Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Side 41

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Side 41
Our Picks 33The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05— 2019 Art Listings Events are listed by venue. For complete listings and detailed information on venues, visit Send your listings to: Opening EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Intermission—A Temporary Interference This exhibition is a collaborative work between the University of Ice- land, Iceland University of the Arts, and The Einar Jónsson Museum. In it, a diverse group of artists offer 10 different points of view in response to Einar Jónsson, his works, and the museum. There will be two artist talks at 14:00 on April 20th and 27th. • Opens on April 13th, 2019 • Runs until April 28th, 2019 Ongoing NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Treasures Of A Nation A selection of over 80 works chosen from the national gallery’s collec- tion displays the evolution of art since the 19th century. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 Violin Power I Steina is one of the pioneers of multimedia and video art, having ex- perimented with electronic sound, stroboscopic light, and video in the late ‘60s. Here, come see her first au- tonomous work 'Violin Power I'. • Runs until May 1st, 2019 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. THE ÁSGRIMUR JÓNSSON COLLECTION Korriró And Dillidó Ásgrímur’s art explores the fears and dreams of generations, as mysterious Icelandic elves, trolls and monsters finally take shape and materialise as vivid beings. • Runs until April 30th, 2019 ÁRBÆR OPEN AIR MUSEM Daily Guided Tours Tours are from 13:00 to 14:00 through its open air exhibits. REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Sagas As Viking ruins meet digital technol- ogy, this exhibition provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - ÁSMUNDARSAFN Ásmundur Sveinsson: Under the Same Sky - Art In Public Space Ásmundarsafn is named after sculp- tor Ásmundur Sveinsson. This new permanent exhibition presents the artist in a new light. What dialogue does his works provoke? • Runs until December 31st, 2019 Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir: Natural Elements Beloved Icelandic sculptor Brynhil- dur Þorgeirsdóttir presents a new exhibit of her pivotal work. • Runs until June 10th, 2019 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Páll Stefánsson has spent 37 years as a traveller and photographer. Here, he captures the silence of the present. From refugees to endless glaciers to random strangers, he explores everything from discrimi- nation to the inevitability of nature in a momentary glance. • Runs until May 12th, 2019 Sonja Margrét Ólafsdóttir - Roots Sonja Margrét Ólafsdóttir’s photo- graphs show everyday scenes and places but also have an air of mys- tery: Where are these places? Who are these people and what connects these images? • Runs until June 10th, 2019 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND Discovering Iceland's Monastaries Are you fascinated by really old things? God? This exhibit combines both, based on research by archae- ologist Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir. • Runs until May 26th, 2019 Artists' Books Familiarise yourself with the books of Icelandic artists'. You'll find ex- amples of printmaking dating all the way back to the latter part of the 19th century. • Runs until June 2nd, 2019 REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fisher- ies from rowing boats to monstrous motor boats. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Island in 1659. Explore the wreck here. NORDIC HOUSE So Nice To Hear That You Are Doing Well This exhibition focuses on Roy Andersson’s cinematographic work and artistic process. Almost all of Andersson’s scenes are brought to life in studios, against carefully crafted backdrops, using the clas- sic trompe-l’œil (‘deceive the eye’) technique – where painted imagery is used to imitate reality. • Runs until May 1st, 2019 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - HAFNARHÚS Erró: Black & White Here, historical leaders, Manga char- acters, and animated figures are put side by side in exclusively black and white works—a first for the artist. • Runs until April 25th, 2019 Anna Guðjónsdóttir: Pars Pro Toto Here, Anna Guðjónsdóttir questions the boundary between the original and the copy. Two-dimensional painted surfaces and three-dimen- sional real spaces collide. • Runs until May 19th, 2019 D36 Steinunn Önnudóttir Steinunn explores the materiality of paintings in her works. The D-Series exhibits up-and-coming artists, of which Steinunn is the 36th. • Runs until April 28th, 2019 Now Nordic The international design platform Adorno presents a landmark exhibi- tion of contemporary design from the five Nordic