Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Qupperneq 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Qupperneq 6
Ba na na st an gi r vs . F ro sk ar On April 8th, it came to light that veteran metal band Slayer has still not been paid by the Secret Solstice music festival, where they performed last June. The future of the festival, includ- ing where it will be held, is unclear. Slayer performed at Secret Solstice 2018 as the headlining act. RÚV reports that the band were not paid when they were supposed to be—July 2018—and are now seeking recompense to the tune of about $133,000 USD. Furthermore, a representative for the band contends that festival organis- ers retained 20% of Slayer’s revenue to pay cash to tax authorities, but these same tax authorities confirmed that this money has not been paid. And the money adds up The question of ultimate responsibil- ity is unclear. Many musicians and contractors have said that they still have not been paid for working with Secret Solstice, but the company that runs the festival recently changed from Solstice Productions to Live Events. As such, Live Events eschews any personal responsibility for paying Slayer, as they were not organising the festival when the band performed. The debts do not end there. The festi- val is supported by the City of Reykjavík, and RÚV has reported that the festival owes the city some 11.6 million ISK. Where even to hold it? For the record, the current organisers of Secret Solstice have every intention of going forward with the festival this year. The only problem, apart from finances, is where it should be held. The residents of the Reykjavík neigh- bourhood Laugardalur don’t want it to return, and other options are being explored, some of them as far afield as Selfoss or Ölfus, in South Iceland. Where Secret Solstice will end up— and whether Slayer will get paid— remains to be seen. Thanks to numer- ous reaction vid- eos on YouTube, I c e l a n d i c c a n d y i s now well- k n o w n around the world. Sometimes, it’s dif- ficult to tell brands apart, and some skirt dangerously c lose to being identical contents in different pack- aging. No more is that the case than when it comes to Bananastangir and Froskar, two “differ- ent” candies sold by the company Vala. How similar are they? Well, they look the same, being chocolate-covered bars with a fluffy fill ing, although one has yellow fill- ing and the other g r e e n . T h e y ’ r e also both banana- flavoured. Their respective ingre- dients show that the only difference between them, apart from what kind of colouring, is their emulsifiers; one uses soy leci- thin, and the other, rapeseed lecithin. So similar are theirtastes that when we conduct- ed a blind taste test in our offices, none of our subjects could tell them apart. Fortunately, they are also priced the same. So if you see Bananastangir and Froskar from Vala on the shelves of a local store (and they are of- ten conveniently d i s p l a y e d s i d e by side), the only question you need to ask yourself is “yellow filling or green?” AF Hell Awaits: Slayer Suing Secret Solstice The future of the music festival is also uncertain Words: Andie Fontaine Photo: Wikipedia First Njáls Saga is one the longest of the forty Icelandic sagas written between the 13th and 14th centuries. Many Icelanders can track their heritage to the characters in the sagas. In Icelandic, the word 'saga' means both 'history' and 'story' and the Njáls saga is a heck of a dramatic one. There are deaths and burnings, famine and revenge; but one of the most intriguing mysteries is Njáll’s sexual orientation. So we asked Medieval Historian Arn- grímur Vídalín: “Who wrote Njáls Saga and was Njáll gay?” Almost no medieval Icelandic text is attributed to a particular author. Sa- gas are based on a centuries-old oral tradition of storytelling that is com- piled and worked into a narrative and, finally centuries later, written down. The version of Njáls Saga most people are familiar with was edited by Einar Ól. Sveinsson in 1954. His aim was to recreate the lost original Njáls Saga by collecting it from various redactions of different manuscripts. Many scholars have brought forth arguments for its authorship, with po- tential authors being Sæmundur the Wise, Snorri Sturluson and his nephew Sturla Þórðarson. Yet no one argued that it could have been a woman who wrote it. The homosexual undertones of Njáll are insinuated by his lack of facial hair and close ties to Gunnar. Homosexual- ity was not a known sexual orientation in the Middle Ages, so Njáll is never de- scribed as being gay. But, people have had homosexual sex in every country and Iceland is no exception. Thankfully, there is no true answer to this question—that would take the magic out of the story. We are able to approach sagas with our own mind- sets and experiences, without preju- dices and biases. It is because we are able to mirror ourselves in these texts that they continually offer us new and exciting possibilities of interpretation. ASK A Medieval Historian Q: Who Wrote Njáls Saga? 6 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 05— 2019 FOOD OF ICELAND NEWS I mean c'mon, who'd mess with these guys? Words: Aliya Uteuova / Arngrímur Vídalín Photo: Art Bicnick For more information and bookings: +354 519 1616 +354 760 1000 Breathtaking Experience is a A journey into ARHÓLSHELLIRRAUF The highlight of our Iceland trip! Reviewed on TripAdvisor


Reykjavík Grapevine

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