Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Qupperneq 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Qupperneq 42
Finding Sóley Famed cult Icelandic movie gets a shape-up Words: Þórður Ingi Jónsson Photos: Ómar Sverrisson Movie Support the ‘Sóley’ restoration efforts via the Karolina Fund website. The 1982 Icelandic art-house film ‘Sóley’ (also known as ‘The Hidden People of the Shadowy Rocks’) has long been lost, save for a few boot- leg copies floating around. The film was directed by the enigmatic artist Róska in collaboration with her husband, Manrico Pavelottoni. Róska is one of the most impor- tant Icelandic artists of the 20th century—she was a leader of the avant-garde art scene during the baby boomer era, a multi-talented artist, and a staunch communist. ‘Sóley’ is a legendary film that draws heavily on Icelandic folk stories and mythology—as well as the left-wing politics of the time. Lost negative The film’s negative is lost, but now filmmakers Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir and Lee Lorenzo Lynch are work- ing full force to try and restore the film. Þorbjörg—who happens to be Róska’s niece—and Lee have launched a crowdfunding cam- paign on Karolina Fund to pay for a full digital clean- up of the film’s video and audio, as well as full colour and sub- title correction. The couple recently col- laborated with the Icelandic Film Mu- seum on scanning the film in 6k reso- lution, but the only copy that was available was an ex- hibition print from the museum. “That was quite a substantial job,” says Lee. “Getting the film scanned was great. It looks beauti- ful, and it’s the first time the film has ever been transferred to any form of high definition. It always had a sort of DIY feel to it and it was shot on 16mm, so it’s always gonna feel sort of like a punk film. It was really nice to collaborate with the Icelandic Film Museum on this.” Next gen ‘Sóley’ was one of the few films directed by a woman in Iceland at the time and one of the very few feature-length art- house films made in the country. It was Róska’s only feature film, but she worked on many documenta- ries and short films as well, even working with Jean-Luc God- ard in Italy for a time. Róska was often con- troversial with the critics in Ice- land, but now newer generations are discovering the important work she did. “She was a controversial art- ist when she was alive,” Þorbjörg says. “However, the young gener- ation now is getting to know her through her work, though they didn’t know her personally. Some- times we’re better off appreciating the work for the work itself when there’s a little bit of distance.” Still relevant “I think the film is still really rel- evant,” she continues. “It’s politi- cal and it stands up for the small guy.” Lee adds: "Any time you forge a new path, it’s gonna take time for people to catch up with that. When we screened ‘Sóley’ at IÐNÓ on March 25th, a lot of younger people came, as well as some of my students, and we were actually surprised at how much the young- er generation of Icelanders liked the film. It was heartwarming.” The couple encourages every- one to consider making a con- tribution to their Karolina Fund page. “The film totally belongs out there, representing Icelandic film history within the larger canon of world cinema,” says Þorbjörg. “Being a female director as well as a visual artist, what Róska was doing was super progressive." Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Film FILM Share this + Archives These two are fixing up 'Sóley' for you (not the musician) "Any time you forge a new path, it’s gon- na take time for people to catch up.” ? FISH & MORE SkólavörDustígur 23 • 101 reykjavík Steamed Fresh Fish, Traditional Icelandic Fish ‘Stew’, Fish & Vegan Soups, Smoked Salmon & Vegan Toppings on Sourdough Bread, Beer, Wine, Coffee & more 15% DISCOUNT SALKA VALKA 15% discount of total bill, every day IF you bring this ticket Rated #1 of 35 asian restaurants in Reykjavík according to Tripadvisor “Fantastic food & amazing value” Opening hours: Mon-Sat 11:30-20:30 Sundays Closed /maithaibistro ⏐ Laugavegur 116 ⏐ 105 RVK ⏐Tel:5811440


Reykjavík Grapevine

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