countries, aiming to showcase the commonalities and contrasts between the modern design cultures of Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. • Runs until May 26th, 2019 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR Jóhannes S. Kjarval: of great aspirations Kjarval was one of the pioneers of Icelandic art and is uniquely cred- ited with making modern Iceland- ers appreciate it more. Come see a special exhibit based on his poetry. • Runs until April 28st, 2019 Eyborg Guðmundsdóttir: Circle, Square and Line In this retrospective, experience the abstract geometric art of Eyborg Guðmundsdóttir. Called Op-Art, Eyborg's paintings are based on the primary qualities of art—shapes. • Runs until April 28th, 2019 SIGURJÓN ÓLAFSSON MUSEUM Connections To celebrate the 13th anniver- sary of the museum, this exhibition presents 13 artists in dialogue with Sigurjón and his art. • Runs until October 6th, 2019 WIND AND WEATHER WINDOW GALLERY MYTHISTORIA -Chapter III - The Great Whale Mythistoria, in Latin, means a fabu- lous narrative and tall tale. Artist Tanja Thorjussen takes this and combines it with underwater sea creatures, forming, well, a whale of a work of cut-out drawings and ink. • Runs until April 27th, 2019 HAFNARBORG Reservation Here, rural, urban, and cultural areas are connected in an attempt to forge new relationships between environments—all through mixed- media art, of course. The exhibit is presented as part of Design March. • Runs until May 19th, 2019 LIVING ART MUSEUM Everything Is Great Arna Óttarsdóttir uses shades of pink, from crabapple jelly to shrimp cocktail, within her tapestries to create a visceral experience where everything is great. Or is it? • Runs until April 28th, 2019 MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART Weather Workshop Artist Shu Yi opens up a conversation on Iceland's ever-changing weather by transforming weather data into visual forms in the entrance of the Design Museum. • Runs until June 2nd, 2019 URBAN SHAPE Architect Paolo Gianfrancesco used data from Open Street Map to cel- ebrate cities. The constant interplay of people and their environment will be revealed before your very eyes. • Runs until September 8th, 2019 KLING OG BANG Sensible Structures This exhibition explores the concep- tual relationships that occur in the parenthesis between the visual and the verbal through the work of Kris- tinn Már Pálmason, Bryndís Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir and the late Fluxus artist Ludwig Gosewitz. • Runs until May 26th, 2019 LISTASALUR MOSFELLSÆJAR Hamur Hildur Ása Henrýsdóttir puts the framework women are forced to re- side in on display—a story about the plight of a woman born at the peak of pornography and public worship. • Runs until April 26th, 2019 GALLERÍ FOLD EGGCENTRICS//Edward Fuglø 'Eggcentrics' uses North Atlantic seabird eggs to tell the stories of classical mythology figures. A hint of collage, cartoon and pop-art mix together with surrealistic elements, graphic forms and bright colours in Fuglø's works. Don't miss this one. • Runs until April 27th, 2019 April 12th—April 25th Sticks And Stones... Janice Kerbel Until May 25th - i8 Gallery Kerbel’s large silkscreen prints put verbs and nouns into the focus of the piece like it’s a portrait. These aren’t your average words though, Janice’s picks are pretty brutal—think jab, grab, head butt, barge, straddle, and more. With this, her pieces evoke thoughts of chaotic fights and strict com- mandments. What is the difference between the ba- sic scrawl of the word on canvas and the physical- ity of what they represent? What do they make you visualise? We can’t tell you the answer to this, you’ll have to find out for yourself. Also on display are large prints of synchronised swimmers—yes, they still exist— and so much more. HJC QRING EFTIR QRING Until April 20th - Gallery Port Journey back to 2014 into an unnamed office on Laugavegur. There, Narfi picked up a ballpoint pen and began drawing patterns, which eventually be- came this exhibit. Some are large, some small, some logical, some chaotic. HJC Sharp Places Until April 27th - Listastofan Nostalgia is quite possibly the most powerful emotion in our arsenal. Sculptor Carissa Baktay will re- awaken that with childish objects consisting of glass thread and horse hair: A cat’s cradle, a fort, and more. HJC 'Finding Vivian Maier' Matinee April 13th - 18:00 - Andrými Imagine finding a suitcase in a storage unit con- taining 150,000 negatives. These treasures unrav- elled the secret life of street photographer Vivian Dorothy Maier, a nanny who secretly photographed the world. HJC Garðatorg 1· Garðabær Open Tue - Sun 12 -17 Exhibitions: Urban Shape Paolo Gianfrancesco Weather Workshop Shu Yi Behind the scenes with Einar Þorsteinn


Reykjavík Grapevine

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