Fréttabréf Félags íslenskra sjúkraþjálfara - 20.01.1995, Blaðsíða 36

Fréttabréf Félags íslenskra sjúkraþjálfara - 20.01.1995, Blaðsíða 36
Efnisyfirlit fagtímarita st'0' ■ Aiwtomy November 15, 1994 Volume 19. Number 22 Thc Quanritadvc Anatomy of thc Adas Thii study evaluates the dtmenstons of the atlas, including overall size, lateral mass dtmenstons, and antenor and poste- nor arch diameters. Corttcal thicknesses and pattems of tra- becular bone dtstnbution were also measured. Significant vahability exists tn laterai mass stze, whereas canal stzes were constant. Trabecular bone pattems suggest a vanety of load paths through the lateral masses. Bn*n J. Doherty and Micriad H. Hegganass Morphology of C5 VcntraJ Ncrvc RootJcts as Part of Dissociated Motor Loss of Dcltoid Musclc This study analyzes anatomtc charactenstics of cervical ven- tral rootlets relating to pathogenests of cervtcal amyotrophy. The C5 ventral rootlets were shorter than lower cenncal roollets whereas the CS sptnal segment was wtder. These short C5 ventral rootlets appeared to become taut and easily injured by hemilateral antenor compresston. K. ShinomiYa. A. Okawa. K. Nakao. K. Mochida. H. Haro. T. Sato. and S. Haima BiomcchanicaJ AnaJysis of CervicaJ Stabilizarion 2529 Systcms: An Asscssmcnt of Transpcdicular Scrcw Fixarion in thc Ccrvical Spinc The biomechanical stability of seven cervical reconslrucxton 2497 methods includtng the transpedicular screw fixation was eval- uated under four tnstability pattems. Results mdicate the overall stabthzing capabilities of transpedicular screw fxa- tion, suggesting the advantage of an antenor and posterior load-shanng enmronment provided by transpedicular screw fixation in the cervical spine. YoshVwa Kotani. Bryan W. Cunningham. Kuniyoshi Abumi. and Pad C. McAfea BiomccJianical AnaJysis of Facet and Graft 250] Loading in a Smith-Robinson Typc CcrvicaJ Spinc Modd Disc space distracúon m excess of 3.0 mm m a Smith-Robm- son in vitro model caused a signifiamt decrease m both the raúo of postenor element to graft loadmg and the posterior element loading. This may mcrease the chances of graft col- lapse and potenúal pseudarthrosis. John M. Oiaawski, Timothy A. Garvey, and Michaal J. Schendal Patient confidence m thetr treatment was greatest m the ma- ntpuiaúon group, akhough it must be recognized that all pa- úents were presentmg at a chiropracúc clinic. Malcolm H. Popa, Raad B. Phiflipt. Larry 0. Haugh. Chang-Yu J. Haiah, Láa MacDonald, and Scott HakJeman Efficacy of Chymopapain in Chemonudeolysis: A Rcvicw This revtew of 45 dinical studies reported between 1985 and 1993 shows that chemonucleohysis m the treatment of lum- bar disc hemiaúon is successful in approxrmateby four of five carefully selected paúents. Eugena J. Nordby and Peter H. Wright 2540 Point of View Michel Benoist Indications for Pcdidc Fixarion: RcsuJts of NASS/SRS Faculty Qucsrionnairc Resvlts of a faculty survey of the North Atnerican Spine So- ciety and Scoliosis Research Society sponsored cottrse on pedicle fixaúon of the spine document current pracúces m pedicie implant usage. For many dinical scenanos, staústi- cally sigmfcant agreement occurred among the faculty mdi- caúng pedide implant usage. 2578 2583 2584 Thc Range and Nature of Flexion-Extension 2505 Morion in thc CervicaJ Spinc Flexion—extension measurements from cervtcal radiographs show that the level at whtch the greatest angular motion oc- curs is a function of the total (C2:C7) angular motion, the greater the total motton the lower the level showtng highest proportion of that motion. A stmilar trend is seen in subjects with cervical myelopathy, although not so well defined. Ad- ditionally, the range of motion seen in nortnal Oriental pop- ulations may be substanlially less than m their Westem coun- terparts. ■ Cervicai Spine Thc Role of Plate and Screw Fixarion in 2545 Occipitocervical Fusion in Rheumatoid Arthritis The dinical results of two ocapitocenncal fusion technújues (plate and screw fixaúon versus wtrmg technújue) were com- pared. The titanium Y-plate for the ocdpitocervical fusion in rheumatoid arthntis is a satisfactory tool for posterior stabi- lizaúon with superior results than the wtrmg technújue. Dieter Grob, Jiri Dvorak. Manohar M. Panjabi, and Jay A. Antinnas Matthew J. Crawford and Stephen I. Esses Back Musdc Injury Aftcr Posterior Lumbar 2590 Spine Surgcry: Part 1: Histologic and Histochcmical AnaJyscs in Rats Back rnusde injury caused by retractor applicaúon during posterior spme surgery was exammed in rats. Tbe degenera- úon of musde fiber and neuromuscular