Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.11.2018, Blaðsíða 36
Art Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Árni Paints The Sea An oceanic new exhibition looks at one of painting’s classic subjects Words: Claudia Schultz Photo: Art Bicnick Exhibition ‘Öldur Aldanna’ is open from Nov. 10th at 16:00 until Nov. 30th at Listamenn Gallerí, Skúlagata 32. The opening will also feature musician Högni Egilsson. The entrance to Gallery Port— through a narrow passage leading off Laugavegur—has that special feeling of leading to something hidden away. Once inside, how- ever, the wooden floors and high ceilings create an airy exhibition space. Árni Már Erlingsson is the art- ist who owns and runs the gallery. I find him sitting in his office—a little mayhem of creativity—wear- ing a striking red hat. Every inch of the space is filled with paint and empt y cof- fee cups, and the walls are lined with paintings. He smiles and wel- comes me inside. Ocean spirit Árni is working on his upcoming exhibition at Listamenn Galleri, located not far away on Skúlagata. “The concept of the exhibition is the sea,” he says, gesturing to the paintings leaning against the gal- lery wall. “I really love the sea. I started to go sea swimming three years ago. It started out as being a challenge and I like that. And then I just got hooked on it.” Árni doesn’t only feel connect- ed to the sea through enjoying it. “I also have some spiritual ideas, just about life,” he says. “I like hav- ing something more powerful in my life than myself. Some years ago, I tried to fig- ure out what that could be. Basic re- ligions don’t work out for me. I was standing in a gar- den in Germany, and I thought: ‘Of course! The sea, the nature, all of these things, they’re much more powerful than me.’” He laughs, almost blushing. “It’s such a cliché, being an artist and having all those ideas about nature.” Content of his current artwork Árni approached this classic sub- ject from some characteristically interesting angles. “When mak- ing art, I don’t want to do a bunch of paintings just by taking photos of the sea,” he explains. “I want to create a resemblance of it, in col- ors, in brushstrokes.” He points to the tattoo on his arm—three wavy lines in different shades of blue. “I’m doing three paintings show- ing these waves,” he continues. “It will show an adding up of waves— the rising of the sea levels.” The exhibit will also include screen prints. “They include waves, but they look more like a musical .WAV file,” he says. “I don’t just want perfect little waves, like they’re supposed to be.” Don’t take it so seriously So, what does Árni want people to take away from the exhibition? “First of all, I’d like people not to take it so seriously,” he says. “Sometimes there’s some huge concept and you have to know the artist and his works, but some- times it’s just about going in there and enjoying it,” he smiles. “Or not! You don’t need somebody else to tell you about the reasons why a painting is nice. It is about what you take out of it yourself. It’s shal- low, it’s not deep art. I just wanted to do something nice.” “It’s such a cliché, being an artist and having all those ideas about nature.” Sometimes, we all get the blues i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 MAGNÚS INGVAR ÁGÚSTSSON ÖRN ALEXANDER ÁMUNDASON ELÍSABET BRYNHILDARDÓTTIR EMMA HEIÐARSDÓTTIR UNA BJÖRG MAGNÚSDÓTTIR SIGURÐUR ATLI SIGURÐSSON Formation 15 November 2018 - 12 January 2019 VISIT KÓPAVOGUR CULTURE HOUSES AND EXPERIENCE Cycle Music and Art Festival – Inclusive Nation EXCLUSIVLY INCLUSIVE 25/10 – 6/1 2019 & MENNINGARHUSIN. K O P A V O G U R . I S Náttúrufræðistofa Kópavogs Natural History Museum of Kópavogur Bókasafn Kópavogs Kópavogur Public Library Hamraborg 4–6 Kópavogur Bus 1, 2, 4, 28, 35 & 36 ENJOY JAZZ, POP AND CLASSICAL MUSIC & MORE Sa lu ri nn   C o nc er t H al l G er ða rs af n  Kó p av o g ur A rt M us eu m
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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