitched painting to Childish Gam- bino’s iconic ‘This is America,’ the exhibit is sure to disarm, provoke and heal. HJC Sjálfvirk / Automatic Until Nov. 25th - Kling & Bang See a master at work—literally— at Sara Riel’s new solo exhibition. Everyday, she’ll be drawing live in the gallery, desperately try- ing to abandon scientific logic and thought and reside fully in the ‘now.’ Pure artistic improvisation. HJC Haraldur Jónsson: Spectrum Until Jan. 27th - Kjarvalsstaðir This mid-career retrospec- tive highlights Haraldur’s posi- tion in the local art scene. Ooh and aah as he challenges you with this: What is the relationship between man and space, con- sciousness and environment? HJC Ekki Gera Neitt Until Dec. 1st - Tveir Hrafnar Steingrímur Gauti is all about paintings—ex- ploring paintings, deconstruct- ing paintings, contemplating paintings. What do paintings want to show us? Are they still or in motion? We have no idea. We are just a magazine. HJC Garðatorg 1· Garðabær Open Tue - Sun 12 -17 Exhibitions: And Antimatter / Og Andefni creative studio of Þórey Björk Halldórsdóttir and Baldur Björnsson opens 15th of November Behind the scenes with Einar Þorsteinn filing the life of an extraordinary man honnunarsafn
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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