juncúon had a paral- lelism with the retracúon force and úme. An excessvve mag- nitude and duraúon of back musde retractson may easthy cause nerve injury to the back musde. Andrew Holmes. Chao Wang. Ze Hui Han. and Geng Ting Dang ■ Biomechanics Ratings of Pcrccivcd Thigh and Back Exertion in 2511 Forcst Workcrs During Rcpcririvc Lifting Using Squat and Stoop Tcdmiqucs This study analyzed changes in kinetic vanables caused by changes m body movements during lifting bouts and the con• Repair of VcrtcbraJ Artcry Injury During 2552 Antcrior Ccrvical Dccomprcssion The authors review the management of vertebral artery lacer- ation durmg antenor cervical spine decompression. They re- port successful repatr of the artery m three of four cases and review the literature concemmg this complication. John G. Golfinos, Curtis A. Dickman. Joseph M. Zabramski. Volkar K. H. Sonntag, and Robert F. SpeQler Yoshiharu Kawaguchi. Hisao Matsui. and Haruo Tsuji Back Musdc Injury Aftcr Postcrior Lumbar 2598 „ Spine Surgcry: Pan 2: Histologic and HistocfacmicaJ AnaJyses in Humans Histologic changes of back musde were studied in the pa- tients who had therr first lumbar surgeries and patients who had repcat surgenes. Neurogenic changes and earhy agmg process were evident m repeat surgery patients. Thus, the tnbution of the biomechantcal and physiologic vanables lo the vanabtliry tn the local ratmgs of percetvtd exertton. Kira B. Hagan and Kam Harms-ftngdahl Morphology and Kinematics of thc Baboon 2518 Uppcr Ccrvical Spine: A Model of thc Adantoaxial Complcx The anatomy and biomechantcs of the upper cervtcal sptne were compared tn baboons and humans. The bones and liga- ments m both spectes had stmtlar shapes and tdentical struc- tural components. The atlantoaxtal segmenls tn both spectes had stmtlar biomechantcal characlenstics. The baboons had a 2* to 9" wider range of motion tn all directions compared with that of humans. The upper cervical spine of the baboon closely resembled the human cervical spine. The baboon C1-C2 motion provtdes an excellent model for surgical and biomechantcal research. Curös A Dictonen. Ned R. Crawford. Teiji Tominega. Arma G. U. Brandey. Staphen Coons. and Vofcar K. K Sonntag SpinaJ Disordcrs at thc Ccrvicothoradc Juncrion 2557 Thtrty-six cases of surgical disorders of cenncothoraac junc- tion were assessed in terms of clinicai presentaúon, radio- logic findmgs, operatwe approaches, and complicaúons. Vari- ous surgical approaches to the cervico-thoraac juncúon were reviewed to highlight advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Howard S. An. AJexander Vaccaro, Jerome M. Cotler, and Sheldon Un Realignment of Postopcrarivc Cdvical Kyphosis 2565 in Childrcn by Vertebral RemodeJmg Change m the sagittal curvature of the cenncal spme after C1-C2 posterior fuskm and spinal remodelmg were örvesú- gated in 12 cbildren. Postoperaúve cervical malalignment occurred m fottr cases. In three of them, reahgnment of the curvature by vertebral remodelmg was observed. retradion time should be shortened, and the retracúon pres- sure should be mmxmized to avotd back muscie mjury. Yoshiharu Kewaguchi, Hisao Metsui. and Haruo Tsuji ■ Case Report Syringomydia as a Complication of Spinal 2603 Aradmoidiris Syringomyelút is a rare complicaúon of spinal arachnoiditis. This case illustrates the tmportance of careful assessment of the paúent with chronic back pam for remediable lesions. Therese B. Brammah and M.I.V. Jayson Fusion Rate and Biomechanical Stiffncss of 2524 Hydroxylapatite Vcrsus Autogenous Bonc Grafts for Anterior Disccaomy: An In Vivo Animal Study Anterior sptnal fusions done with autogenous bone and hy- droxylapatite materials were compared in an antmal model. The hydroxylapattte untts demonstrated similar fusion rates and btomechantcai parameters compared with autogenous bone. Yoshiaki Toyama, Morio Matsumoto, Kamhtro Chiba, Takashi Asazuma, Nobumasa Suzuki, Yoshikazu Fujimura. and IGyoshi Hirabayashi ■ Lumbar Spine A Prospccrivc Randomizcd Thrcc-Wcck Trial of 2571 SpinaJ Manipularion, Transcutancous Musdc Srimularion, Massagc and Corsct in the Treatment of Subacutc Low Back Pain Frank A Pmtar, Dennts J. Maimen. Jemes P. HoUoweU. Narayan Yoganandan. Kari W. Droesa. John M. Ratnartz. and Brian Cuddy A randomtzed prospecúve trial comparing mampuiatton, massage, corset and transcutaneous muscle súmulaúon over a 3-week treatment period found no stgmfúant changes in range of moúon, faúgue, strength, or pam between groups. 10


Fréttabréf Félags íslenskra sjúkraþjálfara

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