Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 24
Marble Crowd is a local collective of art- ists who have worked together in various dynamics and circumstances for ten years. Many constellations of artists and works have formed within the collective since. Marble Crowd’s award-nominated show Moving Mountains: In Three Es- says attempts the impossible, as the five authors take on the ambiguous task of moving mountains, while si- multaneously questioning the desire to do so. They premiered the show a year a half ago at the K3 Tanzplan fes- tival in Hamburg and then in the Faroe Islands. Luckily, they are bringing the show home to Reykjavík and premiering in the National Theatre at Everybody’s Spectacular, Iceland’s annual perfor- mance festival. This is the second show that the five performers within the collective have created together. Katrín Gunnarsdót- tir, Kristinn Guðmundsson, Sigurður Arent Jónsson, Saga Sigurðardóttir and Védís Kjartansdóttir are a diverse group of creatives, dancers and cho- reographers; they are quite the crowd. Common within Reykjavík’s art scene, everyone in the group juggles many dif- ferent creative endeavours. There are two new mothers, Kristinn doubles as a TV chef, and Saga (a member of the Post Performance Blues Band) as an art-pop star. Before embarking on this journey, they knew that they wanted to further explore working together. Saga shares that, “we felt a chemistry that was worth investigating. We wanted to explore our approaches. What resulted was an in- vestigation into how a collective can function—which is, in a sense, also an ambiguous task.” The process of that task called for questions and thoughts about the impossible. Laughing, Katrín adds, “There were also some cocktails at Hotel Holt.” So they came together once again to take on the mountain. Five Storytellers The five friends, five artists and five fools (as they refer to themselves), in three essays or three attempts, try to do the inconceivable. As the performance unfolds, they deliver the story through body language, material and extraordi- nary imagery. “There is a choreographic proposal in the idea of landscape and the mountain,” Katrín explains. “There is something interesting about the traditional ideas of landscape. We try to marry together the concepts of the landscape and the ideas and connota- tions that may follow.” They take the challenge head-on, exploring these ideas while slipping into their narra- tive roles.. Inherent Propositions They began to investigate the idea of the insurmountable within the framework of the Tanzplan festival, the theme of which last year was European cohe- sion. “This most certainly impacted the piece,” Katrín explains, “as the theme posed questions of democracy, being to- gether, and living together.” Facing the challenges of today’s world, attempting to move mountains seems almost like what we are all trying to do. Words: Tara Njála Ingvarsdóttir Photos: Timonthée Lambrecq Pictured: The most dynamic art collective in the city Culture Five Friends, Five Fools, Five Artists Marble Crowd is ready to take us on an impossible journey to move mountains Info Moving Mountains premieres in Iceland at the Everybody’s Spectacular international performance festival on November 14th at 19:30 in the National Theatre of Iceland. “We meet a nothingness and from there we build the story and landscape of the show.” SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍG 14 | 101 REYKJAVÍK | +354 571 1100 | SJAVARGRILLID.IS
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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