Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 23

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 23
 Dancing in Darkness Getting to know the creative forces behind the fourth and final piece by Erna Ómarsdóttir and Valdimar Jóhannsson Premiering in November at the arts festival Everybody’s Spectacular, The Best of Darkness by Erna Ómarsdóttir and Valdimar Jóhannsson is the final piece in a series of four works explor- ing the human body’s vulnerability in the absence of light. The pieces were created in collaboration with music by Sigur Rós and dancers from the Icelan- dic Dance Company. Hungry ghosts Following in the footsteps of the duo’s prior works, the inception of this fi- nal installation stems from the idea of hungry ghosts. “There is this idea of a ‘hungry ghost’ that is always with you,” Valdimar explains. “It’s a ghost you have to feed. It wants more and more and you will never be happy unless you separate yourself from it.” The concept behind the hungry ghosts stems from Eastern lore. Not knowing what kind of nourishment would appease their needs, they are unable to satisfy their desires, doomed to eternally wander in empty chaos. Improvisation as adventure Cigarette twirling between his fingers, Valdimar animates the evolution of the creative process. “When I see the danc- ers having a good day, you kind of get these goosebumps because you see suf- fering. But you see also contentment. You see the frailty of being human. Being human is quite complicated be- cause you have no control over anything you want to do.” Valdimar’s own life traces the path of his words and works. Before enter- ing the world of contemporary dance, Valdimar worked as a fisherman in the Arctic, a DJ and even performed as an extra in a German snowboard soap op- era while living in Austria. Returning to Iceland, broke after his adventures around the world, he would take the first job that he could find. “That’s a common theme in my life,” he reveals with a smile. “I went to work at the docks, offloading trawlers while play- ing in a heavy metal band. At one point I was even breaking rotten fish heads.” The adventures of Valdimar continued after a friend, Jóhann Jóhannson, invit- ed him to play guitar in a dance piece. “I went to France and played in this show called Mysteries of Love, where I met Erna. We now have two children and I became a contemporary dancer, among other things,” he explains. Uncertainty as inspiration “You are never more alone than in com- plete darkness,” Valdimar elaborates. Whereas this could be a source of fear, the artist views the vulnerability of darkness as the foundation of explora- tion. “One of my favourite moments is when I close my eyes and dream be- cause fantastic things happen in the dark,” he muses. In life, as in the piece itself, uncertain- ty presents itself as a challenge that Valdimar resolves through his posi- tivity. “Uncertainty is the best human trait,” he states. “I just take adventures where they lead me. Don’t think about it, just follow it. What would the point be if you don’t have adventures, man?” Words: Mulan Photo: Subject's own Words: Alexander Jean de Fontenay Photo: Timothée Lambrecq 23 CULTURE NEWS ELECTRIC DREAMS Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Hello dancers, my old friends Welcome To Ice Pop Singer-songwriter-producer KRÍA’s otherworldly visuals and catchy sounds KRÍA is an Icelandic singer-songwrit- er-producer who has been exception- ally busy for the past three years, while managing to maintain a low profile … until now.. Lately she has been playing both local and international gigs on a regular basis, gaining a reputation for her visually pleasing, powerful and emotional live performances, which mix colourful and otherworldly visu- als and electronic pop music that she refers to as “ice pop.” KRÍA enjoys discovering music and sounds that manage to distort her from the present. Electronic and instrumental music gets her creativ- ity flowing at the moment. “I can lis- ten to just about anything,” she says. Info: See KRÍA perform at Iceland Airwaves at Húrra on Nóvember 9th at 8PM . Info See The Best of Darkness premiering on the 17th of November 2018. For more information about the performance, visit the-best-of- darkness “Electronic music’s early days as a means of protest appeals a lot to me. It can really sound like nothing you have ever heard before.” KRÍA commonly manipulates her singing-voice heavily in concert with effects and vocoders. “This is my at- tempt to distance myself from the audience,” she explains. “It’s similar to a mask; a protective mechanism. I used to be more anxious and inse- cure, but now I feel I have a better grasp over my creative process and outlet.” KRÍA has played both festivals and smaller venues in Reykjavík, including the independently-run basement venue/rehearsal space R6013 on Ingólfsstræti. “It’s tiny, intimate and my favourite venue in Reykjavík.I think the city could use more venues like it,” she says. “I also very much enjoy Húrra because of the different kinds of musicians that play there.” KRÍA’s fourth EP is in the works, which she says “will be a stream of consciousness, much like my previ- ous EPs. It’s something I had to get out of my system. Working on it is like a reminder for myself to keep going emotionally, no matter what.” Stay tuned for KRÍA’s upcoming single “Pathogen,” a secret release concert in [MONTH], some super limited-edition merchandise, and a debut DJ set— under another moni- ker—early next year. Don't Draw The Death Card Poetry Brothel: Masquerade 2018 Nov. 22th - 20:00 - Iðnó - 3,500 ISK We know you’re thinking of the ‘Phantom Of The Opera’ song, but don’t worry, Andrew Lloyd Webber will be nowhere near this murder mystery masquerade. Thank God. Anyway, enter a world of tarot card readers, dancers, magicians and poets in a haze of fantasy and phantasm. The theme for this iteration of Reykjavík's beloved Poetry Brothel is ‘Where is Hannelore?’ So get your detective hat on, and, of course, dress to transgress. HJC Dad Rave!1!! GusGus Nov. 17th - 20:00, 23:00 - Harpa - 5,990-11,990 ISK Do you miss the good old days? Want to get fucked up and bust out some cybertreffen moves while listening to electro house, but you feel like it’s a young man’s game? Well, do we have the perfect bourgeois party for you! GusGus is playing in Eldborg in Harpa, home of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. So welcome to the gala ball for those 24-hour party people that once thought the party was never gonna end. It did, though, when they had kids. VG Get Off Your Break Everybody's Spectacular: Reykjavík International Performing Festival Oct. 25th - 20:00 - Iðnó - 2,900 ISK You can’t dance? But you really— and we mean really—like looking at people move their bodies rhythmically. Then you should stop lurking in the corners of clubs like a creep and get your booty to one of this festival’s spectacular shows, no pun intended. Along with a plethora of groovy dance shows will be other performances, including a play based on ‘Friends.’ PIVOT! CS
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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