Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Side 40

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Side 40
Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Forgoing The Blank Canvas Flétta Design Studio turns mundane materials into objects of beauty Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photo: Art Bicnick Flétta Design Studio is a little over one year old, but has already received more attention and ac- claim than many studios achieve in a decade. The duo behind Flé- tta—Birta Rós Brynjólfsdóttir and Hrefna Sigurðardóttir—take ma- terials that would normally accu- mulate dust on shelves or in draw- ers and turn them into treasures. And a candlestick maker The two met in design school, and started collaborating in 2014. Their first work involved map- ping thrown away and recycled materia ls from ma nu fac t u r i ng projects around the city. It was a match made in heaven, they ex- plain, that even- t u a l l y e vo l v e d into Flétta. In early 2018, t he st ud io re - leased their debut project, ‘Mínú- tustjakar,’ which recently won Product Of The Year at the 2019 Reyk jav í k Grapev i ne Desig n Awards. The studio created a se- ries of candlesticks, each made by hand in just one minute. In doing so, they blurred the lines between hand-made and mass-produced, critiquing modern industrial so- ciety in a playful way. The panel determining the awards called it, “unique and cost-effective,” and “bullseye when it comes to what people will pay for things.” Finally a trophy Their next effort was an open studio at Ásmundarsalur entitled ‘Trophy,’ where the duo spent a month publicly dismantling and repurposing trophies. The results of their labour were then present- ed as part of DesignMarch. “A trophy is a tricky object,” Bi r t a ex pl a i n s as she sits sur- rounded by stacks of marble bases a n d h u n d r e d s of golden plastic goblets. “It ’s an illusion of a value that doesn’t re- ally have any it- self. It ’s mainly plastic in reality.” Hrefna nods in agreement. She’s heavily preg- nant, only days away from giving birth. “We’ve never won a trophy in our lives,” she says, laughing. “So they’re strange to us. By taking them apart, we thought about all the feelings behind them—what it means to people to receive these objects and that, even though they represent something, they still gave them to us to dismantle.” Screws to figurines The trophies were donated by the dozens from sports clubs around the country, and also given per- sonally from numerous families and athletes. They run the gamut from national golf championships to participation awards at eques- trian tournaments. After breaking them apart piece by piece, from the screws to the figurines, Birta and Hrefna transform them into everything from delicate hanging lights to or- nate end tables. They’re beautiful in an almost Rococo way, going far beyond being just a symbol of the ideology of the project into gor- geous design objects in their own right. At the same time, they col- laborated on a series of denim rugs made out of recycled jeans from the Red Cross along with fashion designer Steinunn Eyja Halldórs- dottir. Value in the forgotten This focus on using thrown away and recycled materials is at the heart of Flétta’s work. “It’s an on- going theme,” says Birta. “There is something wholly different that comes out when you start not with a blank canvas. You have to design something out of something that is already something.” Their Trophy exhibit was only step one in a longer endeavour, they explain. They’ll continue to collect and remake. “We give ob- jects a role and purpose,” Hrefna emphasises. “By putting them into a new context, we find new materi- ality.” Birta nods. “We’re creating new meaning. Art “A trophy is an illusion of a value that doesn’t really have any itself. It’s mainly plastic in reality.” No trophy is safe i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 28 March - 25 May 2019 JANICE KERBEL Sinkfight VISIT KÓPAVOGUR CULTURE HOUSES AND EXPERIENCE OUTLINE 06.04.–02.06.19 & MENNINGARHUSIN. K O P A V O G U R . I S Hamraborg 4–6 Kópavogur Bus 1, 2, 4, 28, 35 & 36 G er ða rs af n  Kó p av o g ur A rt M us eu m N át tú ru fr æ ði st of a Kó p av o g s  N at ur al H is to ry M us eu m o f Kó p av o g ur MANY FACES OF NATURE & MORE Salurinn Concert Hall Bókasafn Kópavogs Kópavogur Public Library


Reykjavík Grapevine

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