Alþingiskosningar - 01.12.1993, Qupperneq 20

Alþingiskosningar - 01.12.1993, Qupperneq 20
18 Alþingiskosningar 1991 12. yfirlit. Úrslit alþingiskosninga 1916-1991 Summary 12. Outcome of general elections 1916-1991 Gild atkvæði Valid votes Hlutfallsleg skipting, % 1916 1919 1923 1927 1931 1933 1934 1916 1919 1923 Alls 13.350,0 14.035,0 30.362,0 32.009,0 38.544,0 35.680,0 51.929,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Heimastjórnarflokkur 5.333,5 4.120,5 40,0 29,4 Sj álfstæði sflokkur 1.014,0 1.563,5 7,6 11,1 Sjálfstæðisflokkur „langsum" 2.097,0 15,7 Sjálfstæðisflokkur „þversum” 938,5 7,0 • Alþýðuflokkur 903,5 949,0 4.912,5 6.097,5 6.197,5 6.864,5 11.269,5 6,8 6,8 16,2 Bændaflokkur 1.173,0 8,8 Oháðir bændur 554,0 4,1 Framsóknarflokkur 1.873,5 8.062,0 9.532,5 13.844,5 8.530,5 11.377,5 13,3 26,6 Borgaraflokkur 16.272,0 53,6 Frjálslyndi flokkurinn 1.858,0 íhaldsflokkur 13.616,5 Sjálfstæðisflokkur 16.891,0 17.131,5 21.974,0 Kommúnistaflokkur 1.165,0 2.673,5 3.098,0 Bændaflokkur 3.348,0 Aðrir og utan flokka 1.336,5 5.528,5 1.115,5 904,5 446,0 480,0 862,0 10,0 39,4 3,7 Landkjömir þingmenn '> 1942 1942 1942 1942 1937 júlí október 1946 1949 1953 1956 1937 júlí október Alls 58.415,0 58.131,0 59.668 66.913 72.219 77.410 82.678 100,0 100,0 100,0 Alþýðuflokkur 11.084,5 8.979,0 8.455 11.914 11.937 12.093 15.153 19,0 15,4 14,2 Framsóknarflokkur 14.556,5 16.033,0 15.869 15.429 17.659 16.959 12.925 24,9 27,6 26,6 Sjálfstæðisflokkur 24.132,0 22.975,0 23.001 26.428 28.546 28.738 35.027 41,3 39,5 38,5 Kommúnistaflokkur 4.932,5 8,4 Bændaflokkur 3.578,5 6,1 Sósíalistaflokkur 9.423,0 11.059 13.049 14.077 12.422 16,2 18,5 Þjóðvarnarflokkur * 4.667 3.706 Alþýðubandalag 15.859 Aðrir og utan flokka 131,0 721,0 1.284 93 2.531 8 0,2 1,2 2,2 1959 1959 1959 1959 júní október 1963 1967 1971 1974 1978 júní október 1963 Alls 84.788 85.095 89.352 96.090 105.395 114.108 122.207 100,0 100,0 100,0 Alþýðuflokkur 10.632 12.909 12.697 15.059 11.020 10.345 26.912 12,5 15,2 14,2 Framsóknarflokkur 23.061 21.882 25.217 27.029 26.645 28.381 20.656 27,2 25,7 28,2 Sjálfstæðisflokkur 36.029 33.800 37.021 36.036 38.170 48.764 39.982 42,5 39,7 41,4 Þjóðvamarflokkur 2.137 2.883 2,5 3,4 Alþýðubandalag 12.929 13.621 14.274 16.923 18.055 20.924 27.952 15,2 16,0 16,0 Samtök ftjálslyndra og vinstri manna 9.395 5.245 4.073 Aðrir og utan flokka 143 1.043 2.110 449 2.632 0,2 1979 1983 1987 1991 1979 1983 1987 Alls 123.751 129.962 152.722 157.769 100,0 100,0 100,0 Alþýðuflokkur 21.580 15.214 23.265 24.459 17,4 11,7 15,2 Framsóknarflokkur 30.861 24.754 28.902 29.866 24,9 19,0 18,9 Sjálfstæðisflokkur 43.838 50.251 41.490 60.836 35,4 38,7 27,2 Alþýðubandalag 24.401 22.490 20.387 22.706 19,7 17,3 13,3 Bandalag jafnaðarmanna 9.489 246 7,3 0,2 Samtök um kvennalista 7.125 15.470 13.069 5,5 10,1 Borgaraflokkur 16.588 10,9 Samtök um jafnrétti og félagshyggju 1.893 1,2 Aðrir og utan flokka 3.071 639 4.481 6.833 2,5 0,5 2,9 “ Landkjörair þingmenn komu í stað konungkjörinna samkvæmt stjómarskránni 1915 og voru þeir kjörnir í sérstökum kosningum og kjörtímabil þeirra óháð almennum þingkosningum. Með stjómarskrárbreytingunni 1934 var þetta fyrirkomulag afnumið. Þá voru tekin upp uppbótarþingsæti og þeir nefndir landkjömir þingmenn sem hlutu þau meðan sú skipan hélst, 1934-1983. Uppbótarþingmenn eru þá taldir með öðrum þingmönnum flokkanna. According tothe Constitution of 1915 separately elected members (in Icelandic: Landkjömir þingmenn) replaced royally appointed members. These were elected for Alþingiskosningar 1991 19 Per cent ofvalid votes Þingsæti Elected members 1927 1931 1933 1934 1916 1919 1923 1927 1931 1933 1934 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 40 40 42 42 42 42 49 Total 12 9 Home Rule Party 3 7 Independence Party 7 Independence Party „ lengthwise “ 3 lndependence Party „across" 19,0 16,1 19,2 21,7 1 1 4 10 Social Democratic Party 5 Farmers' Party 1 Independent Farmers 29,8 35,9 23,9 21,9 13 17 21 14 15 Progressive Party 21 Citizens' Party 5,8 1 Liberal Party 42,5 13 Conservative Party 43,8 48,0 42,3 12 17 20 Independence Party 3,0 7,5 6,0 - - - Communist Party 6,4 3 Farmers ’ Party 2,8 1,2 1,3 1,7 2 12 1 1 - 1 1 Olhers and non-party candidacies 6 6 6 6 6 6 Separately elected members 11 1942 1942 1946 1949 1953 1956 1937 júli' okt. 1946 1949 1953 1956 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 49 49 52 52 52 52 52 Total 17,8 16,5 15,6 18,3 8 6 7 9 7 6 8 Social Democratic Party 23,1 24,5 21,9 15,6 19 20 15 13 17 16 17 Progressive Party 39,5 39,5 37,1 42,4 17 17 20 20 19 21 19 Independence Party 3 Communist Party . 2 Farmers ’ Party 19,5 19,5 16,0 6 10 10 9 7 Socialist Party 6,0 4,5 2 - National Preservation Party 19,2 8 People’s Alliance 0,1 3,3 0,0 Others and non-party candidacies 1959 1959 1967 1971 1974 1978 júní okt. 1963 1967 1971 1974 1978 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 52 60 60 15,7 10,5 9,1 22,0 6 9 8 28,1 25,3 24,9 16,9 19 17 19 37,5 36,2 42,7 32,7 20 24 24 17,6 17,1 18,3 22,9 7 10 9 8,9 4,6 3,3 1,1 2,0 0,4 2,2 - 60 60 60 60 Total 9 6 5 14 Social Democratic Party 18 17 17 12 Progressive Party 23 22 25 20 Independence Party National Preservation Party 10 10 11 14 People ’s Alliance Union ofLiberals and 5 2 - Leftists - - - - Others and non-party candidacies | 1991 | | 1979 | 1983 | 1987 | 199? 100,0 60 60 63 63 Total 15,5 10 6 10 10 Social Democratic Party 18,9 17 14 13 13 Progressive Party 38,6 21 23 18 26 Independence Party 14,4 11 10 8 9 People ’s Alliance 4 _ Social Democratic Alliance 8,3 3 6 5 Women ’s Alliance 7 Citizens ’ Party Association for Equality 1 and Social Justice 4,3 1 - - - Others and non-party candidacies terms not determined by genercil elections to the Althing. With the Constitution Amendment of1934 this system wqs abolished. In 1934 1983 the scime Icelcindic term was usedfor supplementary members whose seats were intended to reflect the support of political organizations in a more representative manner and allocated on the basis of national election results.
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